Realm Research Index 𐂫

➤ Mercury 🚧
➤ The World’s Fairs
➤ Bells, frequency, health
➤ Electrofield
➤ Sound
➤ Starforts
➤ Sigils & Circuitry
➤ Nukes 🚧
➤ Sophistication (external)
➤ Airboats 🚧
➤ Radium
➤ Dicyanin

Realm Exploration
➤ Structures
➤ Giants
➤ Giant trees
➤ Shape of the Realm
➤ Creatures and things
➤ A Map
➤ Paris

Mercury, a key element? (1/x)

Perhaps you might not yet be familiar with the (al)chemical and rather magical properties of Mercury, so before we get into Red Mercury let’s
have a look at regular Mercury.

>Only metallic element that’s liquid at room temperature
>Extremely dense
>Still used in electrical apparatus
>Found in nature as Cinnabar
>Cinnabar is either red or black
>Mercury amalgamates with almost all metals
>Doesn’t merge with iron,
platinum, tungsten and tantalum
>Absorbs Gold
>Usage is slowly being phased out
>Still used in vaccines though (Thimerosal)

➤ Part 2
➤ Back to Realm research index

Mercury, a key element? (2/x)

Now things get a little more interesting.

Here we can see how Mercury
reacts to an electrical conduit, how it responds to positive and negative, generates force and how it can enhance atmospheric reception.

We’ve seen the other interesting properties of Mercury in part 1 —
It’s extremely dense yet liquid, among other things.
Truly a unique element.

How likely would it be that within the old pods and rods, Mercury is involved?

When we combine all the properties of Mercury with
➤ The electro-field
➤ Atmospheric electricity
➤ Frequencies
➤ Old World architecture

…a picture starts
to form.

In part 3 I reveal some of the compelling footage I found on something that’s called Red Mercury, it seems to be very rare and has even more unique properties.
The Lost Technology of The Electrofield

To Summarise:

>Through electrostatic fields organisms can grow stronger, larger and of higher functionality and quality
>Ancient forms of existing species can be revived
>Hereditary characteristics that have been lost through
degeneration/devolution can be retrieved
>The electrostatic field can overwrite DNA
>Electric fields can help to structure and purify waste water
>The Technology was covered up because GMO’s are more profitable and so are a degenerate population
>Electro-culture completely
revolutionizes farming and makes organisms immune to almost any environmental stressor
>Crops exposed to the electrofield don’t need pesticides and have reduced need for fertilizer
>China is reportedly using this technology right now to massively increase their farming yields
>GMO seeds could possibly be reverted to heirloom status through the electrostatic field

The possibilities are endless…

Electrofield index
Understanding atmospheric electricity basics here👇🏻
AETHER - Atmospheric Electricity

Video on the harvesting of free atmospheric electricity.

Perhaps the people of the old world connected electrically charged water grids and energy conductive architecture to harness and use some of the earth's atmospheric energy 🤔
Source: RimstarOrg (great name)
How to Electro-culture Farming Channels
- Cultivate Elivate

- Hills Mills Homestead

- One hour electroculture introduction
- link #1…

- University of Melbourne Blog on electroculture “The setup of the electro culture is simple, with high voltage copper wires hanging three-metre above the plant”.
- Electroculture gardening techniques for beginners…

- Electroculture basics

- The Garden Trust Blog - Brief history…
- Ice Age Farmer Resources

- History of Electro Culture (French channel)

- Chingchongcheng (Chinese scientist guy)
- Atmosphere electricity

- Electro bathing

Take the electronbathpill..

If you have anymore info on electro-culture gardening please leave them in the comments so we can update this Index~

➤ The World’s Fairs
Great initiation video into the topic of the previous resets and the Old World.

“…The World's Fair at the turn of the 20th century.

Hundreds of acres of impossibly elaborate, electrified architecture and landscape claimed to have been erected in a…
2 year timespan and demolished promptly after.”

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2 year timespan and demolished promptly after.”

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➤ Bells, frequency, health
Bells - Frequencies & Health

Why were so many big old bells removed during WW2?

The reason could be due to the structuring effect they had on the human body resulting in healing and well being.

The sounds of church bells could have produced a
special frequency that is then amplified by the building itself, which resonates through all the organs and tissues in our bodies to produce a healing effect.

Check out my previous post on sound and its healing and destructive properties here. 👇🏻

Sound, Frequencies & Health
You’ve probably heard it a million times; everything is vibration.
Well it’s true but… wat do?

Here are some interesting tidbits on sound, frequency and how it can affect your health:

𐃰 Most humans can hear between 20hz and 20.000 Hz. Everything below 20hz is called

𐃰 Studies on infrasound show grim effects such as reduced learning capability, down-regulated protein expression, significantly lowered testosterone & libido and even vascular fibrosis.

𐃰 Sound has a prominent effect on cellular life, so it's not just the melody
of a song affecting you but also the frequencies affecting your tissues on a cellular level.

𐃰 Music can lower Testosterone in men while increasing it in women which seems to be true no matter which genre of music you play.

𐃰 Gregorian Chants seem to cause the least stress
compared to other genres of music, followed by Classical.

𐃰 Even plants seem to react to different genres of music/melody as well.

𐃰 ((They)) changed the tuning of music from A=432 Hz to A=440 Hz at the beginning of the 20th century

𐃰 The old tuning system is called
the Solfeggio scale and some good studies show 432 Hz can significantly lower stress levels and is better for overall health

𐃰 All old Cathedrals have astonishing symmetrical and geometrical architecture, resulting in superb resonance and harmony of sound.
Did the people of the Old World understand and use the “technology” of harmonic frequencies and vibration?
(No doubt in my mind).

More in depth inc. sources here

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#health #sound #reset #frequency

Starforts are found all throughout the realm except for Russia and a big part of Africa (which seem to have been heavily flooded/damaged by some type of weaponry).

There’s a lot of BS on how and why these starforts came to be.

Some of these structures have
literally been raised up out of the sea. Long before there was any heavy machinery, supposedly.

It seems the pre-reset civilization had access to some type of technology to build these structures.

Or perhaps they were that big of a race of giants, making it like playing
with lego to them?

Whatever the case, we’ll have to find out on our own.

Here’s a map of starforts if you want to go exploring for yourself.

➤ Continue
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#starforts #oldworld
Sigil Dump

They monopolized magic by turning it into “computer nano tech”.…

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#esoteric #reset #oldworld
DNA = fake and gay? (1/2)

DNA was imaged for the first time with an electron microscope in 2012.
The picture however looks vague and could be anything.…

So how did the whole double helix DNA that we all love and know come into being?
Apparently half a century ago some scientism guy did some LSD and saw the shape of the double Helix (caduceus) in his mind’s eye and that’s what science has based their double helix around.…

Pretty nuts… then again we’ve been living in clown times.
Perhaps these are occult believes on the caduceus being materialized and monopolized through “science”.

The rest of the video here👇🏻. I like this guys thoughts:

The Truth is stranger than fiction
[PART 2 HERE]👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
#esoteric #reset #oldworld

DNA fairytale plot thickens (2/2)

For almost a century, soyence has been trying to proclaim that DNA is the core concept that drives life.

But it seems they are finally catching up.
The studies in this thread finally…

admit that the genome-centric view of biology/life is nothing short of a "folly".

At best, DNA is just one ingredient in the make up of living beings.

“…Apparently, DNA is nothing more than a list of "ingredients",
not only insufficient by themselves to create a living organism, but having no actual role as an "instruction book" either. It appears DNA is just ONE of the "entities" used to build a living organism.”

#esoteric #knowledge #health
A lot of inconsistencies on the topic of nukes similar to those when researching DNA and space.

And then there’s directed energy weapons. Hmm idk, connect the dots.

Video: Nukes are fake

➤ Continue

#oldworld #reset
Thoughts? 🧐
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The Importance of Sophistication - The Real Origin of Religious Customs - CHAPTER LIST

This may be the most important scientific wonder that we have forgotten
Read all the topics for most up-to-date version of the chapter list.

Part 0 - A Very Important Note
Part I - Introduction
Part II - The Power of Words
Part III - The Power of Music
Part 3.5 - Praying Is Scientifically Legitimate
Part IV - The Power of Art and Appearance
Part V - Battle Music, "Individualism", and Biblical Wickedness
Part VI - Conclusion

Thank you for spending your time to read this series. There is more content like this here: 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
The Importance of Sophistication - The Secret Origin of Religious Customs - Preamble

This series was written to show you that the old fashioned ethics and manners are much more logical than what we have today. Many people in our current era think we are at the peak of scientific
understanding, but they could not be more wrong. The way in which the Old World was designed from art to architecture to dress code to simple manners were based off a science that was long forgotten.

If all of us came to understand this hidden scientific knowledge by tomorrow,
not a single one of the degenerate practices encouraged in the media today will be acceptable anymore. No disgusting act will be approved by the public again. The support of whores, homosexuality, miscegenation, and transgenderism will be gone.

I hope you enjoy this series.
It is one of the most important texts on the channel. Thank you for giving your time to read this message.

Read Part I - Below 👇🏻

The Importance of Sophistication - The Secret Origin of Religious Customs - Part I

Sophistication is something we take for granted today.
Back in the old times, people dressed well, spoke well, and were genuinely as sophisticated as they could be while in a public setting.

This lifestyle has slowly been fazed out as modern society increasingly glorifies public degeneracy. There is a reason that people of the past
praised public decency much more than we do today, and this reason has been long forgotten until very recently. 1/5 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
The Importance of Sophistication - The Real Origin of Religious Customs - Part II

A businessman, author, and scientist named Dr. Masaru Emoto, whom the mainstream has been given the "pseudoscience" medal of honor, discovered something that changes everything.
I'll explain his experiment as simply as possible: He said nice things to water, froze the water, then observed the crystal patterns in the ice. No, really.

This is what the frozen water looked like when he said pleasant things to it:

Conversely, he said insulting and negative words to water, and it resulted in this:

And before you ask, yes, this phenomena is consistent across major languages.

Here's the paper:…

The implications of this will change your life and that is no exaggeration. Let's explore these implications:

First off, this proves that spoken word, even through multiple languages, has a clear good and a clear bad. They are not "subjective", or up for interpretation. Some words are positive, and some are negative. All animals on earth hear and perceive our words in the same way that
we do.

More importantly, our body has a very large amount of water (up to 70% apparently), so that means ANY and ALL words that reach your body will affect the water (and blood) in your body and therefore affect your health and performance.

Furthermore, here's what this supports:

1. Proper/Sophisticated Language
2. No Negative Language (Cursing) at least around family/business/children
3. Religious Speech-Based Rituals Have A Legitimate Scientific Purpose (Prayer)
4. Religious Water-Based Rituals
Have A Legitimate Scientific Purpose (Baptism)

This supports many religious practices in a HUGE manner. So much so, that it very strongly looks as though the originators of these customs actually understood this science.

If so, then this question remains:
How did they know about this?


Read Part III - Below 👇🏻
The Importance of Sophistication - The Real Origin of Religious Customs - Part III

Emoto's experiment did not stop there. He not only tested this phenomena with spoken word, he also tested different types of music


There is something extremely important that I did not yet tell you in this series. Do not ever forget this:

There is technology to eavesdrop on conversations from miles away (with NO mic)
With Crystals:
He found to his very great amazement that he was tuning, not radio stations, but local neighborhoods! microphones were present - Dr. Moray's Inventions, Eternal Lanterns…

With Nanotech:
They're basically talking about
injecting people with nanotech that will allow us to remotely monitor them...The only safe place to talk about it is far away from cell phones and other devices. I suggest going deep innawoods. We can see you but we can't hear you....yet. - NWO Tech Insider
If mortal man can pull this off, you can bet your life that the Creator can as well.

In other words, if you believe this world was intelligently designed, do not think for a second that the Creator isn't listening.

Praying is legitimate and it always has been.
The Importance of Sophistication - The Real Origin of Religious Customs - Part IV

In the previous few weeks we learned that it is not only spoken word that has an observable impact on our health and performance, but ALL SOUNDS that come into contact with our bodies.
It does not stop there however. This week, we will reveal the kicker...


Below 👇🏻2/13
You guessed right. It is not just sounds that affect our health, but ALL VISUALS. Every bit of light that comes into contact with our bodies affect our performance.


Knowing this, here is what also supports our health in conjunction with sounds:
1. Proper Attire (Dress Code)
2. Proper Etiquette
3. Pleasing Art
4. Pleasing Architecture/Design
5. Simply Smiling

As expected, this again strongly supports religious traditions, specifically those of Christianity. The originators of Christianity (and other religions) knew
of this secret, and that is why they cared so much about dressing nicely, speaking nicely, playing nice music, writing in cursive, and constructing the most grand art and architecture the world has ever seen.


It all points to old forgotten knowledge of water memory. It is
so obvious. To think that so many of these religious practices just coincidentally happen to perfectly coincide with this new knowledge of water is preposterous.

They knew about this science, and
it was long forgotten.... until now.

Think about what we have here:

1. A brilliantly designed cathedral
2. The shape also designed to resonate like the inside of a guitar
3. Used for music-related activities (Mass, Choir)
4. Used for prayer (spoken word)-based activities
5. Used for WATER-based activities (Baptism)
If it isn't already obvious that the original masterminds of these religious institutions knew about water memory, then you need to pay closer attention.


These cathedrals were HEALING centers.

Why do you think we love symmetry in objects? Why do we love the sounds that we love? Why do we like the look of artistic masterpieces?

Most importantly, why do we love the laugh of a joyful child?

Because it is naturally and undeniably pleasing.

Fractal antennas work in the same manner. Because of their symmetry, the signal is greatly amplified. One could say that when looking upon a pleasing face our happiness is amplified in our minds because of its perfection.…

Why do you think it feels like your energy is being depleted from you when you are around a disjunct or depressing atmosphere?

Why do you think it feels like your energy is being depleted from you when you are around depressing or disgusting people?

Why do you think that children can be traumatized by verbal abuse alone? Even if the child in question does not know your language, do you really think they won't be traumatized?

It is because some things we can see and some things we can hear are objectively bad and will adversely affect our mental and physical health. Our eyes and ears only translate this phenomena into a medium that our conscious mind can easily detect. In truth, you do not need
eyes or ears for sounds and visuals to affect you.

Next week, we will discuss battle music, the problem with individualism, and a certain parasitic infection...


Read Part V - Below 👇🏻
The Importance of Sophistication - The Real Origin of Religious Customs - Part V

Here is what we have learned on this journey:

1. Everything we hear has a legitimate impact on our health regardless if we listen or not.
2. Everything we SEE has a legitimate impact on our health
regardless if we pay attention or not.

ALL sounds and ALL things we can see have a serious effect on our health and performance. These variables greatly increase or decrease productivity.

In this installment, we will discuss various subjects that are extremely important to
this new discovery of water memory. This includes battle music, the issue of "individualism", and wickedness.

Warning: When I started this journey, I mentioned that in order to expose these secrets, I CANNOT to be impartial. This installment is no exception.
I will warn you that I will discuss heavy subject matter here.

1/10 👆🏻

The Benefit of Battle Music

Just because something sounds negative does not mean it is unhealthy to listen to. Understand that anger and rage are not always negative.

For instance, violence is not a
calming or peaceful practice, but it is required for a prosperous society. Strong and powerful men are mandatory if you want a safe neighborhood.

While your relaxing piano sonata is beneficial to the peaceful animals, the women and the children, it is not what you want to
listen to during a fight.

This is why angry music is more than appropriate given the correct circumstance. You cannot get hyped listening to most types of classical music.

I'll give you examples. Mozart's Requiem is good, Verdi's Requiem, Moonlight Sonata (3rd Mov), 1812
Overture, anything that is invigorating that isn't intellectually feeble (Most Rap). Metal is fine even with the occasional satanic imagery, avoid metalcore though (low testosterone).

You cannot go into battle listening to a lullaby. Your music must have high energy.

As a side note before I continue, I should make this clear: The message above is directed towards men, not women. I do not suggest women listen to anything angry or negative. It is fine if it is aggressive or fast, but it should not be dark or depressing.
The blatant fact that all sounds and visuals affect our health and performance is exactly why the old world civilizations put sophistication and aesthetics at the forefront of their empires.

This also implies something else massive, and it is at this time that we will
denounce liberalism completely, and here's why....


Your city works as a unit. The prosperity of your city is only possible when everyone does their part. The productivity of your city must be sustained in order to sustain the prosperity of your city, and therefore,
the wellbeing of the people.

This means that if people start to dress unproperly, speak unintelligently, or act negative or depressing, it affects the productivity of the ENTIRE city. And it does not matter how much they say "it's none of your business", their negativity
adversely affects everyone around them. Even with zero knowledge of water memory, everyone knows this to be true.

Because they are undeniably bringing down the productivity of the city, they should be treated as a social and economic risk to the city.
Help should be given to those who are troubled.

4/10 👆🏻

The Old World knew this, and they took every precaution necessary in order to prevent this from destroying society. This is why dress codes and public etiquette existed. It is also worth noting that there was a
ZERO TOLLERANCE policy on adultery, homosexuality, and miscegenation. Everything that happens in a city is undeniably everyone's business.

And what do you know? During the fall of great empires like Rome, we find that they practiced just that: Adultery, homosexuality, and
miscegenation. The same pattern present in Berlin before Hitler took power, and the same pattern we see today in America and all throughout Europe.


It is time we talk about witches...

Many of us have different groups we call witches, but I am more so referring to
the unfortunate sexual nightmare many women today fall victim to.

This female corruption is not new however. It just changes forms. Now, it is the e-skank, yesterday it was the emo. They are full of negative energy, which adversely affects everyone around them.
But the question is, what exactly is this issue specifically, and how does it spread?


I will now briefly introduce to you The Worm Pill.

There are certain small parasites that attach themselves to humans from various animals and excrement, mainly from outdoor cats,
that cause serious behavioral changes in the host.

One of these parasites is Toxoplasma Gondii. There is a ton of deception around the effects of parasites, much of this information will never be admitted to the general public. That is because it would reveal that an
entire "civil rights" organization is directly caused by parasites.

Toxoplasma Gondii compels the host into sexual promiscuity. Even the mainstream admits this. But what they don't tell you is that it can actually compel the host into homosexuality.

In mice, the parasite redirects the mouse's sexual desire to cat urine in order for the
parasite to latch onto the cat. In humans, it redirects their desire to anal sex, even with other men.

It is the reason homosexuals are overwhelmingly promiscuous, because the parasite must expand its territory. Not only are homosexuals statistically unfaithful because of this,
it may be the reason they are WAY overrepresented in convicted child molesters.

The parasite is the cause of almost all of our problems, including the problem we are currently discussing on this channel.

Some of the most important stats on homosexual behavior:

Over 20% of older homosexuals have had more than 500 different sex partners.

The average gay man has several dozen sex partners per year.

28% of homosexuals have had sex with over a thousand men. For straight men?
Just 25% have had sex with more than 10 women.

75% of straight men an are faithful, compared to just 4.5% of gay men.

Despite being roughly 3.8% of the population[1], gays make up 30-40% of child molesters[2][3]. Children raised under same sex parents end up worse[4], and the studies that claim otherwise downplay the negative effects[5]. Also, only 0.03% of gays are consistent in their
These degenerates are full of corrupted and depressing emotions, and will bring down the productivity of everyone around them. So it is ethically in the absolute best interest of the entire city, either by rehabilitation or worse, to completely get rid of this
disgusting infection.

The Old World had very harsh methods of dealing with this problem that many of us today would not agree with. They treated it as a legitimate infection (as it very much is) and they were very serious about preventing this from happening.
This is what the bible is talking about when they refer to wicked nations.

Do not ever support this behavior. It must be removed completely. It is pure evil, and the wellbeing of the weak, vulnerable, and innocent depend on it.

In few hours from now, we will wrap things up. Thank you for reading the posts on this journey, it has been fun. We are in a chaotic time in history and it will continue to be this way until the faithful day He comes.
I am positively honored to have been born in such a tough era and I have gained a new happiness in this chaos. I appreciate your support and I only ask of you to spread this knowledge to those who need to hear it.


Wait a little For Part VI 👇🏻
Ready for the unsub wave. Two already unsubbed.

Oh no, homosexuality, miscegenation, can't talk about that!

Equality, inclusiveness, diversity - Not quite the words of the great Old World Paradises.
The Importance of Sophistication - The Real Origin of Religious Customs - Part VI

To summarize, everything we see and hear has a massive impact on our health and performance. This affects everyone in the community. So it is in the best interest of every single man, woman,
and child, to stay as healthy and happy as possible for the sake of not only themselves, but the rest of their people. This means avoiding degenerate behavior and practices, especially when women and children are about. 1/3 👈🏻

The churches and other religious buildings were
designed to raise the positivity and therefore, the productivity and performance of the entire city. Any retained negative water memory (a bad mood) could be washed away with a choir performance, or a prayer, or holy water, or anything that is positive. This could be as
simple as playing with your dog.

2/3 👆🏻

We have forgotten this knowledge, and that is why our roads are uneven, our new buildings uninspiring, and even why our children are depressed. We favor function in our constructions rather than aesthetics. But what we don't
realize is that aesthetics has one of the greatest functions we have ever known.

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Bring back airboats!

#airboats #realmtour
Is radium also safe?

🔥 = Radium is based
🌭 = These people were retarded…
Am surprised at the fire:hotdog ratio.

Galen Winsor literally ate radium ☢️

He was a nuclear physicist of renown who worked at, and helped design nuclear power plants in Hanford.

Don’t forget that ((they)) routinely buy/cover up technology that would
provide easy and cheap energy. Question every narrative “the experts” put out.

They want to keep you weak and deprived of all forms of energy.

(He could also just be a fed putting out more confusing narratives lol)…
What is dicyanin dye?

A non toxic, non explosive compound derived from coal tar is more highly classified than heroin? 🧐

Reports from friends and neighbors of Viktor Grebennikov claimed that his anti gravity platform made him invisible when in flight. Could this
be an effect of localized high current of certain frequencies?
What's known about this dye is that when it's used as a filter on glass it highlights certain parts of the light spectrum that are typically shrouded by more dominant frequencies.

The inventer Walter Kilner claimed
in the 1920s that it reveals our body's electro-magnetic signature which could be used to diagnose illness.
Paranormal researchers claim that it reveals the spiritual dimension.

Our brains are wired to see only between 400-750nM of the light spectrum.…
If you're going to prison for seeing more, makes you wonder if They Live really was a documentary.
For those wondering what this Dicyanin stuff is all about.
This is a well put together 15 min video that explains it.

Source 🔗

➤ Realm research index…
Second part…
Third part ‼️…
Realm Exploration
➤ Structures

The Dewey Arch, New York
Supposedly built in 1899, taken down in 1900.
It was supposedly erected for a parade…

#oldworld #antiquitech #realmtour

➤ Continue
Below index ➤ Giants👇🏻

➤ Continue
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➤ Giant trees

Last vid is pretty mind blowing.
That entire mountain seems to be made out of wood.…
➤ Continue to creatures & things
➤ Continue to structures

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The Dewey Arch, New York
Supposedly built in 1899, taken down in 1900.
It was supposedly erected for a parade…

#oldworld #antiquitech #realmtour

➤ Continue
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Old Pennsylvania Station.
Allegedly constructed within 6 years from 1904-1910.
Demolished in 1963 for no clear reason other than “innovation”.

➤ Continue
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#tartaria #oldworld
This is the “innovation” they replaced old Pen station with.

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Lost world…
Obviously built by illiterate peasants with horse and wagon.
#oldworld #aesthetics #realmtour

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Museum Cappella Sansevero:

Supposedly made by hand around 1590 with chizles

Anything like this today could only be reproduced with 3D printing.
#oldworld #art #realmtour

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A lost world, forbidden history
➤ Continue
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➤ Continue
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#oldworld #cirquitry #realmtour
➤ Continue
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#oldworld #antiquitech #realmtour
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➤ Shape of the Realm

Cute birb looking kinda sus
➤ Continue

#oldworld #realmtour
Shieeee dem treez wuz walkin n shiet

➤ Continue
𝙾𝚕𝚍 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 𝚏𝚞𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜
𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚡: 𝙲𝚢𝚗𝚘𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚢
(It’s a joke, furries are gay af)

Described in detail by notorious figures such as: Herodotus, Alexander the Great, St. Augustine, Marco Polo and Columbus.

The last images are of St.
Christopher, described as a giant man with a doghead.

“They are just and live longer than any other man, 170, sometimes 200 years”.
- Greek physician Ctesias, 400BC

➤ Continue

NOOOOO they’re just fake illustrations it wasn’t real!
➤ Continue to structures
A map of places where mysterious events take/have taken place.

Some of these are actually quite interesting like the Nuremberg Celestial Event.

If you’re familiar with “the Phoenix event” you might’ve heard this isn’t the only event that reports huge black orbs in the sky.
Paris 1900~1920

• • •

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Sep 20, 2024
Since September 18, more and more details have surfaced about the Hungarian front company involved in the pager fiasco.

Had someone taken the time to do even a cursory background check, it would’ve been like stopping a train before it hit the station. Instead, lives were Image
lost, and sabotage became the name of the game. We’re all waiting for Hezbollah’s leadership to crack down on this criminal negligence.

What’s clear is that Israel had this plan cooking for a few years. They began selling these ticking-time-bomb pagers to Lebanon in 2022,
laying the groundwork well before the events of October 7 and the current conflict. The plan? A kill switch aimed squarely at Hezbollah.

Now, about that company: The Hungarian outfit behind these deadly pagers raked in a suspicious €665,000.00, with just one employee.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 14, 2023
Ten miles from East Palestine, Ohio, a woman discovered all of her chickens dead:

"If it can harm chickens in a single night, just think what it will do to us in 20 years," someone once said.
There's nothing to see here, according to Ohio officials.

Also from Ohio authorities: "Now leave or go to jail."
The return of East Palestine citizens to their homes is very unsettling! They are subjected to vinyl chloride, a chemical weapon employed in World War One. Combined with cyanide!! It's safe to advise don't drink the water and consider what's actually going on because the EPA
Read 5 tweets
Feb 8, 2023
Visitors to the UK will need to make more preparations than in the past starting in 2024. A brand-new Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) system is being implemented in the U.K. The UK's objective of having totally digital borders by 2025 will be achieved with the adoption
of the ETA.…

In the U.S., visitors must also apply for a similar authorization before coming: the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (or ESTA), which is available to travelers from countries granted a Visa Waiver Program.
This will all eventually be merged with a digital ID, along with jab passports, social credit scores, and so forth.

Article 1…
Article 2…
Read 4 tweets
Feb 7, 2023
NWO: War is at your doorstep; it's time to get out of bed. With mass entertainment, employment, bills, and interpersonal animosity using a variety of techniques, including money, race, science, and the multiple classes we have that are solely dependent on material possessions,
they have deepened your sleep.

While this is happening, they are quietly destroying us, and to make matters worse, you are assisting them. Hell is being brought to Earth by the New World Order, who are also using religion to accomplish this.
Second part
Read 13 tweets
Feb 7, 2023
How is the WHO related to governments?

Where are the countries in this if the #Rockefeller Foundation continues to get financing for the WHO under the leadership of Rajiv Shah (along with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and GAVI as partners)?
Who exactly are the lawyers running the Rockefeller Foundation who choose how much money ($6.3 billion in assets) gets donated to WHO each year?

Since the Rockefeller Foundation was one of the vaccination bonds' pioneers, it should come as no surprise that Rajiv Shah, the
president of the Rockefeller Foundation, is a strong proponent of Covid variants (see action plan).

Over 70 years of cooperation are being honoured.

When the WHO's charter was ratified and the organisation became the first specialised agency of the United Nations in June 1946,
Read 5 tweets
Feb 7, 2023
The AI Wars have begun, and Google is panicking over ChatGPT.

ChatGPT has prompted Google to issue a code red, but why? Why does ChatGPT pose such a danger? What is Google doing in response to this?

Elon Musk once claimed that using artificial intelligence is like calling…
on a monster, and these people either don't know what they are doing or do and don't care about the consequences.…
Second part…
Read 4 tweets

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