These hearings are being live-streamed on Youtube, so from 10am onwards you'll be able to watch the proceedings as they happen -
First up today is Rajiv Menon KC
He represents three men who were politically active in the period covered by this 'Tranche' of the @ucpinquiry – the years 1968-82 – Tariq Ali, Piers Corbyn and Ernie Tate.
@ucpinquiry Ali became active as a student in the mid 60s, and was particularly involved in opposing the war in Vietnam. He now knows that Special Branch opened a file on him in 1965, when he was elected President of the Oxford Union. #spycops
@ucpinquiry The #spycopsinquiry has already published at least 112 pieces of evidence in which Ali is named.
Many of these are Special Branch reports, about meetings, marches and other events.
There's a telegram about his being arrested in Paris. #spycops
@ucpinquiry There's a record of the interest Special Branch took in 'Black Dwarf' – a radical paper edited by Ali – its Soho office was raided by the police in September 1968
@ucpinquiry@guardian The police formed their first new #spycops unit in 1968, in response to demonstrations against the war in Vietnam, and Ali was undoubtedly one of their first targets...
@ucpinquiry@guardian The evidence mentioning him goes right up to the 21st century, including reports from 2003 which note his involvement in Globalise Resistance and the Stop the War Coalition. @STWuk #spycops
@ucpinquiry@guardian@STWuk Back in the 'Tranche 1' period Ali was a member of the International Marxist Group (IMG), part of the 'Fourth International', as well as the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign (VSC).
He goes into a lot of detail about the radical and revolutionary movements which existed in those days, their
politics and his own personal memories of key events. #spycops
@ucpinquiry@guardian@STWuk His account of 23 April 1979, the day when Blair Peach was killed by the @metpoliceuk in Southall (an event we heard about yesterday from Celia Stubbs' lawyer)...
@ucpinquiry@guardian@STWuk@metpoliceuk ...includes his being beaten unconscious by a line of cops from the Special Patrol Group, in the same incident that left Misty in Roots singer, Clarence Baker, severely injured.
@ucpinquiry@guardian@STWuk@metpoliceuk He says he wasn't surprised to learn that he'd been spied on – he'd “expect nothing less” from the British State, but believes the impact of this on his own political activity has been “negligible"... #spycops
@ucpinquiry@guardian@STWuk@metpoliceuk In his words:
“I question the wisdom of providing such massive resources for agencies that therefore serve no purpose, except the prurient interest of spies and their paymasters” #spycops
@ucpinquiry@guardian@STWuk@metpoliceuk Ernest Tate and Piers Corbyn were also members of the IMG. They both attended the big anti-war demos in London in 1968.
@ucpinquiry@guardian@STWuk@metpoliceuk Piers spent less than 3 years living in a squat in Elgin Avenue, West London, during which time he became a self-styled 'leader' of the squatting movement.
@ucpinquiry@guardian@STWuk@metpoliceuk IMG members assumed that the authorities had them under surveillance
So they adopted pseudonyms (what they called their “party names”), but Piers admits that this “was not taken too seriously as we didn't stick rigidly to it and used real names and initials as well”. #spycops
However his statement was “read into” the Inquiry on 12 November 2020, as part of 'Tranche 1, Part 1”.
Download it from…
@ucpinquiry@guardian@STWuk@metpoliceuk Sadly, Ernie died in 2021, at the age of 86, having never received answers to his questions or access to his Special Branch file.
@ucpinquiry@guardian@STWuk@metpoliceuk He said he hoped this Inquiry would “finally expose the gross violations of people's civil Liberties that took place at the hands at the British security services for so many years”.
@ucpinquiry@guardian@STWuk@metpoliceuk There will be a short break mid-morning, with James Scobie KC scheduled to start making his submissions (on behalf of another three activists: Lindsey German, 'Mary' and Richard Chessum) from 11:10am onwards
@ucpinquiry@guardian@STWuk@metpoliceuk@LindseyAGerman In it, she explains what she does know about the infiltration she and the groups she was part of (primarily the International Socialists, later known as the Socialist Workers Party) suffered.
“the accusations & attempts to slur people whose aim was to create a better world, the apportioning of blame for violence where time and again we have seen that violence coming from the police themselves, or the fascists that they have spent so much time protecting”
@ucpinquiry@guardian@STWuk@metpoliceuk@LindseyAGerman “I hope that this inquiry will take into account the fact that great injustices have often only been rectified by the actions of campaigners — and that they deserve credit, not harassment”
@ucpinquiry@guardian@STWuk@metpoliceuk@LindseyAGerman 'Mary' is yet another woman who was deceived by one of the #spycops – a man who called himself “Rick Gibson”.
At the time she had come to London from South Africa and was a student at Goldsmiths College.
@ucpinquiry@guardian@STWuk@metpoliceuk@LindseyAGerman She and her flatmate both had similar (short-term, (in her words) “sexually dysfunctional” encounters with Gibson and when they swapped stories realised they shared the same suspicions about his behaviour.
Later on they discovered that Richard Chessum and other Big Flame activists had unearthed a death certificate for a child named 'Richard Gibson' so had confronted the undercover. #spycops
@ucpinquiry@guardian@STWuk@metpoliceuk@LindseyAGerman Coles went on to become a Conservative Party (no surprise there) Councillor in Peterborough, and refused to resign, even after it was discovered that during his time undercover, he has taken advantage of a young female activist, 'Jessica'
“These convictions should never have happened. The deployment of undercover police into the anti-apartheid movement was unjustifiable, legally and morally. It was a political decision”. #spycops
All of the written statements, along with any exhibits or evidence attached to them, will be published by the @ucpinquiry as the day goes on – you can download these from
The #spycops public inquiry resumes next week. We'll hear from officer HN1 'Matt Rayner' who deceived a woman into a relationship & stole a dead child's identity while infiltrating London animal rights groups 1991-6. The Inquiry has broken its promise to us.
We were told that women deceived into relationships by spycops would be given the fullest account, inc the real name of their abuser. The Inquiry now refuses to do this with officer HN1 & won't even tell us why. 2/6
The most obvious reason is that he now holds some position of civic trust & public respect that would be untenable if people knew the truth about his past. If so, it's all the more reason to make it public. 3/6
Again , there is no public live-stream today, so the only way to follow Helen's evidence to the #spycops inquiry is via tweets here (and occasional reaction videos throughout the day hosted by @tombfowler
Helen Steel returns to the #spycops inquiry today to give evidence for a second time.
Today’s hearing will be starting slightly later than planned...
Helen says she remembers the impact Channel 4’s broadcast of the ‘Animals’ film had on the British public – the animal rights movement ‘mushroomed’ after that.
Geoff Sheppard appears remotely again today, for continued questioning by David Barr KC.
Barr got straight into it, with no preamble. Sheppard had to reassert what he’d said yesterday about not being prepared to refer to ‘Mr X’ by any other name.
In the witness statement he provided back in 2017, he said that he’d been recruited to take part in the incendiary device action by a ‘fourth person’. Did he mean Paul Gravett or Person X?
The #spycops inquiry didn't hold a hearing this morning.
This afternoon's hearing - featuring Geoff Sheppard - starts at 2pm.
To follow proceedings, check out for a handy round-up of whatever evidence can be tweeted/ shared publicly. With added music.…
David Barr KC led the Inquiry’s questioning of Geiff Sheppard, and went straight into looking at Sheppard’s witness statement, supplied to the Inquiry in July 2024
He says that since writing that statement, he has changed his views somewhat.
He no longer thinks there was any justification for the deployment of undercovers in the animal rights movement.
Follow @tombfowler for updates from the hearing room.
Some of those spied upon (and their lawyers) have now been granted access via Zoom, thanks to the arguments made by lawyers in Tuesday morning's hearing.
However many of the people whose lives have been impacted by the abusive intrusive practices of the SDS and other #spycops units - and the wider public, who are understandably interested in this issue - are still not able to watch or hear these proceedings....
..unless they are able to take time off work/ away from other commitments, and travel to the hearing room in London on the days the Inquiry sits (and there is space in the public gallery for them).
Not what is normally understood as 'open justice'.
Martyn Lowe is giving evidence at the @ucpinquiry this afternoon.
You can watch today's proceedings at
Martyn confirmed his involvement in the Peace Pledge Union, part of War Resisters International (WRI), a pacifist organisation with sections across the world. They support conscientious objectors, and are recognised by the United Nations.
The Inquiry asked him to explain what he meant be ‘nonviolence’? A philosophy about not causing any hurt to any individual. He states that he would not be willing to join any group that advocated violence.