We have enough spare wheels to pull global health out of the mud.
The alternative: SARS-CoV-2 is an infinite-mud attractor; it amplifies OTHER pathogens. It will be harder to pull out the longer leaders procrastinate.
8. No joke from me about these “how I reinfected my family” stories. I still wonder how we got into this particular layer of mud where journalists get better information from us than from their national leaders, but here we are. usatoday.com/story/opinion/…
9. You can also get some humor and a LOT of bad climate news from us, if anyone misses my heavy climate focus.
The choice is between screwing over millions to billions for the personal benefit of a few elites, or screwing some wheels on to help all.
10. To begin to understand or explain complex systems, we need to give them time to speak.
They speak in the language of public health and climate today, inaudible to most. That’s why we need interpreters, not least on WHO and - given the current state of the pandemic - China:
11. We had been making all these points for years before the pandemic; now suddenly many lives are attached to them. 2023 may be the year we learn to listen attentively to what complexity has to tell us.
13. The technical term for SARS-CoV-2 as an infinite mud attractor is #LeonardiEffect.
Journalists with such low survival instinct that they struggle to make the connection between their coughing masseuse, masks and Covid will struggle also here, so we try to help them.
14. Take good care and follow the precautionary principle, because this is very much happening. It’s subtle and will take years to play out, so the earlier we act collectively at scale - just like on climate - the better our chances. 加油 messieurs dames,
17. On China. (1) I appreciate China scholars aware of Chinese and global health politics - for Germany, e.g. @AMFChina@thorstenbenner@dktatlow -. (2) The sorry state of public intellectuals/scholarship calls for rapid, deeper study. Good place to start:
Exceptionally I share this 🧵 before reading the studies therein, because (1) it is above my nonexistent pay grade; the wizards among you will be better qualified; and (2) as emotional support. It is incredibly sad that we let this population-scale experiment proceed unmitigated.
2. Here another great Canadian report building on the SARS Commission report by Mario Possamai (his surname’s literal meaning: he who never rests). Canada seems to be ahead of other countries in the pandemic race or in documenting lessons not learned. 🙏😌 nursesunions.ca/wp-content/upl…
Genius thread and Gedankenexperiment. Reflect; share your notes. - I’d add that, perhaps counterintuitively, public health shouldn’t expect the public to trust it. It is part of our problem. PH should provide accountability as we expect from corporations. (quote Sandman/@EIDGeek)
To UN/@WHO scholars or historians: “Notes from donor: was presented by two government/political science professors named Henry Galant & Priscilla Greeley on a Schenectady, NY TV station circa 1954-55”
Charmingly put, and shared with permission, by @wcanthony. Brilliant find, ty!
2. Scientifically we face a systems-of-systems problem.
—c Aviation sustains the pandemic, ensuring that virus will always stay months ahead of drugs and vaccines. Standard quarantine regulations for some routes are key.
—a|b Local adaptations help but won't end the pandemic.
3. That's why we need policy people. There is no shortcut south of integrated, transdisciplinary analysis and effective policy design.
I should work rather than oracle on twitter, but no one talks about this.
Find yourself someone who loves you as fiercely as Chris critiques the state of journalism on plague island. (Not picking on dear UK friends, I bet 🇩🇪 is just the same, I just don’t follow it here)
My god someone pls send her our accounts & threads on how to end the pandemic. 😬