3. "Whoa there, what do you mean be wary of the price"?
JEXchange is a peer to peer marketplace, meaning that the seller sets the price & the buyer decides if it's reasonable. Unlike on JungleDEX where you pay whatever price it is at the moment
4. "That sounds awesome, so I can sell my rewards from 🐻 staking at anytime, right?"
Yes, you earn them every day & can sell them off each day if you want, but not so fast, SRB have a large range of DeFi opportunities so you can make even more rewards!
5. "DeFi, I have heard about that, like Celsius, a scam!"
We understand the concern, sadly there have been a lot of bad actors in this space, even though completely doxxed.
DeFi just means decentralized finance, as opposed to traditional financial products
6. For our Farms and Pools we use @QuantumXnetwork, who are both professional & reliable. We recently carried out a Smart contract audit by @BlackHatNetwork, so you can rest assured your funds are safe
10.We have covered the swap, so lets move onto staking
Once you have $RARE in your wallet you have a variety of options for staking & farming, let's start with the easiest, remember all farms/pools have a 10% boost for SuperRareBears NFT stakers
11.Let's first look at the pools, there are currently 4 options
🏆 Rewards are in
$EGLD (from SRB royalties)
$RARE (🐻 stakers only)
12.There's a 10 day period from the moment you stake, or add to it, where if you want to leave early you there will be a 2.5% fee. This sustains the pools & helps pay for rewards.
You can claim rewards every day
13. "Thanks, that sounds really easy, what's $PRICK?"
Glad you asked. $PRICK is a token. When you reach one whole one, you can swap it for an #abominator 💉 NFT in the HUB
14.It's basically a fraction of the NFT. The Abominators 💉 us used to mutate a SRB to form a new collection called Abominations. The syringe is burned and Srb returned intact with new abomination. It's still being drawn
16. "That's really cool & easy to understand, what about farms?"
Ok, farming is a little more difficult as you need to add liquidity & instead of staking the single asset ($RARE) you stake the LP token, which is, when you make it, an equal share of USDC & RARE
18.There are currently 3 farms you can stake your LP tokens in
The rewards are
& a special farm called #bearlybonding, where you can earn 14 Tokens at the moment 😱
19. Just look at that list 😱
20. "Wow, I have heard of most of these, but what are $BEAR & $HYPE"?
$BEAR, like $PRICK token is a fraction of an NFT, in this case it's a SRB one & can be swapped in the Hub on @QuantumXnetwork when you have a whole one, or sold on @jexchangeP2P
Exclusive Guide for our upcoming Early Access Bundle Tournament Mint
🗓Monday Oct 17th 12.00 UTC (noon)
4⃣6⃣9⃣ Early Access Bundles
Random mint
2⃣ per wallet
💰0.88 $EGLD or 2000 $RARE
NFTs in these bundles will be automatically distributed to the holder of the Bundle NFT at 17.00 UTC 24th October 2022. This allows for some trading beforehand.