James @LBC, even Johnson's sister believed Johnson backed by Hedge fund donors eg wanting to short the £! Eg Odey donated about £900K to Brexit campaigns but profited >£200 MILLION on night of EU ref & how much from Kwarteng mini Budget? opendemocracy.net/en/dark-money-…
@MarkFenhalls I'm sorry if you think I am going on about it. All I'm doing is saying that there was a democratic process, which we were party to for several decades: we were members of the EU, & we followed the lawful processes. We now have this body of law, which Parliament owns
and we are all looking for an opportunity for Parliament to say, “Let’s now take advantage of our departure from the European Union, put aside the conflict of the past and work out a better way.” We are all delighted by that. None of us is hostile to change...
We just want change in a measured and balanced way, so that we know what the alternatives are.
The effect of the Bill—I was thinking about it as I listened to the previous speakers—feels a bit like the uncertainty and the uncosted promises made by the former Chancellor, which..
@MarkFenhalls ..these laws are part of our laws, which our businesses operate by & which provide protection to our citizens...I think @UKParliament has a responsibility not to import uncertainty & change without showing there is something better—& certainly not by just having...
the power to let the laws lapse.
Eleonor Duhs: Perhaps I could add something on the timeframes. In order to get the statute book ready for #Brexit, which was in some ways a much more simple task than this, it took over two years & over 600 pieces of legislation...
The reason I say it was a simpler task is that we were essentially making the statute book work without the co-operation framework of the EU. We were taking out references to the European Commission and replacing them with “Secretary of State”—that sort of thing...
REUL.8/12/22 @ShanthaDavid: As we know, the Bill in the abstract looks at removing EU-derived laws. What we do not understand is how, if the provisions are sunsetted, that will strip away some very basic employment rights. I thought I would set some of those out.
For example,..
through EU-derived provision, the UK allows for 20 days of statutory annual leave. That will no longer survive if the provision is sunsetted. There is also protection for 8 additional bank holidays, which is derived from the UK but is contained in the working time regulations.
It is unclear whether those provisions would go, along with the 20 days of statutory leave, leaving UK citizens with no provision and no statutory annual leave entitlement.
WOW! Health & Social Care Statement in @UKHouseofLords
Eg Doctors
•Primary Care at breaking point
•Main problem is lack of doctors
•GP's workload increased 30% (BMA survey) clinical admin alone (not Covid) & doctors HAVE to do it. @TheDA_UK@TheBMA@NHSuk
•More patients than ever never reflected by ministers
•Govt funding for doctor training not sustained:
"This yr, far too many, hundreds (just under a thousand) of newly qualified doctors, fresh out of University, could NOT get training places because there was no money funded..
for hospitals to be able to do it.
•"Exodus of @NHSuk staff was reported in @thetimes last Saturday the net change is NOT positive now, it's negative!"
•What provision for the 3 million ppl immumosuppressed or immunocompromised eg because of blood cancer or strong medication..