Now you can view how your note looked in the past and compare with the current version.
4. Audio Recorder
Record notes using Audio (esp. for mobile).
Activate in Settings > Core Plugins > Audio Recorder.
Click the mic button on the left, speak, click it again to stop.
Your audio clip is now embedded into the note.
5. Use multiple cursors
Hold "alt" as you click into the text.
See multiple cursors blinking
You can now type in multiple positions at once 🤯
Absolutely great for bulk editing.
6. Presentation mode
Go to Settings > Core Plugins > Slides and activate it.
Now in your note simply insert --- to separate slides.
Hit the three dots on the top right and select "Start presentation".
Use the buttons on bottom right to switch through the slides.
► Quick Switcher: Find any file in seconds
► Stack tabs: Horizontal scrolling through all open tabs
► History: Recover old versions of notes
► Audio: Record audio directly in obsidian
► Multi Cursor: Bulk Text editing
► Presentation: Step through sections of a note
Obsidian is the "Swiss army knife" for anyone serious about knowledge – like academics!
Using it, is why I learned in 5 months what takes others 4 years to master.
Learn how, in my Obsidian for Academics Workshop on Jan 28th.
Using the right plugins in your browser can save you hours in academic research.
Here are the top 9 you need to know:
(links and tutorials in thread)
1. @scispace_
An AI reading assistant that explains technical concepts and sections in research papers. It helps tackle dense academic language, saving time and effort.
2. @scholarcy
This tool generates concise summaries of research papers and articles using AI. Ideal for quickly grasping the essence of lengthy material.