Where employees and leaders meet is in a different place. Instead of having leaders hand down policies, or offer their solutions in a controlled, centralized way, more breakthroughs will happen if they open an in-meeting...
...or an #asynchronous discussion with their team on how to make internal processes optimal for everyone.
Somebody asked me the other day, “What would you do if you were running your first physical meeting of your team after years of #remoteworking?” And I said...
“Well, why don't we ask that?” Like, why don't we open up a mural board, a #crowdsourced whiteboard, and ask that question? And let's hear suggestions. Let's co-create how we're going to use physical space with this first meeting as the first pilot.
That's the kind of leadership I want to see more of, not central, controlled, and then shipped out, broadcast out; but co-created.
That #openness is going to be a big difference in great leaders of the future.
You know, as I always say, a great leader, when they think they've got the answer should be telling their people, "I'm 30% there, come on in with me and help figure this out with me."
Learn more about crisis agility and winning as a team in this #volatile work world and economy in my latest @WSJ bestselling book, Competing in the New World of Work, co-authored by Kian Gohar @fromthekgb and Noel Weyrich:
Going into 2023, we have a lot to think about related to our own personal goals for growth as well as growth for our businesses.
Not too long ago, I got asked a question about how one can enhance their intuition to make the right relationship choices.
To me, it’s all about mindfulness.
Tapping into your own voice and creating a space to have a clear head, whether through prayer, meditation, or plain old exercise can help set you up in deciding what path to follow as we start our journey in 2023.
Make sure to deeply consider what relationships, business partners, strategies, etc. are working for you and which ones are not before coming to a clear decision on where you want to go and what you want to do.