Why is this important? Because Sample ID EPD-SW-03-01-020423 taken on 2/4/2023 before the "controlled" explosion showed elevated levels of Benzo(a)anthracene and Chrysene right next to the Potable City Water Wells.
It would be logical to conclude that after 150,000 gallons were spilled and immolated that much of this would up going to the creeks near the City Water Wells.
And since 2/4/2023 no one has produced a readable Surface Water Analysis. And this analysis has since been deleted.🤔
Sulphur Run creek runs from the wreck WEST and merges with Leslie creek just East of the City Water Wells.
When the EPA says "the wreck was 1.4 miles from the Water Wells" thats honest, but not truthful.
The toxicity came within 0.33 miles of the Potable City Water Wells.
Why is Frank so focussed on the groundwater? Creeks interact with aquifers (underground water).
My dummy interpretation of this geological information is that there is direct interaction between the creeks and the water aquifer under #EastPalestine P49 ohiodnr.gov/static/documen…
Please keep in mind, I'm not a geologist. But I can read. So I am sharing my readings with you. Do your homework. Ask the questions. Hold people accountable. They haven't been truthful so far.
Oops another #EPA typo ! The Potable City water pump intakes may be 56-83 feet below surface, but the ground water is only 18 feet below surface. How do I know? US Geological Surveys. nwis.waterdata.usgs.gov/usa/nwis/gwlev…
Hello @OhioEPA and @EPA I am not a smart person. Can you please dumb down your #EastPalestineOH Surface Water Contamination reports so they are readable by lay people?
How about a 1 page surface water analysis for creeks?
I asked Mayor Conway to do this in person Wednesday.
Here's how dumb I am. I cant even interpret the raw data below (partial screenshots). I must be an absolute moron, as I cant interpret if the results (measured amount) are safe.
I think this is the secret decoder ring. But man, this is a lot of work to answer "are the creeks safe to kayak in?"