Full access to all Women’s spaces for all people with penises, over Women’s objections #SaveWomensSpaces
@GuyBoero@FrankMikeDavis1 Also, @FloridaGOP supports year-round grass-roots operations, in particular in central Florida, to help our fellow Americans to relocate from Puerto Rico to the US mainland, especially Florida.
@FlaDems have zero accountability and simply don’t care.
@GuyBoero@FrankMikeDavis1@FloridaGOP@FlaDems Just a few years ago, the Ds were very proud that they had added heritage - Cuban, Puerto Rican, Colombian, Mexican, etc. - to their voter file for Hispanics.
Namely, that the sainted President @BarackObama Administration was not perfect; too risk-averse, such that important jobs stay vacant for long periods.
@mikepompeo@BarackObama@DougAZDEDC Look closely at the second vetting, after Mr. Wilson had already been confirmed by the Senate for a position in the same Administration.
No need to do more than a simple update, then send to the Senate.
@NoLieWithBTC@FBI gave awards to senior headquarters officials who suppressed the @FBIMinneapolis report on ZM, flight student who didn’t want to learn how to land safely.
@NoLieWithBTC@FBI@FBIMinneapolis@RepMTG@StateDept gave a $15,000 bonus for “outstanding performance” to the Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs, the late Ambassador Mary A. Ryan, for the 12-month period beginning April 2001.
Page 43, no mention of the fact that our great nation’s free media only called the election at mid-day Saturday, November 7, 2020; they waited for Pennsylvania, as I recall.
There’s a trend of straight-ticket voting and nationalizing elections, so it makes sense to join the dominant party, while voting as you wish in November.