In fact even eg feminists who disagree with late-term abortion gays who disagree with gay marriage or anyone who disagrees with the sexualisation or mutilation of children
As Nazis!
Who need punching😱🤦♂️
@uh_who_are_you@MarioAJrWTX Why is it "people like you Sean & Clay that make Pride nights necessary you’re only encouraging more of them"?!
When did the NHL last endorse never mind promote footballers basketball players fishermen target shooters hunters conservatives Republicans or even the "far-right"😱🤦♂️
@uh_who_are_you@MarioAJrWTX When did the NHL last endorse never mind promote straight people in general or pale stale Christian males in particular
When did you for that matter
By the "progressive" rules that's PROOF they & you not only hate them but want to exterminate them
Shouldn't you all be in jail!
@uh_who_are_you@MarioAJrWTX Even "nuanced" agenda of "progressives" isn't "endorsing tolerance & inclusivity" never mind promoting it
"His right not to" BE FORCED TO never mind not to "do so was" NOT "respected"
As you admit "We don’t know if it was a religious belief or simply intolerance" but don't care
@James85fletcher@MrAhmednurAli If things were so simple the gun-banners wouldn't find it so easy to blind the public with "science" & lies damned lies & statistics
For example Protestant cultures have higher suicide rates than Catholic
Gun-controls at best neutral wrt crime but infringement of US constitution & Common Law rights to bear arms on which is based
But balance of real evidence v cherry-picked "proof" based on eg US v other 19 or even 5 of G20/G6 is they make crime WORSE!
@James85fletcher@MrAhmednurAli If you do a proper comparison of legal gun ownership/possession (Switzerland & Israel have high gun ownership but sky-high possession when you include the military-spec often FULL-AUTO guns armed forcesforces often keep at home) v Gun MURDER (not "deaths"=mainly suicides-which...
@James85fletcher@MrAhmednurAli If do proper comparison of legal gun ownership/possession (inc Switzerland & Israel military guns at home) v Gun MURDER (not "deaths"=mainly suicides-which highest in strictest gun-control nations)
After YOUR actual inappropriate #WhatAboutIsm was called out
@JulieAnderson01@MrAhmednurAli You tried to distract deflect & strawman discussion on New Zealand gun-bans with irrelevant comment on nationality of shooter & ad hominem about his politics
Strange how we always know politics of "RWNJs"
But LGBTQ+ & other minorities don't get in the news or quickly drop out🤦♂️
@CoryPatfield@MrAhmednurAli An "#AssaultWEAPON" is any NON-military spec NON full-auto CIVILIAN SPORTS 😱🤦♂️rifle of a "modern" ie post WW2 design specification ergonomics styling materials & manufacture
That "liberals" want to make the sheeple fear is some kind of FULL-military spec FULL-auto #AssaultRIFLE
@CoryPatfield@MrAhmednurAli "#AssaultWEAPON" is a NON-military spec NON full-auto CIVILIAN SPORTS rifle of "modern"=post WW2 design spec ergonomics styling materials & manufacture
That "liberals" want to make people fear is a FULL-military spec FULL-auto #AssaultRIFLE
As excuse to start to ban all rifles!
@CoryPatfield@MrAhmednurAli "#AssaultWEAPONS" are NON-military spec NON full-auto CIVILIAN SPORT rifles of "modern"=post WW2 design spec ergonomics styling materials & manufacture
Which "liberals" want to make people fear are FULL-military spec FULL-auto #AssaultRIFLES