eine Veranstaltung in der die #SARSCoV2 Pandemie sehr trivialisiert, relativiert, banalisiert wurde.
VOLLER hOpium 🫠

als Ziel breite Immunität 😳

Falschdarstellung dieser Erkrankung
nichts zur multiorgan involvement
Am Schlimmsten finde ich,
daß die aktuelle Verdrängung gutgeheißen wird & so getan wird als sei alles unter Kontrolle

Kein Mal wurde erwähnt,
dass #SARSCoV2 an Impfstoffen vorbei mutiert

Fokus weg von Corona 🤪

Oliver Keppler spricht von
"der Wissenschaft"
worst post pandemic narratives in LMU 😵‍💫 hOpium 😵‍💫
"pandemics are normal"
"Pandemien gab's schon immer"

I agree 100% Jonathan Mesiano Crookston Image
no aspect to make indoor spaces safer

no word to #airborne transmission prevention concepts

no anticipation of longterm #SARSCoV2 manifestions

no regrets to burn billions PPE in germany bc of exping date

no conscience of children harm by repeatedly reinfections
@mikrowie why? Image
@Karl_Lauterbach warum gibt es keine klare Botschaft
high filtration masks in medizinischen Einrichtungen generell zu tragen?
#SARSCoV2 is airborne
Patienten= Vulnerable per se
sollten vor airborne Pathogene Kreuzkontaminationen geschützt werden Image
german virologist O. Keppler used plenty times "evidence basiert" in this presentation

I feel sad hearing so much gaslightnings from experts who are adviser of politicians

it could be so easy if we would stop infectious aerosols to spread uncontrolled

#airborne risk management Image
1st 23min O. Keppler hybridimmunity bullshit #OMG

no evidence to boost with vaccins😠 natural boost strategy #wtf coming out an expert mouth🤬

bullshit on governemental level
voluntary masking in medical practice
this quote from federal Baden-Württemberg Land 😵↘️ Image
history revisionism😵

"be optimistic for future" L. Wieler
I don't grasp as much intentional
ignorance of precautionary principle

both claim 95% of population is now hybrid #immune 🤪

no rational #awareness to prevent #airborne #crosscontaminations
this will bite us 😱 Image
RKI hat #Mpox/#Affenpocken aktualisiert🤬
😵 😠
Bitte lest S.466 3.HB biologische Gefahren ↘️

#airborne transmission mattersrki.de/mpox-flusssche…
10.02.2023 #droplets #dogma instead of adequate airborne #biohazards #prevention

I lost any trust to institutions & I don't grasp how this sort of public health message should be functional

most physicians don't know #saliva is infectious prior to symptoms
most arent vaccinated Image
Ich denke mir das nicht aus😠,
ich habe es gelesen 🤓
bereits vor 2020
das gesamte 3. Handbuch biologische Gefahren
Da steht es schwarz auf weiß
read on your own,
we are in public hell 😵‍💫
intentional denial of public health institutions
what is the aim of this bullshit advisors, I don't grasp it🤬
this is what we knew about #Mpox alias #monkeypox in prepandemic era
this happened last year 2022
Partikel answered to @michaelmina_lab ⤵️
August 2022 and we are still in only vaccin strategy messing up our vaccins by hyperinfection strategy to get hybridimmunity in complete denial to long term consequences 😭
its mental torture to listen to experts actually
#SarsCov2 isn't a respiratory disease dispite it is inhaled
there is a lot of intetional communication distortion to trivialize this multiorgan involved disease 5x 🧵⤵️
read this correspondence between Lidia Morawska 2020 & WHO members

ask yourself if you heard about some where in official media 🤔

Do you recognize same actors like Tom Jefferson & Cochrane Review?
👇 oup.silverchair-cdn.com/oup/backfile/C…
here the source of supplementary data

read & share as much as possible

it's an international scandal

we ate w/o surveillance mass hypnotized by hOpium
getting infected to prevent infections isn't public health strategy
it's nonsense
#COVIDisAirborne Image
Ich habe noch paar 🧵in meiner Zwischenablage die ich unkommentiert hier angestellt
@threadreaderapp unroll Image

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More from @SourceControl21

Feb 28

Today is #RareDiseaseDay

Did you know there's still no cure for #Covid?

Did you know there's still no cure for #LongCovid?

Isn't it are disease?

Who helps to raise awareness for adequate airborne transmission prevention guidance?!

the vulnerability to SARSCoV2 is an inborne error

source https://casanovalab

if the pathogen is airborne, the spread is faster & broader in short time, so seems not rare, this is different to what we knew before


"Inborn errors of immunity (IEIs) are generally considered to be
rare monogenic disorders of the immune system that cause immunodeficiency, autoinflammation, autoimmunity, allergy and/or cancer."
Read 11 tweets
Feb 24
Zur Erinnerung lest bitte nochmal diesen gut geschriebenen Artikel und teilt ihn mit euren Mitmenschen!

hatten Wähler in Bonn Kenntnis dieser Machenschaften,um Streeck zu wählen?

Von Marianne Falck 2022

Guter Kommentar & nach wie vor gültig 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣ x.com/mikrowie/statu…
seht selbst die anti-covidian-coalition Aggressoren,
die damals Lothar Wieler's tweet kommentierten


👇 Image
Kristina Schröder & co

《 Initiative Familien 》 Image
Read 8 tweets
Feb 12
Wir schauen entsetzt auf die USA, wie dort anti-covidian-coalition Akteure die Gesundheitsbehörden kapern- und- übersehen dabei, dass unsere schon längst unterwandert wurden,
von eben dieser EbM Liga


Read 9 tweets
Feb 12
2023 war eine neue Technische Regel geplant, um den SARS-CoV-2-Arbeitsschutzstandard grundsätzlich zu konkretisieren.
Sie sollte auf die branchenspezifischen Konkretisierungen der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (DGUV) verweisen.
Was wurde aus dieser Erstellung?
Read 16 tweets
Feb 10

The #mpox outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is escalating.

Over a hundred patients have fled health centers due to survival challenges,

with many now scattered across Goma, neighboring regions, and beyond,

heightening the risk of further spread 👇
risk is low until it isn't 🤡

"The individual’s illness is likely related to their recent travel, and there is no evidence that clade I mpox is spreading from person-to-person in New Hampshire or within the United States."
risk is low until it isn't

"This is the first clade I #Mpox diagnosis in New Hampshire,
the third clade I mpox diagnosis
in the United States,”
the department said in a release."

source is downplaying risk 🐒

they don't mention airborne transmissionnhpr.org/health/2025-02…
Read 4 tweets
Feb 7
1922 dictionary - A: Amerika Image
1922 🇨🇵 dictionary A: Amerique Image
🇨🇵 dictionary 1922 A: art
La leçon d'anatomie/ Rembrandt Image
Read 19 tweets

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