Article IV: Corollary Purposes 1) In furtherance of the aforementioned fundamental purpose, the #AmericanJusticeFoundation will promote
more widespread public understanding of The Rule of Law,
2) a direct corollary to the premise that
human rights derive from God and not from the permissive consent of institutional governments.
The Rule of Law is fundamental to preserving God in Government, because it stands against the
imposition of impudent whim
3) or self-interested motive by those wielding government power. It is impossible to protect human rights where The Rule of Law has been supplanted by the demand of leaders insisting that exigent circumstances, however daunting and severe, require that men be given ultimate and
4) unfettered control over the will of the People. Promoting The Rule of Law,therefore, is essential to promoting the primary purpose of this Foundation. Indeed, preservation of The Rule of Law is impossible where leadership denies the place of God in Government,
5) for either God is the Author of our human rights or men in power may further their self-interest at our expense without any hope of redress whatsoever. The very concept of The Rule of Law goes hand-in-hand with the doctrine that human rights are God-endowed.
6) To work for one is to work for the other. We have no choice, therefore, but to labor resolutely to protect our way of life by urging humanity to take an enlightened stand for The Rule of Law.
To the same end, a second corollary to the view that human rights derive from God and
7) not from the permissive consent of institutional governments is the concept of Due Process, by
which each of us may demand to be heard, to call witnesses, to make a public record of our
grievances, to present evidence, and to require those entrusted with the power
8) of government to secure our God-given rights through the exercise of force. Promoting the primary purpose of this Foundation, therefore, requires that the Foundation’s assets be used to publish and teach not only the philosophical and jurisprudential underpinnings
9) of Due Process but that it also equip people
to effectively exercise Due Process in the courts so that our fundamental purpose has a practical
tool by which our primary goal may be secured for future generations. The Foundation will teach
10) The Rules of Court and the fundamental principles of our American Jurisprudence so that the
People at Large may understand and use the legal mechanisms by which Justice is secured and
the doctrine of God in Government shall be preserved.
11) As its influence grows, the American Justice Foundation will use all legal means available to promote the candidacy of individuals and the enactment of legislation consonant with the Foundation’s tenets
1) When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth,
2) the separate and equal station to which the Laws of #Nature and of Nature's #God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
3) We hold these #truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are #Life, #Liberty and the pursuit of #Happiness.
1) The word "person" is used in many laws.
If you don't know what the term means, you might think that you are one of these.
American Law and Procedure, Vol 13, page 137, 1910:
2) "This word `person' and its scope and bearing in the law, involving, as it does, legal fictions and also apparently natural beings, it is difficult to understand; but it is absolutely necessary to grasp, at whatever cost,
3) a true and proper understanding to the word in all the phases of its proper use ......
A person is here not a physical or individual person, but the STATUS or condition with which he is invested...
Traffic Enforcement. 1) You owe no duty to the police to help them arrest you or increase the charges against you by confessing, acting out, or respond-ing to inciters. You do have to give police your legal name when asked.
2) You do not have to talk to police, answer questions, or agree to a vehicle search if doing so will result in your convic-tion. The state has lots of money, cops, and investigators. They are quite capable of putting you in jail without your help.
3) Think about this. If they had all the information they needed to con-vict you, they wouldn’t ask any questions, would they?
4) You do not cease to be a citizen or to have rights even if you did the crime and are guilty as heck!
1) Not everyone wants the responsibilities of being a sovereign.
This is for those of you who want to take home more of the pay you have rightfully earned.
2) Be warned that there will be many others who don't want the system to change, who like to have all those "benefits" and "services," whatever those might be, and who are willing to pay for them.
3) Some of these people will, no doubt, try to make you feel guilty or ashamed about "not paying your fair share" or some such rubbish as that. Just remember that while they are busy supporting the Federal Reserve banks with "income tax"
A #Thread on Majority Rule & the Sovereign Elector
The moment you give your sovereign Consent to majority rule by registering to vote, whether you vote or not, you publicly announce that:
1) you are no longer competent as an individual sovereign; 2) you are no longer responsible for your individual acts nor the acts of your servants; 3) you need to be represented by another or others in the affairs of state;
4) you need to be externally regulated, supervised, and policed; and 5) you have transferred your sovereign powers to choose to legislative or majority rule statutes. Do you really wonder why so many politicians are attorneys?
-An INDIVIDUAL is one PERSON identified by his or her LEGAL NAME and valid Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).
In general usage, a human being; BY STATUTE
-however, the term can include firms, labor organizations, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, & trustees.........
To label yourself an INDIVIDUAL to participate in the #TaxSystem is absurd
Both Elements MUST exist to be an INDIVIDUAL
You don't need a SS#/ITIN# to make a living
You need them to volunteer to pay taxes!
Its a voluntary system that was setup for Business Entities to pay taxes