An ardent devotee of Lord #SriHari and having visesha #VaAyu aavesha; with his lineage from #Prahlada, Sri #RaAyaru through constant and extensive penance/devotion (saMtataM chiMtaye`~naMtaM) with focus on the all pervading Supreme God #HariSarvottama Sri #LakshmiPathi, became..+
#Raayaru is an incarnation of Bhakta #Prahlada (Prahlada Raayaru) whose Apratima #Vishnu Bhakti has been mentioned by Sri #Madhvacharya in his scripts;
Sri Raayaru Brundavana has come up at the place where He was born in Bhuvanagiri.
Sri GuruRaayaru stayed at SriMushnam the BhuVaraha kshethra and the house where Sri Raayaru stayed a Brundavana has come up. It is said that it is (Ekashila Brundavana ) has been carved out from the remains of Moola Brindavana at Mantralayam.
There is no exception that people from all walks of life including #Yatis worship Sri Guru Raayaru and visit #Mantralayam to have darshan of Guru Sri #RaaghavendraRu.
With so much of sanctity,spirituality,divinity, behind, One should not resort to dosha chintana of Sri Guru Raayaru. He should always be adored with utmost reverence; devotion; faith; obeisance, gratitude. He is Kaliyuga Kamadhenu – Kalpavriksha; His glory is everlasting...
👉Worshiping Sri Guru RaAyaru is Hari Preeti;
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Generally we come across this ancient maxim to indicate that when all the methods of mending a person/bringing things under control are exhausted like #Saama-#Daana-#Bheda; as a last resort #Dandam is invoked. +
Complete version that I have come across is as follows...
Reposted on the occasion of Sri #GuruRaayara#PattabhishekaDinotsava (22.02.2023)
Phalguna Sukla Dwiteeya, the auspicious day,
the sacred name, powerful Tharaka mantra, #RaAgHavendra🙏took birth in the year 1621.
It was in the year 1621 A.D. of Durmathi Naama Samvatsara, Phalguna Sukla Dwiteeya, Sri #Venkatanathacharya (Poorvasrama naama of Sri #Raaghavendra Swamy) took Sanyasa Deeksha from his Guru Sri #SudheendraTheertharu.
Phala + Guna = #Phalguna. Phala means merits and Guna means qualities; last but not the least, #PHALGUNA maasa the 12th Lunar month is a highly auspicious month full of meritorious qualities.
With entry of #Saturn (#Shani Mahatma) into Kumbha (Aquarius) Rasi in the Zodiac, there will be changes in Shani #Gochara like Sade-Sath, Ashtama/ArdhaAshtama Shani etc. for individuals reckoned from Moon sign (Janma Raasi)
How to gear up for Shani Gochara/Dasa ? small -🧵
This thread is not for giving predictions. It is only an attempt to understand Saturn/Shani Mahatma in a novice way.
one should possesses/develop qualities of....
discipline, hard work, diligence, patience, steadfastness, perseverance, honesty, judgment, compassion, charitable nature, service oriented, selfless sacrifice etc. ++
A prominent Saint from Haridasa tradition, aparoksha jnaani, great astrologer, Mahathyaagi, ardent devotee of GuruRayaru, one who has expanded divine term RAGHAVENDRA, believed to be Sri VigneswaraAmsha, one who has shown SriHari dhanyopasana/Bimbopasana krama,
Sri #GopalaDasaru
Uttanoor Rushikulottama Sri Gopala Dasaru (1722-1762) - Pushya Bahula Ashtami (today) is HIs punya thithi.
Born in Mosarakallu village of Raichur district in Karnataka state, his original name was Bhaganna. A contemporary of Sri Vijaya Dasaru & Sri Jagannatha Dasaru...+
initiated into HaridasaDeekshe by Sri Vijayadasaru, played significant role in spreading philosophy of Dvaita/Tattvavada for novice understanding. Attained Gayatri mantra siddhi, well-versed in Bhoota-Bhavishyat-Vartamana kalajnana, wrote more than 1000 keertanas/Suladis.
As per SuryaSiddhanta (J-Hora) MakaraSankramana (Transit of Sun-Makara Rasi) is taking place on 15th Jan. 23 @ 02.27 hrs. According 2 DharmaShastra 40 Ghatis (16 hrs) from D time of transit is considered Uttarayana ParvaKala ie. upto 18.27 hrs (precisely till Sunset) on 15th Jan+
Since transit is taking place after Sunset on 14th, DharmaAcharana cannot be made on 14th, hence it should be, from start of Sunrise on 15th.
If transit occurs after Sunset; 5 Ghatis’ (2 hrs) duration on the next day (15th) after Sunrise is considered Atyanta ParvaPunyaKaala. +
What is to be done during Uttarayana Parvakala?
During any Parvakaala sacred bath, prayer, japa, penance, tharpana, charity etc. are prescribed. If it is Uttaraayana then it will be more significant and more meritorious.++