#Dioxin remediation research. #OhioChernobyl > Full-Scale Incineration System Demonstration 100 ton/day rotary kiln incinerator in processing soil contaminated with dioxins and other hazardous constituents of Herbicide Orange. electrohemp.blogspot.com/2023/02/full-s…
This research paper from 1991 from the EPA CluIn Files for #Dioxin Incineration System provides a Diagram source file:
Dioxin Treatment Technologies
November 1991 OTA-BP-O-93 NTIS order PB92-152511
@EPA Own Publications explained how to deal with #Ohio Chemical Incineration > U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Dioxin Treatment Technologies Background Paper, OTA-BP-O-93 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government printing Office)
I have NOT found anything in my research that a "Controlled Burn" out in the open is an acceptable way to dispose of the polyvinylchemicals in the #ohiotrainderailment
This type of Incinerator is very similar to the #Downdraft#Gasifer Offgrid Hot Water and Hot Air system I designed and shared months ago.
The Ohio Train Crash and Burning of the Polyvinyl Chloride Chemicals would have been ok, " IF " the Smoke and Particles in the Chemical Fire smoke would have went thru the 2nd stage in this diagram 10 thru 16
I don't even have to be an attorney to show "liabilty" in the #OhioChernobyl#ChemicalFire > this will be an open and shut case for everyone affected by the #ohiotraincrash
I WILL STATE AGAIN: @EPA + @EPAresearch has all these known documents that are not adhered to: WHO ARE THEY REALLY helping?
@SirHerbertHans1 I will never take part in the Cabal and Illuminati activities disguised as Helping Humanity. The Track Record of this organization is dastardly.
Dastardly Dellusions of the Illuminati is easy to spot.
@SirHerbertHans1 this is what I think and feel about your organization and its activies merriam-webster.com › #dastardly
Feb 13, 2023 — cowardly, pusillanimous, craven, dastardly mean having or showing a lack of courage. cowardly implies a weak or ignoble lack of courage.
Plants As Water Protectors for Toxic Cleanup. @EPA@EPAregion7@DOESBIR I have solutions to help clean the #OhioTrainDisaster Water Issues. Why is it so hard to work w/ your organizations???
The Pollution Solution Call for Assistance Invitation To the World - I just added an invitation for anyone who wants to help clean the pollution up on our planet. thepollutionsolution.org/employment-per…
1>Fisherman Catches Huge Fish – But Then He Discover What’s In Its Mouth - go.shr.lc/3KztUcy
2>this story is hard to believe. his trailer just happened to have a scale on it? The motion detector he pulled out of his glove box? The cops just happened to be around? The fisherman tagged along on a bust? How did the fish get the LOOT in its mouth, weren't they dumped...
3> in a bag or something?
I’ve handfished (noodling) before the guys who taught me said a huge fish can drown a person. The say its best to put a rope thru the mouth and out the gills so that it doesn’t pull you under and keep you on the bottom.