‘We have a right to know. We owe an incalculable debt to Julian Assange and Wikileaks for publishing truth. We have an obligation to stand up (in support)’ #FreeAssange ‘@DrOliviaBall
#FreeAssange#AnythingtoSay L-R Julian Assanges’s father John Shipton, lawyer Steven Kenny (who also acted for David Hicks), and whistleblower David McBride.
Resolution on Julian Assange by @pen_int condemns the moves for his extradition, saying they set a dangerous precedent for journalists and publishers across the globe. Assange is the first publisher to be charged under the US Espionage Act #FreeAssange
Lawyer Stephen Kenny talking about the protracted process Julian Assange is now subject to in the UK, seeking leave to appeal. PM Albanese has made positive sounds on seeking Assange’s release. ‘we need to hold him to that’. #FreeAssange
‘It can never be a crime to reveal murders by governments.’ David McBride says public support is critical, telling supporters to be proud of their stand. Talks about the need to put architects of Iraq invasion on trial, not those who reveal its crimes. #FreeAssange
Former Reuters journalist Dean Yates says his colleagues Namir and Saeed would have been forgotten statistics of the Iraq War if not for Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning revealing the truth of their deaths. #FreeAssange
‘Why are you so silent on Julian Assange?’ fmr Reuters journalist Dean Yates asks Australia’s media. ‘If you think your role is to hold power to account then you’re failing miserably. If you think your role is to protect the public’s right to know then you’re failing miserably.’
Julian Assange’s father John Shipton talks about whistleblowers like his son, Chelsea Manning, David McBride who ‘gathered their courage despite, in spite of the terrible circumstances they know will befall them.’ #FreeAssange
John Shipton urges action so his son Julian Assange can ‘come home to his kids and be able to live, ordinarily, a sweet life’.
Just tuning in to @AusHumanRights Kep Enderby Memorial Lecture, ft Marni Tuala, moderated by @Dan_Bourchier cc @CroakeyNews
Warm Welcome to Country from Bundjalung Gadigal man Craig Madden: "Welcome, welcome, welcome. But it's important to remember, no matter where you are in our beautiful country of ours...it always was, it always will be Aboriginal land." #racism
EU Ambassador to Australia talks re new partnership with Australia on critical raw materials: has provision to "safeguard Indigenous peoples", including consultations prior to activities, prevention/minimisation of possible adverse impacts on rights, fair compensation. #racism
"Why treat people and send them back to the conditions that make them sick?" @MichaelMarmot's underlying question. Health care is vital (been driven in UK to brink of collapse) but "my concern is with the conditions that make people sick". cc @baumfran@SharonFrielOz
What happened in 2010? Conservative Party won, and their main policy was Austerity, rolling back the state. The more deprived the area, the greater the need, the greater reduction in spending: @MichaelMarmot
FYI from @ProgIntl: Belmarsh Tribunal is inspired by the Russell-Sartre Tribunals of the Vietnam War, brings together a range of expert witnesses — lawyers, journalists, MPs, union officials, whistleblowers and human rights defenders — to press for Assange's release
Vic COVID update, announcing mental health response - Merlino says COVID impacts coming on top of 'broken' mental health system (which prompted the Royal Commission), been looking how to find more capacity, to support a workforce that "already stretched, already fatigued".
$22.1m additional health support package - $13m for 20 pop up community health services (8 in regional Vic) from the end of this month, will be a 1300 hotline number TBA - deliver 90 clinicians, 93k hours of care (counselling, wellbeing checks, referrals), to reduce ED impact.
Will be free and open to all, says Merlino re new pop ups.
Additional support for ACCHOs, for the PPP program (parents and carers of kids with anxiety), RCH, VicHealth, and for LGBTIQ+ orgs.
All on top of $225m COVID funding already provided.....
Being introduced by @dartian1 (who is guesting at @WePublicHealth this week), acknowledging that we live and work on the unceded lands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.