Andy Reisinger Profile picture
Commissioner, He Pou A Rangi - New Zealand Climate Change Commission; honorary assoc. Prof. ICEDS ANU; tweets my own; RT≠endorsement
Sep 12, 2023 30 tweets 10 min read
What does the @IPCC_CHAR6 say about GHG emission metrics (GWP, GTP, GWP* etc)? This was covered in an in-session workshop at the June #SB58subsidiary bodies meeting of the @UNFCCC. A nerdy thread on the findings from WGIII from a mitigation perspective🧵1/26 Image First, the full SBSTA session webcast and presentations (overview, WGI and WGIII summaries, and individual research perspectives) and Secretariat’s Technical Report can be downloaded here: . 2/26…
Apr 16, 2023 37 tweets 11 min read
I put the latest #IPCC Synthesis #climatereport into a set of 35 haiku / #sciku. Obviously this is my personal interpretation, not an official 'translation'. Hope you enjoy it nonetheless. (Link to the full sciku set at the end of the thread.) @thescikuproject @IPCC_CH Image Earth is heating up:
1.1 degrees, rising,
all caused by humans.

SYR SPM A.1.1, A.1.2, Footnote 8, Figure 2.1 Image
Aug 14, 2019 30 tweets 9 min read
Too busy, or need poetry? Here’s the #IPCC’s Special Report on Climate Change and Land #SRCCL summarised in 29 #haiku #sciku. (Disclaimer: personal choices here, not representing the same balance as the full report. Apologies for misappropriating this ancient art form…) [1/29] SPM Section A1.1 [2/29]
Oct 9, 2018 19 tweets 13 min read
With the outreach and analysis of @IPCC_CH #SR15 report underway, I could not resist trying to summarise the SPM in 19 #haiku, forever inspired by @climate_haiku. (Disclaimer: personal choices here, not representing the same balance as the full report...). "Introduction" (1/19) #SR15 in #haiku, A1 (2/19)