Crackpot chairman of @MassGOP, @JimLyonsMA, has lost one of the 30-odd (very odd) votes he desperately needs to retain death grip on Jonestown-like cult he has turned state party into.
Meet Sleepy Tom Maloney, childhood chum of Jim “Jones” Lyons. Maloney had been expected to guzzle a big jar of Jim Jones’ Kool Aid Jan. 31 as state committeeman from suburban Norwood-Canton district.
But look, Maloney’s seat is now listed on @MassGOP website as “Vacant.”
If he’d shown up Jan. 31 to support his pal’s kamikaze attempt to demolish state’s 2-party system, Maloney would have been challenged by not-insane committee members, because for last 3 elections he’s voted in Wrentham – not in district!
Perhaps Maloney had other reasons for quitting. He works for Bank of Canton.
Bank of Canton tries to be at least a little woke.
Do you think bank knows who the Eagle Scout has been contributing to, per OCPF:
Here’s what Jim Jones’ @MassGOP has been using Maloney’s $$$ for. Wonder how Bank of Canton feels about this one:
Or this one, accusing Gov. Maura Healey of… well, read it for yourself. No serious media went near it. Should an Eagle Scout be involved with such scurrilous rumors?
Is this best way to reach out to MA electorate? This was put out by the Uber driver Maloney gave $$$ to.
By quitting @Massgop before big vote, it’s like Maloney was saying to Jim Jones: “Hey pal, I ain’t lettin’ my boss put no rocket in my pocket just ‘cause you’ve gone stone-cold bat-bleep crazy!”
In his dotage, Maloney wants nothing more than to keep ordering those bespoke Bob Kraft-knockoff Eighties dress shirts with the glittering cuff links. Not for nothing, but what’s in it for Sleepy to drink the Kool-Aid?
Follow-up question: do other @MassGOP members supporting Jim Jones have clients/customers/patrons/bosses who might not appreciate these unhinged rants & raving?
Do you think biz owners on @MassGOP know that their votes Jan. 31 will be shared on social media with libs who patronize their establishments? (It’s secret ballot, but for sure everyone will know which side you’re on, one way or another.)
Maybe some @JimLyonsMA zombies will decide to have… other plans… on Jan. 31, just so they can explain to customers that they weren’t even there when Lyons ladled out Kool-Aid.
On the plus (or maybe it’s plus-sized) side, Jim Jones Lyons has picked up the coveted endorsement of his fellow perennial loser candidate, convicted felon jailbird Ron Beaty.
Ron Beaty -- not just another pretty face.
(Wednesday tweet 4 endorsement)
Before losing multiple races (for state senate, county commissioner twice, among ones he actually got on ballot for), Beaty did a stretch in federal prison for threatening to murder then-President George H.W. Bush (a Republican) and others. He was convicted in April 1991.
In 1992, Poppy Bush refused to commute the Lyons stooge’s sentence. (Do you blame him?) Here’s Beaty’s official record from the Bureau of Prisons:
“I do solemnly swear… to try the salad bar!”
“DoorDash, I’ve lost almost as many fights as you have… and I don’t even have a yellow tie.”
“Once I lose this one, I think I’ll be tied with Diehl… and maybe even Jay McMahon! Jim Jones will be so proud of me!"
In one final bit of Kool-Aid Kronicles news, DoorDash filed his December report with OCPF yesterday. Check out his balance – he’s $50 in the hole! Diehl is now officially a bust-out loser.
Meet Amanda Orlando, a 43-year-old divorcee from Gloucester, a devoted follower of @JimLyonsMA, crackpot chairman of @massgop who’s turned the state party into a political death cult.
Amanda was anointed campaign manager of @GeoffDiehl, perhaps the worst candidate in MA history, crushed so badly that some might have considered throwing themselves into the ocean in shame after the catastrophe that doomed so many legit GOP candidates down ballot.
For her abysmal efforts, Orlando was paid more than $46,000 – although that was much less than the $107,000 she okayed for Corey Lewandowski.
In this series, you'll meet the stooges of @JimLyonsMA, crackpot chairman of @MassGOP. These are the sad losers on the state committee that he’s counting on to reelect him to his phony-baloney job on Jan. 31, so he can finish off the 2-party system in MA once & for all.
They are committed to Jim “Jones” Lyons’ strategy of losing every race in every district across the state.
Last night, crackpot state party chairman @JimLyonsMA convened his rump faction of the failed @MassGOP to unleash a Capt. Queeg-like diatribe against the people whose plots against him he claims resulted in party’s worst election showing since 1856.
Jim “Jones” Lyons finally announced date of election for chairman: Jan. 31, last possible day under rules. Meaning: he doesn’t yet have votes to keep himself on payroll for new term.
@JimLyonsMA is the crackpot chairman of the destitute @massgop, which he has almost totally destroyed, converting state party into political suicide cult a la Jonestown, raising zero $$ & promoting preposterous perennial losers as candidates.
Don’t be fooled by his Trump hat -- Jim “Jones” Lyons was a rabid Cruz fanatic in 2016.
Lyons runs for reelection in Jan. as chairman & is counting on support from his own band of Munsters.
Meet Susan Huffman of Newton, @massgop state committeewoman and loyal follower of crackpot state chairman Jim “Jones” Lyons.
Huffman, age 70, is in inner circle of @JimLyonsMA's political suicide cult that is dedicated to finishing off what little remains of 2-party system in MA.
Here she is with 79-year-old husband Jan, another member of the Youth for Diehl organization in Newton.
Susan (and Jan) are both proud members of Boston Beanstalks Tall Club, which is for people of above-average height. Club named the lovebirds Man and Woman of the Year in 1996.
Merry Christmas from inner circle of Jim "Jones" Lyons' political death cult that is determined to finish the job they started this election -- totally destroying @massgop as a political force in the state.
These are committee members most determined to reelect Jim Jones as party chairman next month, even though the GOP is broke & can't even elect a dogcatcher.
Meet the Munsters, left to right:
Regina Taylor; Todd "Toady" Taylor (defeated for state rep, paid $18,000 for "services" by his master, Lyons); pro dog walker Steve Fruzzetti; defeated state rep candidate Kathy Lynch; defeated state rep candidate Jim Jones Lyons;...