Viral persistence inside gastrointestinal epithelium cells infected with SARS-COV will shed evidence of viral persistence until the epithelium cells occur natural apoptosis and regenerate. @fitterhappierAJ explains exactly the long term outcomes for t-cells of viral persistence!
““You can find lots of chronic infections — people that are probably infected for over a year — where the virus hasn’t changed at all” - @SolidEvidence
Friendly reminder your immune system dysfunction doesn’t have a pain indicator.
The viral persistence and reproduction from SARS infection in renal epithelium cells can last 500-787 days - IFF there’s no re-infection!
Re-infection not only resets the clock it produces genetic recombination opportunities via airborne transmission.
Viral particles shed via fecal matter are not viable beyond the acute phase. Orofecal transmission via poor hand hygiene or contamination of water is only possible during the acute phase.
This person who has viral persistence is likely under the age of 30 (male) or 35 (female) and has no clue they are walking around with their beans spilling out. That’s they are going to die of cancer or some other autoimmune disease within 10 years.
The declaration of the end of the pandemic means research for a test that could provide this person with knowledge to obtain treatment to prevent severe permanent immune system damage - is not going to be funded!
Everyone is vulnerable to persistent SARS infection.
Mr. Maidowski providing recent findings for #SAND (SARS-COV Associated Neurological Decline) AKA #BrainFog as we start to tie findings of HIV-1 viral persistence and SARS viral persistence.
Your nation hasn’t authorized standardized testing of biomarkers for SARS infection beyond the acute phase, therefore the clinical evidence of #LongCovid is only being generated after autopsies results.
At the beginning of the HIV pandemic in the early 1980s; HIV patients were dying 5-10 years after infection. In 1986, Public Health acknowledged the scientific evidence from 1984 that HIV was a cause of immunodeficiency.
Viral persistence inside SARS-CoV infected epithelium reservoirs will cause exhaustion of SARS-CoV-specific CD8+ T-cells in #LongCOVID patients. Mounting evidence that @fitterhappierAJ has been right all along.
@fitterhappierAJ One of the obstacles to creating a reliable SARS/MERS vaccine is that viral HCoV persistence in epithelium cells beyond the URT can reprogram HCoV-memory-specific t-cells. This is a flaw of the Human Immunity System (HIS) against human coronaviruses.…
If the ship has "sailed on #ZeroCOVID", why has there been a whole new ship every 3 months?
Why was Zero-XBB.1.5 abandoned before it spread?
Why is Zero-XYZ.1.2.3, the next "big ship" already abandoned before the ship even exists?
We could end the worldwide spread of new variants, TOMORROW.
Omikron & #XBB15 originated because US, UK & EU created a pool of 6 billion hosts for unmitigated international transmission with Let'er R.I.P (Re-Infection Policy).
Americans who think New Zealand was able to reach and attain #ZeroCOVID because "New Zealand is an "island", must not realize "America is an island" too!
How our political leadership is able to minimize #LongCOVID damage from persistent SARS infection is that society had already minimized persistent viral infection from several other viruses that only kill the host slowly.
Apologies for posting an informative article behind a paywall, but it's difficult to find any other mainstream news discussing the concerns of the growing disabled American workforce.
Lawsuits and lawyers for insurance companies and disabled workers are what is eventually going to resolve this political corruption of Public Health.
When there’s persistent viral infection in the human body, our own immune system dysfunction will destroy healthy tissue - starting with the brain. That’s what we learned about HIV. In year 5 of the HIV pandemic. #incurable