Texas Voucher Plan = $8,000 per student
Average Texas Home value = $290,000
Average Property Tax rate = 1.80%
Average Taxes Paid = $5,220
So even with one kid, it’s not really “my taxes”. It’s “our taxes”. A family with 2 or more… #txlege#txed
The Texas Voucher Math (2/4)
Texas Voucher Plan = $8,000 per student
Average cost of K-8 Private school = $10,000
Average cost of 9-12 Private school = $13,000
So even with a voucher, it doesn’t cover tuition, meaning it’s not for low income families. #txlege#txed
The Texas Voucher Math (3/4)
Texas Voucher Plan = $8,000 per student
Texas Public School Basic Allotment = $6,160 per student
So the state is acknowledging it is more expensive to educate kids, but won’t fully support public schools with a higher basic allotment #txlege#txed
The Texas Voucher Math (4/4)
% of TX Private schools with religious affiliation = 71%
% of Private school students at above schools = 82%
So the state will claim they want “education not indoctrination”, while sending tax dollars to schools who actively indoctrinate. #txlege
A reminder that the people who are driving “School Choice” (vouchers & Education Savings Accounts), they all have motive.
For many billionaires, it’s 💰
For some billionaires, it’s 💰 & ⛪️
For white supremacists, is obvious
And there is overlap
It isn’t about kids #txlege#txed
As add on, I used avg home value, rather than median home value. Average does skew higher than median. Also, I used the full average tax rate, which includes local taxes beyond school taxes (but they are the lion’s share of the rate).
Meaning the math on “my taxes” is even lower
More info as I continue reading SB8, the Texas “Parents Rights” bill. Private schools won’t be held to the same standards as public schools. Even if they take a voucher.
"Get married, stay married, and be fruitful and multiply" is the tag line for Texas HB2889.
Stay married - 10% tax reduction
Have 2 kids - 40% tax reduction
Have 10 kids - 100% reduction
This is handmaids tale, where women are pushed to be broodmares. They want more white kids.
To get the 40% tax reduction, you have to have 4 kids. 1, 2, or 3 kids and you don't get any additional tax relief. You've got to get to 4 to make the money roll in.
We need more white kids!
🧒of 👨🦰👩 = ✅ (🧒must be born after married, because of sin)
Adopted 🧒of 👨🦰👩 = ✅
Adopted 🧒of one parent, who is married to someone who is a widow or widower = ✅
So if you were married and had kids, got divorced, and then remarried, you are SOL. Because divorce is a sin.
The difference between what the Tarrant County Judge lists as legislative priorities vs the National Association of Counties couldn't be more stark.
NACo is focused on making life better for citizens. O'Hare's is nothing but a Christian nationalist's wish list.
Transformative Property Tax Relief - seek to eliminate M&O property taxes, putting future public school funding at risk.
Culture of Life - control and impose patriarchy
Protect Texas Children - demonizing transgender kids and their parents, and drag shows, plus more guns.
Secure the border - Build the wall
Empowering Parents in education - Taxpayer money to pay for religious indoctrination
Strengthen election integrity - Because fraud is rampant
Protecting Religious Liberty - to impose beliefs on others
Safeguard Business - F*ck public safety
That’s a real American
He loves Jesus, hates his wife
Golfs on the weekends
He loves a tax break
But it’s hand outs he can’t stand
He worked hard for his dad’s Homestead Act land
Hobbies include:
Picketing Abortion clinics
Praying his gay daughter might meet a good man
Debating his grandkids coming to visit
Thanking God that he’s American
Thank God I was born and raised in
The land of cancer trains
Getting rich buying out lunch debts at the middle school
The land of qualified immunity
And equal opportunity, for rich folks and the chosen few
1. For the Catholic Church and billionaire Evangelical Christians like Betsy DeVos, publicly funded vouchers for private religious schools opens a path to taxpayer support for their religious orgs.
Make money + indoctrination
There are four types pushing “school choice”
2. For billionaires like the Walton family, John Arnold and Charles Koch, school choice grants a path to undermining public education and lowering taxes.
Keep tax money, make more money, indoctrination if it helps them out.
There are four types pushing “school choice”
3. For billionaires like Bill Gates, Reed Hastings and Michael Dell, school choice prepares a path for creating an education technology industry that has the promise of huge future profits.
In 2006, Milton Friedman, economist and school choice advocate since 1955, right after Brown v Board desegregated schools, spelled out what the goals really are: abolish the public school system. And if they can’t do that, vouchers. Feel familiar? #publicschools
Here is Milton Friedman in 1955 on why we shouldn’t have free public schools.
“The advantage of imposing the costs on the parents is that it would tend to equalize the social and private costs of having children and so promote a better distribution of families by size.”
Friedman discussing lower birth rates among the wealthy (and why schools shouldn’t be free):
“children are relatively more expensive to [high socioeconomic folks], thanks in considerable measure to the higher standards of education they maintain and the costs of which they bear.”