I put the latest #IPCC Synthesis #climatereport into a set of 35 haiku / #sciku. Obviously this is my personal interpretation, not an official 'translation'. Hope you enjoy it nonetheless. (Link to the full sciku set at the end of the thread.) @thescikuproject@IPCC_CH
Earth is heating up: 1.1 degrees, rising,
all caused by humans.
SYR SPM A.1.1, A.1.2, Footnote 8, Figure 2.1
Widespread rapid changes,
Climate extremes felt worldwide,
Loss and damage now.
SYR SPM A2, Figure SPM.1(a),(b)
“We’re in the same boat!”
Yes – some in the driving seat,
others get keel-hauled.
What does the @IPCC_CHAR6 say about GHG emission metrics (GWP, GTP, GWP* etc)? This was covered in an in-session workshop at the June #SB58subsidiary bodies meeting of the @UNFCCC. A nerdy thread on the findings from WGIII from a mitigation perspective🧵1/26
First, the full SBSTA session webcast and presentations (overview, WGI and WGIII summaries, and individual research perspectives) and Secretariat’s Technical Report can be downloaded here: . 2/26 unfccc.int/event/ipcc-in-…
Too busy, or need poetry? Here’s the #IPCC’s Special Report on Climate Change and Land #SRCCL summarised in 29 #haiku#sciku. (Disclaimer: personal choices here, not representing the same balance as the full report. Apologies for misappropriating this ancient art form…) [1/29]
With the outreach and analysis of @IPCC_CH#SR15 report underway, I could not resist trying to summarise the SPM in 19 #haiku, forever inspired by @climate_haiku. (Disclaimer: personal choices here, not representing the same balance as the full report...). "Introduction" (1/19)