🔹60-70% of carers for people with dementia are women
🔹Women are 2.3 times more likely to provide care for someone with dementia for over 5 years
🔹20% of female carers have gone from FT to PT employment as a result of their caring responsibilities
🔹17% felt penalised at work
The ability to process pronouns, indeed any language elements, is diminished in all dementia types:
People with dementia have legal rights:
▪️ UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
▪️ Equality Act 2010-Disability
▪️ Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) under EqA
▪️ The Care Act 2014
▪️The Mental Capacity Act 2005
& can expect
▪️ Reasonable adjustments
The NHS must meet the CQC regulatory requirements of the Accessible Information Standard (AIS)
The @Tate recently invited a “storytime drag queen” to perform a half-term show for children. Here is a short thread 🧵explaing why #WRN think drag queens should not be performing for children, with links to articles in support of the arguments #NoToDragQueenStoryHour
The Women’s Rights Network has sent this letter to The Prime Minister @UkDowning Ministers at the department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sports @DCMS and to the Trustees of the @Tate Galleries #NoToDragQueenStoryHour /2
Drag queens should not be reading or telling stories to children. The performances are touted as being family friendly, but this article by Emma Thomas sets out why this is not true: womensrights.network/post/the-famil… #NoToDragQueenStoryHour /3
A short thread🧵 on why #NoToSelfID is important right now. @scotgov want to reform the Gender Recognition Act #GRA & remove the need for a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria. To a process where people can self declare the gender they wish to live as This is Self ID /1
Self-ID allows individuals to declare themselves to be something they are not. They use the word ‘gender’, which is not adequately defined for individuals to declare whether they are a man or a woman and a boy or a girl /2
Implications for women & girls are:
👉Self ID allows any man to say he's a woman & be treated on a female hospital ward
👉Self ID allows any man to say he's a woman & play in women's sports
👉Self ID allows any man to say he's a woman & enter a rape crisis centre
@ForWomenScot @fairplaywomen @SexMattersOrg @mbmpolicy
have helpful information about the implications for GRA reform and have made it easy for us to contribute.
It is important that we have our say as decisions in Scotland will affect the UK & NI. /2
Over the coming days, alongside the consultation, we have a series of questions & comments in graphics to use to highlight to our politicians that this needs to be addressed. /3
If it succeeds, it will mean Self-ID throughout the UK by extension.
For the Bill to become law, Scottish Ministers have to ask the UK Government to grant permission that a Scottish GRC is recognised outside of Scotland.
The UK Government can refuse this.
Tell the Government they must say NO! to Self-ID.
If you would like to show your support and say NO! to Self-ID, you can contact your political representatives and express your concerns.