🇨🇳 Chinese paper suggest that >4💉would be detrimental. It is cheered by antivaxxers.
Good for in-depth look at paper.
💉A. Paper
💉B. Publicity
💉C. Data shown
💉D. Data not shown
💉E. Method used
💉F. Human data
💉G. Discussion.
💉H. Conclusion.
💉I. Notes.
💉A. Paper
🇨🇳 Chinese paper has provocative title:
"Extended SARS-CoV-2 RBD booster vaccination induces humoral and cellular immune tolerance in mice"
The title promises much more than the article does.
The proof of the pudding would be in the eating i.e., a virus challenge to show immune protection.
The authors discuss that they "used a rodent animal model instead of primates", but did not think about immune protection. they only looked at markers. #fail
💉E. Method used
The authors used a protein vaccine as used in 🇨🇳.
🇪🇺🇺🇸 use mostly RNA vaccines (Moderna, Pfizer) or vector vaccine (Janssen, 🇬🇧 AstraZeneca, 🇷🇺 Sputnik).
mRNA vaccines yield better protection from disease than classical vaccines by presenting virus antigens in the natural way and direct stimulation of cellular immunity.
💉G. Discussion.
🐁It is uncommon and unscientific to overrule findings in the target studies (humans) with lab experiments.
🔬Authors did not investigate protection from disease.
💉Protein vaccines are different from RNA & DNA vaccines and give different immunity.
SARS-2 infection does not only cause mortality but also significant morbidity, loss of quality of life and delayed mortality. #LongCovid possibly by persistent infection. sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
This paper adds very little for most Western countries.
It might cast doubt on the efficacies of repeated vaccination with classical protein vaccines, like those manufactured in China.
Spike is also present in the virus, and in much higher dose, copying itself when immune responses are inefficient.
The virus also has genes to undermine the immune system.
So it might be speculated that in future fatal tolerance would occur against SARS-CoV-2 but the immunological mechanisms would point to repeated infection as the most risky factor to cause this.
SARS-CoV-2 infection, COVID-19 and long COVID increase the risk of several medical conditions:
Pulmonary, cardiac, death, stroke, diabetes, fatigue, neurological, cardiovascular.
Data sounds very interesting but some remarks.
- Young healthy participants ~ 34 (20s, 30s 40s)
- Many adverse events
- Juggling with numbers
- Many drop outs.
- Control data missing.
- Errors 1/9 medrxiv.org/content/10.110…
Data errors (3x the same in paper!):
🧮135.544 = 27103 + 110441
It is not a major error but indicative for the data presentation.
Data juggling. 6662 participants
Inclusion. 3368 treatment + 3294 control
RT-PCR 🧪1596 treatment + 5066 control
Apparently drop-outs from treatment inclusion have become controls ....
Persistent infections in gastric and gallbladder tissue after SARS-CoV-2 infection.
- Detection of nucleoprotein (infection only - not in vaccine!)
- Up to 1 year (9-12 months) after infection.
- Especially with young people.
- Observed in 1/3 patients link.springer.com/content/pdf/10… 1/3
Time for a deep dive into SARS-CoV-2 immunology after vaccination and infection. I’ll try to explain it also for non immunologists.
New observation: Booster mRNA vaccines induce antibody switch to IgG4, what does this mean? science.org/doi/epdf/10.11… pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36548397/ 1/
It is known that immune responses could either protect against disease or exacerbate disease.
Early non-neutralizing, afucosylated IgG1 antibody responses are associated with COVID-19 severity. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35040666/ pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36385627/ 2/