All going into companies building new fossil fuel infrastructure when we should be phasing down usage.
Asset managers like @BlackRock aren't any better. The biggest members of the Net-Zero Asset Managers alliance held at least US$847 billion of stocks and bonds in 201 major fossil fuel expansionist companies as of September 2022
Breaking: @CompBureau, Canada's federal law enforcement agency on competition law, has opened an investigation into misleading climate claims by Canada's largest fossil fuel financing bank @RBC.
“It’s the bureau’s job to protect the integrity of the marketplace, and that includes consumer confidence in the green economy/ We see environmental claims everywhere, but they’re not all legit. Greenwashing is on the rise.” @CompBureau
In January, the regulator fined @Keurig Canada $3 million over false and misleading claims about the recyclability of its single-use coffee pods. At the time, Boswell stressed that presenting products as being greener than they are is illegal and harms consumers.