This “sex assigned at birth” BS is the most INSANE thing yet. When I was 11 weeks pregnant with my oldest, I was able to find out his sex via blood test. How? They test for the presence of a Y chromosome in the mother’s blood. If it’s positive, the baby is a boy. Even in the 1st
trimester of pregnancy, the baby’s DNA is detectable in the mothers blood. Isn’t that incredible in and of itself? This is the earliest and most reliable way to determine sex, and it doesn’t require an ultrasound or a doctor to “assign” it based on genitalia, just genetics. The
assertion that a doctor “assigns” a sex like an arbitrary assigned seat in a classroom is beyond absurd. It’s an affront to science and reality itself. You can raise your children without forcing gender stereotypes and still teach them accurate and anatomically correct facts
about their own bodies. It’s quite literally one of the basic responsibilities of a parent. Studies have shown that children who are NOT taught accurate information and anatomically correct names for their bodies are less likely to recognize and report sexual abuse or molestation
in particular if they don’t have an appropriate grasp and understanding of their bodies in both relation to their own experiences and to others interacting with them. This is a dangerous and quite frankly abusive road that far too many people are going down because it’s popular
and trendy, particularly on social and mainstream media that caters to these extreme leftists ideologies, without any due diligence being done to explain the full spectrum of consequences and unknowns as it relates to this practice, in particular with young children. It’s unreal.
As a Texan who has actually seen this humanitarian crisis firsthand, I cannot even begin to explain the horror of hearing our government’s top officials deny this reality and suggest that it’s in any way “humane” for these. migrants. I will be sharing one woman’s story soon (w -
- with her permission anonymously. Women and children are being trafficked and raped, many die making the journey, they are put into horribly understaffed and unsafe conditions and sent out into the country with nothing and no idea what to do from there. Many don’t speak English
and are given vague and confusing instructions on where to appear for asylum hearings that are months in advance at random locations across the country, unaccompanied minors are coming in unprecedented numbers with NO ADULTS, then sent to unverifiable homes only to disappear into
ATTENTION WOMEN: I was at my local grocery store in Texas this week when a female employee pulled me aside. She calmly informed me that a male shopper had been following me and staff had been informed, bc they were all on high alert following a recent
situation with another shopper. A woman in her early twenties had come into the store alone, bruised and battered, and obviously distraught. She requested to speak to someone who spoke Spanish, preferably a woman, and so the employee who had pulled me aside went to assist her.
The young woman told an extraordinary and horrific story of how she’d ended up here, in this grocery store, alone, abused, and terrified. She was one of MANY women who had been unwittingly trafficked by a group of people who had promised her work in the US in exchange for a large
PSA: THERE ARE MORE THAN TWO SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT. In fact, their are infinite ones. Just because someone isn’t a supporter of every far left policy, that doesn’t make them a supporter of every far right policy. This bizarre need to categorize and label one another is DANGEROUS &
further sews the seeds of division that are uprooting our society. Underneath all of the hostile rhetoric, the socially accepted narratives, and the need to be accepted, most of us have far more in common than we realize, because we are rarely able see one another’s true selves
beneath the tangled mess of political correctness, pride, and emotion. The fact of the matter is, we are all humans, at our core. The ever growing list of labels to use and boxes to be put in have made many forget that. The saying “divide and conquer” is quite literal here. It is