Will Chadwick (ラヤ+תהלים+案 but Scorning Shame 钉十字架) Profile picture
The Idiot-not so virtuous; utterly politically homeless #Coder certifiedFreshPoS MyRedeemerLives #OrganicChurch Side-B-ish straight #vergangenheitsaufarbeitung
Feb 25, 2023 15 tweets 14 min read
#willwritesandcodes #100DaysofCode #Day31

Uninstalled and reinstalled @ProgrammingHero again, did the exam for #Cpp course, and it still crashed at the end.


It could be my phone. I'll have to try installing it on another device. Still a bummer screenshot of the error message as programming hero app cras Also resinstalled the very different app, @Prghub, which has much shorter courses and as a result felt deceptive about how much you were learning. I haven't uses it in over a year for sure. They have a bunch of new courses. I'll try some-I don't know if I'll keep at it w this app
Feb 25, 2023 5 tweets 5 min read
#willwritesandcodes #100DaysOfCode #Day30

Today was a great family day-

also studied some

Looked over my #Cpp cards

2 Docker lessons
4 #CSS lessons (next #Sass)
pseudocode for binary search algorithm

closely read #Knuth's flowchart for #ArtofComputerProgramming @wildlearnerapp's #React course has taught me more so far than at least one other online course, if not two others.
Feb 24, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
#willwritesandcodes #100DaysofCode #Day29 (actual)

This is a throwback to my first javascript *script,* useBash.

I just love #bash

Anyways, today... Image Today I haven't done nearly enough; but I went over my #JavaScript Interview Question flashcards (& the 1st #Cpp one)

I also discovered @wildlearnerapp !! which is very schnazzy looking & has good quizzing so far (but where is the C++ course?)

I *love* discovering new resources
Feb 14, 2023 99 tweets 56 min read
@StanRockPatton @apoloticalteen Sure, I will go back to that. Breaking it up by sentence, listed alphabetically:


You said,

""If the wind continued, our town would have been lost to the wildfire" is a true hypothetical even if the wind stopped."

I agree. @StanRockPatton @apoloticalteen b. You said,

"The falsity of the antecedent does not make that "equally irrelevant" as "if an avalanche happens happens the moon will explode," with or without determinism."

Several issues come in here:
truth, possibillity, causation, wh is probably why we run into difficulty.
Feb 13, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read
#willwritesandcodes #100DaysofCode #Day19

Today I did several @enkidevs workouts on #CSS and #interviewprep, finally actually finished the #HowToProgram video on Python Modules, typing up a #python program from the video which I hope to record an audio code walkthrough for. Hoping to get more done today still. Overall, I've been pretty productive, due in part to using the #forestapp for #focus.
Feb 12, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
#willwritesandcodes #100DaysofCode #Day19

I should spend more time going over #Perlisisms. I'm sure some of them are outdated; a number of them seem worth dwelling on.
perilousresonance.wordpress.com/2023/02/11/434/ Today I did several @enkidevs workouts, and at least one @GrasshopperApp lesson.

I find it is frustratingly easier to study than to actually sit down and code. Is this procrastination? Why is typing out lines on the computer harder than reading etc?