ChatGPT could be of enormous benefit to physicians.
However, there are serious ethical considerations.
A 🧵 with examples of AI-generated:
• Letter to insurance
• Personal statement
• Letter of recommendation
• Patient educational letter
• Review article
& much more
Huge Disclaimer: I am not suggesting these should be used. But, as physicians, we will encounter or create such AI-generated content sooner or later. It is imperative we start thinking about it now.
1. Letter to insurance
I used this with minor changes, and the insurance approved the drug. I saved a few minutes typing it up
But, the reference was wrong. Since then, it has become common knowledge that ref can be wrong. They look real (authors, titles) but are not
Would you use AI to generate a letter to insurance?
The fact that it made up statistics is scary ( I have not confirmed if the results are accurate).
However, with a few more improvements, this could potentially be submitted.
There are already 4 publications with ChatGPT as coauthor
I see conferences asking applicants to acknowledge that they did not use AI to create parts of the abstract.
If you were reviewing this abstract, would you be able to tell it was AI-generated?
7. Medication titration schedule
One could have commonly used titration regimens as inbuilt template. The advantage I see is having a date specific schedule.
8. Complex medication regimen changes
I needed to change the prompt a few times but I love the final output.
This is a common scenario in my clinic.
I can see myself using a similar prompt frequently.
Many aspects could be further explored:
• Daily notes
• Teaching
• Social media content creation
• Summarization and simplification of complex topics/research
• AI-generated content will be prevalent
• It will be difficult to discern original vs. AI-generated
• If used ethically, it has the potential to change physicians' day to day work
• Societies/companies will have to move quickly to counter such content
I plan to keep exploring AI's potential role in clinical, teaching, and academic life.