🇿🇦In Nov 2022, the South African Minister of Justice announced a bill to fully decriminalise the sex trade, including pimping and sex-buying. The bill is nothing but a return to old-style regulatory policies from the colonial era. 🧵1/ - via @LastGirlFirst1
The regulatory and prohibitionist approaches on prostitution are both moralistic, sexist, and racist. They either legalise the exploitation of the most marginalised women to satisfy men’s demand for sexual acts, or criminalise women and girls for their own exploitation. 2/
Colonial history of legalised sex trade is a shame of Europe. We cannot return to the atrocities of the past. We cannot pretend that the proposed regularising of trade in women in South Africa have nothing to do with the past of colonial states like UK & NL 3/
It is time for South Africa to address the issue of prostitution from a perspective based on equality between women and men, racial and social justice. 4/4
As a migrant woman survivor of human trafficking, @ToMalaika calls for holistic services and survivor-based approaches when #AssistingTraffickedWomen. "We cannot correctly assist trafficked women if we don't put survivors at the center of integration and assistance services".
@MyriaVass "We shouldn't touch the Palermo Protocol nor the @coe Convention. In fact, we need correct implementation of Directives in Europe. We need to complement the current EU framework and criminalise the demand for sexual exploitation #EndDemand, as soon as possible.