The @Policy_Exchange report found:
"The agencies most frequently named were the Proud Trust, the Rainbow Flag Award, Just Like Us, Diversity Role Models and the PSHE Association."
We have written about all these groups.
Thread. #edutwitter#RSE…
The Proud Trust website states “Trans and non-binary children and young people exist in our world, exist in our primary schools."
Pupils learn in the first lesson an understanding of “gender identity including terms trans, non-binary and cis.”…
The Rainbow Flag Award is an alternative version of the Stonewall School Champions scheme. Sold as a package of policies, lesson plans, RSE resources and anti-bullying measures it was financed by @educationgovuk and @GEOgovuk.…
Diversity Role Models defines social transition as “moving to live your life as your authentic gender identity” and believes “In order to safeguard the child effectively, their wishes should be given priority”.
Funded by @GEOgovuk.…
“The drive to undermine sex based data collection is fundamentally a form of silencing which is designed to make certain facts unknowable and unspeakable.”
- @ProfAliceS.
This point was the basis of the submission we made to the @EHRC statutory review, regarding children. 1/
For example: by collecting data based on gender identity, not sex, the Stonewall School Report 2017 covered up the scale of suicide attempts and self-harm rates of girls. 2/…
Increasing numbers of referrals to the Tavistock GIDS have not been recorded by sex. 3/
The transcript of the case brought by Mermaids to try to strip the LGBAlliance of their charity status is available.
It contains some astonishing admissions. 🧵
Mermaids Chair of Trustees was asked about the definitions of sex and gender. Yes, she really did admit, on oath that she doesn't know if babies are born with a sex.
Dr Bell of Mermaids also claims that the Cass Review is not their 'field'
"She cited the cases of two authors, Rachel Rooney and Gillian Philip, who had suffered “severe personal and professional harm” because they dared to “challenge a fashionable ideology..""
Thank you @jk_rowling for standing up for your fellow authors.…
JK Rowling said "I’ve received no communication whatsoever from Harris expressing sympathy for the death and rape threats I’ve received.”
Gillian Philip said “I had no trust whatsoever in the society and thought it more likely to condemn me than my publisher or the mob who got me fired."
Attorney General @SuellaBraverman has made a ground-breaking speech on schools policy & the legal responsibilities relating to transgender issues.
She talked of the conflict of rights to single-sex spaces & the protected characteristic of gender reassignment. 1/12 #edutwitter
She said that a conflict of rights has been weaponised by small lobby groups and that
"interpretation by various sectors has led to huge confusion.." 2/12 #edutwitter
The Attorney General said a Gender Recognition Certificate does not confer self identification & does not automatically allow entry to single-sex services. However a person identifies it does not allow access to the single-sex services of the opposite sex. 3/12
"The Attorney General will warn on Wednesday that teachers who allow students to “socially transition” to the opposite gender without their parents’ consent could be in breach of their duty of care to the child and open themselves up to a negligence claim"…
"She will use a speech on equalities legislation on Wednesday to say schools should only use a transgender child’s preferred pronouns on the advice of a medical professional."
She added: “There is also a separate duty to provide single sex toilets in schools, breach of which would be unlawful. The legislative background therefore means that biological male children are generally not permitted to use the female toilets in schools.”
"Children should also not fear punishment for refusing to take part in activities promoted by trans-lobby groups such as Stonewall or face any disadvantage for questioning what they are being taught on gender identity" - @SuellaBraverman #edutwitter
"I want to make it clear that it is possible, within the law, for schools to refuse to use the preferred opposite-sex pronouns of a child."
"As set out by Dr Hilary Cass in her interim report, affirming the gender preference of a child where it differs from their birth sex is “social transitioning” and not a neutral act."