As a sponsored LandX ambassador I’m bringing you a thread that aims to teach you about the following:
- What is regenerative finance?
- ReFi in crypto
- Growing population
- Food shortage
- The problem LandX is solving
1: What is regenerative finance?
Regenerative finance is not just about carbon credits - it includes all financial instruments that use capital to achieve positive change in a sustainable way.
Regenerative finance (ReFi) is an investment approach that prioritizes positive and sustainable impact for the greater good.
However, traditional finance has historically been focused on maximizing returns on investment, without considering negative……
3: Growing population and food shortage
The global population has more than quadrupled in the last century, and experts agree that the planet's maximum carrying capacity is between 9-10 billion people.
LandX is solving the problem of the imminent crisis caused by the growing population and increasing demand for food, which is exacerbating the depletion of farmland due to inefficient and unsustainable farming practices.