"Russian disinformation" related to biological weapons, 1998-2021. Appendix to Milton Leitenberg, “False allegations of biological-weapons from Putin’s Russia” with a detailed chronology
By Robert Petersen, analyst at the Centre for Biosecurity & Biopreparedness in Denmark, on the role of "biological weapons disinformation" in the Russia-Ukraine war
6. All the above diatribes ignore uncomfortable facts
Uncomfortable facts about:
US Biowarfare Research, Pentagon and DTRA Involvement, DARPA program outsourcing, the role of US military linked companies, Russian Perceptions, Basic Geography and Historical Precedents
7. These uncomfortable facts will now be highlighted
The US scientific community, Metabiota, DTRA, DoD, EHA, NIH, NIAID, GVP, PREDICT, etc, had fingers in too many pies & got caught in a trap of its own making
In this thread you will find links to the published documents which were considered as disinformation, but not actually published in English or examined at the time by the accusers.
All Critiques of Russian Claims fail to understand that if Russia & Russian military linked companies were carrying out similar activities at bio-labs in countries bordering the US, Mexico, Canada and the Caribbean...
The US would be screaming BLUE MURDER!
35. The Role of Covid-19
As a result of Covid-19 & investigations into its origins, many previously unknown facts about US virus collection programs, virus research & biolab activities in ex-USSR States have come to light, not to mention many hypotheses
36. Further Examples include the #DEFUSE Documents published by #DRASTIC and the later Murphy/Project Veritas Claims, well examined here by @taughtmekarate :
I think that just about covers everything known about this topic and both sides of the arguments by the US and by Russia are clearly presented with facts and details.
Daszak gloating over getting @CBS to remove the video about double billing in Wuhan, after using donations to EHA to pay the exorbitant salaries of lawyers with the morals of rattlesnakes.
Tracking the oracular trees of the Sun & Moon, as described in a fictional 4th-century letter from Alexander the Great to Aristotle, the author ferrets out their supposed location from Pseudo-Callisthenes & John Mandeville’s Travels
He speculates that one of these specimens might have been a cypress tree “said to be 1,450 years old, and to measure 33 ¾ cubits in girth” near Kashmar, Iran
..was said to have grown from a paradisiacal shoot brought down to Earth by Zoroaster himself, which was then felled by al-Mutawakkil in the 9th century & transported to Samarra on rollers by 1300 camels, where its wood was used as beams for his new palace