Disclaimer: For awareness purposes, this information concerning #Anemia is basic. Consult your doctor instead of relying on this.
When you have anemia, your body doesn't produce enough strong red blood cells to supply enough oxygen to the tissues. You may experience fatigue and weakness if you have anemia, commonly known as low hemoglobin.
Anemia comes in a variety of forms, each with a unique etiology. Mild to severe anemia can be either short-term or long-term. Anemia typically has several contributing factors. If you think you might have anemia, consult a doctor. It can be a sign of a severe sickness.
Signs and symptoms include:
Pale or yellowish skin
Irregular heartbeats
Shortness of breath
Dizziness or lightheaded
Chest pain
Cold hands and feet
Prevention: By include a range of vitamins and minerals in your diet, you can prevent iron deficiency anemia and vitamin deficiency anemia, such as:
Iron : meats, beans, lentils, iron-fortified cereals, dark-green leafy vegetables, and dried fruit are examples of foods high in iron.
Folate : Fruits and fruit juices, dark green leafy vegetables, green peas, kidney beans, peanuts, and enriched grain goods including bread, cereal, pasta, and rice all include this nutrient as well as its synthetic form, folic acid.
B12 vitamin: Meat, dairy products, fortified cereal, and soy products are foods high in vitamin B-12.
C vitamin. Citrus fruits and juices, peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, melons, and strawberries are among the foods high in vitamin C. These aid in boosting iron absorption as well.
What is music therapy?
Sound healing therapy uses aspects of music to improve physical and emotional health and well-being.
The person being treated partakes in the experience with a trained practitioner.
Music therapy may involve:
listening to music
singing along to music
moving to the beat of the music
playing an instrument
Healing with sound is believed to date back to ancient Greece, when music was used in an attempt to cure mental disorders.
For Tommorow be Prepared...
Please make POSTERS , VIDEOS , TWEET THREADS ,etc #HalalFreeDiwali #HalalEconomy
हलाल (अरबी: حلال ; ḥalāl, "अनुमेय"), जिसे हल्लाल या हलाल भी कहा जाता है, पारंपरिक इस्लामी कानून में अनुमत या वैध है। यह अनुमत भोजन और पेय पर अक्सर लागू होता है।
Lets know
How I$lam Engages in Economic Jihad Through Halal Industry ?
It is important to remember that while just 15% of the population of the country are Muslims, the proportion of halal meat marketed in India is substantially greater and growing annually.
Since, a minority section of the population deeply cares about the kind of meat it prefers and the rest 85 per cent couldn’t care less about the method of meat preparation,
, it is inevitable that the minority population will end up thrusting its religious food choice on the whole country as it is convenient for sellers to just provide #halal meat.