"Kathleen Kennedy] called me up and the initial thing was she wanted me to write VII, VIII, and IX together, and I said... And then the story that she pitched me was she just said it’s an origin story of a female Jedi"
hard part of covering health issues is that if you are doing your job right you learn that pretty much everywhere in medicine it sucks & we barely know what questions to ask about what we don't know
Humans have made tremendous progress, but we are barely past the starting line
I know it makes me a negative nancy & so no one like me cuz I pop every political sides' bubbles
Certain issues do not have solutions, rarely are solutions free of drawbacks & most folk suppose a lot about other's health problems & health policy based on little experience
It's why experimentation, rigorous debate & medical freedom are the best policy generally,
because it allows the engine of innovation to slowly chip away at that great shadow of ignorance & bring light & hope to the world
There's a reason that what might be our best bet to help people with addictions is called "harm reduction" as in this is a harm MITIGATION effort & not a solution
The OZEMPBIC of addiction does not yet exist I am afraid, perhaps it never will
Which is why, although it makes all my harm reductionist friends upset,
I strongly counsel never to try recreational drugs, cuz you might be one of those unfortunates who gets quickly addicted
Unlikely for the majority of people, but there's still a chance
A person can be in prison, want to change, be in therapy & get every sort of help & still not get control over their addictions
Addiction can be that hard
Long-term change though when it happens, always requires buy-in from the patient
Addiction Medicine is one of those fields that's in the dark age, extremely stifled cuz what works has only recently in some cases allowed to be tried & even then, folks like the DEA can still make it hard to use products like Suboxone or Methadone
I'm not commenting politically on the mass shooting cuz
it's a terrible tragedy, mass shootings seem common, but we live in a country of 340 million
There isn't a lot you can take away from these stories about how to change society or our lives based on black swan events
it's the truth
rarely when these stories are investigated you find out if some new policy was put into place it would prevent it cuz what safeguards were there were not enforced
Almost always an issue of mental illness, sometimes poverty & always a broken home
mind control is not a thing;
we cannot predict when someone will so completely lose it that they will commit mass violence
We live in a scary world, free will is amazing & horrifying,
While i served I would visit these families, sometimes without reliable electricity or clean running water
While holiday names & climate change have some importance, for these families what they needed was food, job opportunities & safe places to live
What people need and what is easy to talk about are rarely the same thing
It's human nature
Hard issues are uncomfortable, 1rst world problems like white people using black emojis is so easy compared to solving how to get these families out of motels and into actual homes