For the record there are no nanobots, there is no graphene oxide.
What there are, are metallic contaminants which were confirmed as having killed young men in Japan under FOI.
@wtyl_live investigated specifically for graphene oxide and found none.
The "nanobots" were just cholesterol and sugar crystals
The magnetism reported by many has not been explained outside of the steel contamination issue but...
Magnetic beads are used in RNA and DNA purification and it is really therefore no surprise that the final product maintains a magnetic or paramagnetic signal @the_coopertron
So if magnetic beads are used in nucleic acid filtration, why was it such a "conspiracy theory"?
Easy. Because if you want to stop people asking questions about your process (which is still shrouded in secrecy) - what you do is create a story of a "crazy conspiracy" to undermine EVERY SINGLE RELEVANT QUESTION.
"But we have transparency" they say.
"Show me the documents regarding magnetic or metallic contaminants in the COVID vaccines" TGA FOI 3717 - not even recorded in the TGA disclosure log.
This is the transparency of the very same governments that want you to trust them.
No. We don't. You eroded our trust when you caused 20,000 deaths in one year and forced investigational medical treatments on the population.
With the timing showing that he went from IQVIA (yes that IQVIA) into medical school at around 2014, likely produced his first paper as a med student in 2016 and was fast tracked through - I suspect funded by IQVIA.