Our Georgia AAUP webpage has great @BORUSG university system salary data. Let’s see how many “teaching” positions we lose if the $66 million cut soon to passed by state lawmakers directly hits faculty 1/x #gapol aaupgeorgia.org/salary-studies
This table shows 2019 data of faculty titles, how many per title, and total salary. $66 million ends non-tenure jobs of last 4 categories: instructors, limited term, adjuncts, etc. That is roughly 15% of teaching staff 2/x
Or doing it another way, cutting 2/3 of non-tenured lecturers and senior lecturers. 1200ish positions to cut $66 million. Either option would decimate many humanities depts. 3/x
Or 22% of assistant professors, 20% of associate professors, or 16% of full professors. Tenure gives those last two groups some job protection but in depts that have already cut non-tenured, the only cuts left are tenured/on track. 4/x
These are gross (pun intended) numbers. Cutting “teaching” isn’t necessarily all cuts to people. But after years of unfilled positions and retirements as cuts, many schools facing deep enrollment problems now face difficult decisions. 5/x
That said, USG has broad leeway to allocate its budget as it sees fit within the “teaching” category. It doesn’t have to spread cuts equally. And there is the matter of “carry forward” funds mentioned as cover by GOP Senate leaders. 6/x
It’s complicated but those $ are at the program level, and depts ask USG to carry over based on specific reasons with limited $. And some funds - such as state appropriations - have to be spent. The $500 mill cited as USG carry over isn’t and can’t directly cover this cut. 7/x
A final analogy. Many faculty talk about wasted $ on admin aka “bloat.” This chart shows $66 mil cut could equal no deans or no provosts/presidents. That is how deep this cut will impact the USG. /end
Ron is correct. But the Satanic panic has changed. It’s not the “play the song backwards” era. It’s the “spiritual war” era. What Charlie Kirk wants is different than what previous panic-ers wanted.
Yes it’s always been for a long time seen as an “attack” on traditional morality. Shapiro’s thread on topic quotes Percy Shelley. But now we add the explicit war rhetoric.
Spiritual war has also been around for many many years. Usually in minor forms of Christianity. But now that war has been nationalized. Same sides but bigger stakes. And different goals
It’s always funny to watch when professors defend Charlie Kirk. It undercuts his long-standing myth of college as indoctrination centers. And this invite has nothing to do with free speech.
The center hosting this event is funded by a private foundation. And the government isn’t suppressing it. Kirk could and has spoken on many campuses without such an invite.
The article/letter cites an ASU speaker series. See if you spot the pattern at a place that says it values all viewpoints:
As a reminder Turning Point USA let Eduardo Bolsonaro, son of Jair Bolsonaro, speak to its 2022 summer event crowd. thebulwark.com/the-bullhorn-a…
Charlie Kirk spread Brazil election conspiracies on his Nov 3, 2022 podcast: “Despite his party doing well and despite holding a lead early on election night, Brazil's conservative president Jair Bolsonaro just suffered a narrow defeat. Sound familiar?” omny.fm/shows/the-char…
Kirk’s guest on that episode: “Paulo Figueiredo Filho, the grandson of João Figueiredo, Brazil’s military president between 1979 and 1985, and now a commentator for the rightwing media operation Jovem Pan,” @guardian notes theguardian.com/world/2022/nov…
The Georgia @BORUSG and my university @UNG_News University of North Georgia announced today a 15-member presidential search committee. It has 3 faculty. Under previous policy, faculty would have been majority. 1/x
In August the first search under the new Regents-led search policy, a 20-person Columbus State commitee was named. It had 6 faculty. That 6/20 is ten percent more than UNG 3/15. We are heading in wrong direction. 2/x usg.edu/news/release/c…
The last search committee under old policy was named in January at Georgia Highlands. It had 6/12 faculty. 3/x usg.edu/news/release/g…