2/When I look at the skullbase veins, I see an angry Santa yelling at me. His eyebrows are raised, his mouth is open, & he has a mustache w/a big beard hanging down.
Each I look at the skullbase, I look for this Santa—bc each part of him is an important venous structure.
3/So let’s start w/Santa’s eyes. The eyes are actually not a venous structure, but an important landmark—foramen ovale, where the V3 trigeminal nerve exit.
I remember ovale is Santa's eyes bc eyes are OVAL, so his eyes are OVALE
4/Next are Santa’s angry raised eyebrows. These are the sphenoparietal sinuses.
I remember these are the eyebrows bc I call them “seen”-oparietal sinuses & you see w/your eyes.
These have this “eyebrow” shape bc they are following the curve of the greater sphenoid wing
5/Sphenoparietal sinuses meet in the middle at the cavernous sinus—like your eyebrows meet in the middle at your nose.
I remember the cavernous sinus & intracavernous sinuses are Santa’s nose bc you dig in a cavern. And where do all kids like to go digging? Their nose! 🤢
6/Right below Santa’s nose is his mustache & this is the basilar plexus, right below the cavernous sinus.
You can remember this bc mustaches are made of a base & handlebars—and the BASE of Santa’s mustache is the BASilar plexus
7/Extending from Santa’s mustache is his beard. These are the petrosal sinuses (inferior & superior), important in many neurosurgical approaches.
You can remember that the PETROsal sinuses make up sides of the beard bc you use PETROleum to smooth the sides of your beard
8/Finally, Santa’s mouth is the marginal sinus. I remember this bc the word marginal sounds like “Aaaargh”—the sound pirates make from their mouth. I call it the Maaaargh—inal sinus
So hopefully this thread has given you some ELF-confidence when it comes to skullbase anatomy!
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1/Does trying to figure out cochlear anatomy cause your head to spiral?
Hungry for some help?
Here’s a thread to help you untwist cochlear CT anatomy w/food analogies!
2/On axial temporal bone CT, you cannot see the whole cochlea at once. So let’s start at the bottom.
The first thing you come to is the basal turn of the cochlea (makes sense, basal=bottom). On axial images, it looks like a banana. I remember both Basal and Banana start w/B.
3/As you move up to the next slice, you start to see the upper turns of the cochlea coming in above the basal turn. They look like a stack of pancakes.
Pancakes are the heart of any breakfast, so they are at the heart or middle of the cochlea on imaging.
MMA fights get a lot of attention, but MMA (middle meningeal art) & dural blood supply doesn’t get the attention it deserves.
A thread on dural vascular anatomy!
2/Everyone knows about the blood supply to the brain.
Circle of Willis anatomy is king and loved by everyone, while the vascular anatomy of the blood supply to the dura is the poor, wicked step child of vascular anatomy that is often forgotten
3/But dural vascular anatomy & supply are important, especially now that MMA embolizations are commonly for chronic recurrent subdurals.
It also important for understanding dural arteriovenous fistulas as well.