Today I did several @enkidevs workouts on #CSS and #interviewprep, finally actually finished the #HowToProgram video on Python Modules, typing up a #python program from the video which I hope to record an audio code walkthrough for.
Hoping to get more done today still. Overall, I've been pretty productive, due in part to using the #forestapp for #focus.
I've heard a number of people talk about how important it is to get used to reading other people's code, actually understanding it, and talking about it, so if I start doing these walkthroughs it will be to practice those skills.
"The falsity of the antecedent does not make that "equally irrelevant" as "if an avalanche happens happens the moon will explode," with or without determinism."
Several issues come in here:
truth, possibillity, causation, wh is probably why we run into difficulty.
I find it is frustratingly easier to study than to actually sit down and code. Is this procrastination? Why is typing out lines on the computer harder than reading etc?
Probably fear of failure mixed with the sense of being so slow, already bypassed by others, that I feel walking in the right direction is almost - a waste of time?