1. mpox: human monkeypox virus (hMPXV) doesn't enter the nucleus. Genetic recombination with SARS-CoV-2 in the cytoplasm is possible in co-infected patients, eg people living with uncontrolled HIV-1 (PLH). It's the real threat of Covid Denial or Let 'er RIP policy.
5. Attractive electrostatic forces between the electronegative raft (red) and the electropositive virus protein (blue) control the reaction. The raft adapts its shape to the viral protein surface (see HIV-1 gp120 V3 loop and SARS-CoV-2 BA.5 spike protein).
@RealCheckMarker 7. Omicron is evolving exceptionally fast, as BA.5, BQ.1.1, XBB.1.5, XBF, DS.1, DN.1.1.1 show. Community transmission in China is driven by BA.5 and BF.7 to date.
@RealCheckMarker@RajlabN 8. Today is Good News Monday. Something that I think no one else shared, Idk why: the mpox PHEIC was extended for ten years until 2032. (Last year already)
For all poxviruses, so we're good.
Explicit focus on international cooperation and eradication. 👍
Some of us should probably work it out.
We'll just need minimal resources, sustained attention by the highest levels of government (who really just need to get out of the way; this is science, not politics, after all!).
And we need to start ASAP.
Live shot of public health officials right now, in what is arguably the nadir of the SARS pandemic:
The good news is, it's upwards from here!
On the teenage Alzheimer’s case: neurodegenerative disease used to be rare in children and adults - once modern hygiene and pasteurization of milk started in the early 1900s.
Eliminating constant BCoV outbreaks and secondary disease coincided with doubling human life expectancy.
Every time someone says “COVID-19 is novel”, the sorry souls who lost their bodies in the OC43-1889 pandemic or in SARS-2003 turn over in their graves (or do a flip-flop in heaven—take what you believe):
The name for ‘brain fog’ is SARS-associated neurocognitive disorder (SAND).
@MaastrichtU Entirely worth posting this beautiful animation.
You need to watch the video to the end, where the error is: 2/3
@MaastrichtU I'm curious what explains this western hubris and lack of systems thinking.
A question not just virologists who collectively failed to inform policymakers and the public, but all of us who are potential hosts to the lifecycle of a virus declared 'endemic' and 'to be lived with'.
@MaastrichtU Millions were told they cleared the virus upon seroconversion. Millions of (future) patients, too, will be told LongCOVID is 'in their head'. The latter claim is true, just not in the soothing sense intended.
The video suggests it takes over the ribosome, to produce only viral RNA, not the cell's mRNA anymore. @SGinossarLab: this is not for me to explain, but such details matter. cell.com/cell-reports/f…
@MaastrichtU@michaelzlin@SGinossarLab * I'll add or rewrite if more accurate explanation appears. It is important to know whether hundreds of millions of people live with persistent and/or replicating virus. The malpractice in virology and public health has gone too far.
Scientists who know should not remain silent.
Why are virologists fatally wrong on SARS?
Pathogenesis is immune-mediated. Their software packages don’t ‘see’ many of the subtler tricks this virus has up its sleeve, and clearly they’re not humble enough to work with patients.
@fitterhappierAJ 16. @BagaiDr kindly introduces this paper on convergent evolution in the SARS-CoV-2 spike. I add the Fantini papers I for more powerful analysis building on 40 years of HIV science.
The authors use 'saltation,' an influenza term. SARS is NOT influenza! 🙏
1. May do SARS-CoV-2 science threads when I find time. "While association between ABO blood group and infection is well known for many years, lower susceptibility of O blood group to coronaviruses had already been reported nearly 20 years ago for SARS-CoV" degruyter.com/document/doi/1…
2. Transplacental SARS-CoV-2 protein Orf8 binds to complement C1q to trigger fetal inflammation - Yes, as we've been saying for years. Orf8 makes SARS (CoV-1/-2) unique among coronaviruses. Let's infect all the kids so we are really, really sure that's bad embopress.org/doi/full/10.10…
3. SARS-CoV-2 can trigger a devastating, destructive placental pathology causing placental dysfunction and fetal hypoxia, yet stillbirth is rare. The fetal hypoxia is acute/subacute, apparent as reduced fetal movements. 20% of participants in this study(!) sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
1. The structural parallels of SARS-CoV-2 and HIV-1 were known already 20 years ago, from SARS-CoV-1. Yet COVID-19 policy and even most scientists ignore these parallels, failing to learn key lessons. Fundamentally, genetic recombination drives both pandemics—two typical articles
2. Don't worry about the specific article—there are hundreds more, and more relevant ones. The lesson here is we face syndemics, overlapping epidemics that cluster with inequity, not just distinct pandemics. All reinforce each other link.springer.com/article/10.118… frontiersin.org/journals/micro…
3. Background. There are literally thousands such articles; no one integrates them. That's why as political scientist, for years already, I've been arguing that only institutionalization can help with such complexity. We need a @UNAIDS for SARS-CoV, sorry
Is bamboo our best chance to sustain modern civilization and slow climate change? No one systematically studies its global potential in food, paper, energy, & construction yet. To build resilient economic and ecosystems, we need to grow bamboo where it is needed, incl Europe 👇☕️
1. It is no new idea to replace plastic, steel, concrete etc. with bamboo, just as these materials originally replaced timber, clay, and bamboo. When indigenous people in Taiwan move, they plant bamboo before all else, “because it does everything timber does and is much lighter.”
2. Every mountaintop here has its own name in the local - non written - language, to be found on no map. By force or virtue, indigenous people know how to sustain themselves and live within their ecological limit (“habitat”), unlike industrial civilization. Mixed bamboo forest 👇
1. Growing bamboo is our best chance to avert climate breakdown: the plants build soil, help biodiversity, avoid GHG emissions, provide food & construction material, sequester carbon 30 times (!) faster than mixed temperate forest. Yet stunningly, no one coordinates this work yet
2. After 40 years of climate science - first AGGG, now IPCC -, everyone feels they know climate. Yet experts only really know their own field. Generalists and practitioners can implement solutions but need experts to develop them. Bamboo as climate solution is entirely unexplored
3. Last time atmospheric carbon content was as high as today, 16 million years ago, Earth was >3°C warmer than today, the Arctic was ice free, and Iceland had a subtropical climate. People think they know what climate change means, but most really don't. mdpi.com/2673-4834/5/2/…
We’ve shared this for years, it was known or suspected even before the pandemic from SARS-CoV-1. Friends of we’re going to learn at this rate, ignoring prepandemic science, populations worldwide will get into serious trouble
I'd like to delete my account, but then a sizable fraction of the early Covid twitter scicomm documentation - to show what was known when - would be gone. As far as I know, no one else with even a moderately sized account (>10k followers) shares the same readily available science
“Bamboo is our best chance to slow climate breakdown. It can replace drivers of GHG emissions and biodiversity loss (food, construction, concrete, plastic), build soil & allow regrowing rainforest." - Let's test it. Grow bamboo as blueprint for a future ecological civilization 🧵
2. Giant bamboo dwarfs trees. As grass, it grows 30 times (!) faster and can be harvested every year. Timber takes decades; too slow. Stunningly, no one in the west described the unique climate mitigation potential of bamboo yet. - Note the rhizome system:
3. Climate relevant will be the use in millions of ha of plantations, just like other economically important crops. After two months on this, some significant progress: air pot kindly donated 1 m of their professional U system, so I can test it for bamboo.