Common pro-abortion "arguments" that come up repeatedly: 1. Don't like #abortion, don't have one 2. Pro-lifers don't care about born people 3. It's just about controlling women 4. How many kids have you adopted? 5. Children in foster care justifies killing some in utero.
Dr. Alan Guttmacher, then Pres of PPFA acknowledged, "Today it is possible for almost any patient to be brought through pregnancy alive, unless she suffers from a fatal illness such as cancer or leukemia, and, if so, abortion would be unlikely to prolong, much less save, life."
Dr. Byron Calhoun, an OB/GYN at CAMC Women's & Children's Hospital specializes in helping women in high-risk pregnancies and confirms that abortion is never medically necessary. (Treatment for ectopic pregnancy is not abortion. Abortion kills a human implanted in the uterus.)
Dr. Anthony Levatino, a former abortionist who performed over 1200 abortions, acknowledges that none of them saved a woman's life. (Sometimes due to pre-eclampsia, early delivery may be necessary even though the fetus likely won't survive).
The evolution of #PlannedParenthood. From saying "abortion kills life after it has begun" to telling women abortion laws prevent treatment of ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage.
Old Planned Parenthood pamphlet, then Birth Control Federation of America, Inc. "Plan Your Family for Health and Happiness," undated,β Smith Libraries Exhibits,β¦
The "pro-choice" lies have begun anew after the Dobbs Decision, trying to redefine what an abortion is to scare people into thinking pro-life laws prevent treatment for ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage/removal of a dead fetus.
It's hard to believe that medical doctors are actually misinterpreting abortion restrictions, which generally specifically exclude treatment for miscarriage or #ectopicpregnancy, to delay or prevent care in such cases.