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Dec 14th 2022
"Compositionality in Vector Space Models of Meaning"

Today's SFI Seminar by @marthaflinders, streaming:

Follow this 🧵 for highlights!
"Scientists gather here
Santa Fe Institute, oh so near
Inquiring minds seek truth"

#haiku about SFI c/o @marthaflinders & #ChatGPT

...but still, #AI fails at simple tasks:
"One way to represent the kind of #compositionality we want to do is with this kind of breakdown...eventually a kind of representation of a sentence. On the other hand, vector space models of #meaning or set-theoretical models put into a space have been very successful..."
Read 14 tweets
Aug 18th 2022
Har lärt mig att göra personvalsannonser. Funderar på att göra en om dagen med kärnfulla och handlingskraftiga budskap fram till valet.
#kryssajonas Image
Read 63 tweets
Aug 2nd 2022
For 25 years Kurita Kōichi (栗田宏一) has walked the length and breadth of Japan, gathering small samples of soil from each settlement (whether hamlet, village, town or city) he passes through.
At Hōnen-in (法然院) he made a dedication of his life's work. ImageImageImageImage
Kurita's dedication was inspired by the temple's 'sange' (散華), a ritual offering of flowers made early each morning. 25 flowers (usually camellia) are dedicated to a statue of Amida. The flowers represent the 25 bodhisattva who help Amida take the souls of the dead to paradise.
Hōnen-in is no stranger to using earth and sand as a form of offering.

Upon entering the temple visitors pass through the 'Byakusadan' (白砂壇), 2 terraces of white sand (roughly 7m long, 3m wide and 10cm high).
Said to symbolize water, the sand purifies the body and soul.
#京都 ImageImageImageImage
Read 13 tweets
Jul 12th 2022

Wibbly-wobbly warabimochi (わらび餅)☺️

A popular summer snack in Kansai, the melt-in-your-mouth warabimochi is a jelly-like sweet traditionally made from bracken starch (わらび粉 'warabiko').
It's covered with sweet, toasted soybean flour (黄粉).
There is a legend that Emperor Daigo (醍醐天皇 885-930) loved a particular type of warabimochi so much that he bestowed on it the rank of 'dayū' (大夫 -5th court rank). Over time 'Oka-tayū' (岡大夫) came to be used for warabimochi in general.
#Kyoto #Japan #わらび餅 #warabimochi
As real bracken starch (warabi) can be very expensive, many stores nowadays substitute it with potato, tapioca or kudzu (Japanese arrowroot) starch.

Today's delicious warabimochi is from Sagano's 'Chikuji-an' (嵯峨野/竹路庵). It's absolutely buried in kinako!🙌
#Japan #Kyoto
Read 13 tweets
Jul 5th 2022
Asukai-no-Masatsune (飛鳥井雅経 1170-1221) was founder of the Asukai school of kemari.
A skilled poet (134 of his poems appeared in imperial anthologies), he served in the 'Poetry Bureau' (和歌所), helped compile the 'Shin Kokin Wakashū', and authored 'Kemari Ryakki' (蹴鞠略記).
Long before Shiramine-jingū, the principle shrine to occupy this land belonged to the 'god of sports' (精大明神). It was paid for by the retired Emperor Go-Toba (後鳥羽上皇 1180-1239) when he visited the mansion of the Asukai (繁乃井殿 'Shigenoi-dono') for a religious festival.
Go-Toba constructed the shrine beside the 'Shige-no-i' (繁乃井), 1 of 7 famed wells in the capital during the Heian period.
Because of its connection to the Asukai clan & Fujiwara-no-Narimichi (藤原成通 1097-1162), the shrine eventually became home to 'Sei Daimyōjin' (精大明神).
Read 21 tweets
Jun 19th 2022

In 1903 the head priest of Nenbutsu-ji (念仏寺) and neighbouring Fukuden-ji (福田寺) began to gather up stone Buddhist statues from all around the local area.
By the time he was finished they numbered 8000!

#Kyoto #Japan #化野念仏寺 #京都 #Obon
From ancient times the poor (and not so poor) abandoned the dead in Adashino (化野), an area that now equates with the stretch of land between Nison-in (二尊院) & Nenbutsu-ji (念仏寺).
By the Heian period it had become 1 of Heian-kyō's 3 Great Crematory Grounds (三大葬地).
Come for the statues, stay for the bamboo🎋

young bamboo
and old bamboo...
full of pluck
-Kobayashi Issa (小林一茶), 1824.
Trans. David G. Lanoue.

#Kyoto #京都 #Japan #bamboo #化野念仏寺 #嵯峨野 #AdashinoNenbutsuji #竹 #haiku
Read 22 tweets
Mar 22nd 2022
Food plays an important roll at Higan (彼岸).

On the first and last day of the equinoctial week, rice dumplings (団子 'dango') are offered at the family altar. Rice cakes covered in bean jam (botamochi in spring and ohagi in fall) are presented mid-week.
Botamochi and ohagi are popular during the equinoctial weeks, when they are made as sacred offerings & enjoyed as tasty snacks.
Glutinous rice is soaked, cooked and formed into a ball. Around this ball a thick sweet bean paste is packed on.

Read 15 tweets
Feb 10th 2022
#Urbanité #Ethnicité #IsaacJoseph
Quelques mots sur cet article d'Isaac Joseph dans @RevueTerrain en 1984, fulgurant (5.5 pages très denses), étonnant, très actuel - et doublé d'un entretien familial fictif! 💫✨
(sans revenir sur les magnifiques #haiku qu'on y entend)
IJ place son propos d'emblée au croisement entre l’École de Chicago et le pragmatisme (présent alors à Chicago à travers Dewey, Mead, etc.): "L’ethnicité, c’est l’incertitude comme mode de vie"
Notamment à partir du cadre simmelien, qui a ouvert la voie pour une "pensée de l’urbain qui le définit par ses troubles: troubles individuels dus à l’intensification de la vie nerveuse et troubles collectifs liés au déracinement et aux proximités contagieuses et séditieuses"
Read 45 tweets
Jan 6th 2022
#ConduireSaBarque @ursulakleguin (trad Bertrand Augier) @14Antigone 2018
Remarques éparses, au gré d'une relecture partielle
"Chez un bon écrivain, comme chez un bon lecteur, l'ouïe stimule l'imaginaire"
👂👂 #Phonocène
Car "La mission principale d'une phrase de prose narrative est de mener à la suivante - de faire que l'histoire progresse. Mouvement de l'avant, allure, rythme (...) la première façon de ressentir et contrôler le rythme de sa prose est de l'entendre - et pour cela de l'écouter"
#TerreDuMilieu "Les noms possèdent des qualités orales / auditives intéressantes (...) chercher ce qui, en raison de leur sonorité même, les investit du sens qui est le leur"
Read 22 tweets
Sep 22nd 2021
@LionsRoar editor @MelvinMcLeodSun, in an otherwise moving editorial, commits serious Pure Land Erasure: he mislables the famous #haiku master Issa as a "Zen master."

Issa, as is well known, was a Jodo Shinshu monk. #AAPI #BuddhistStudies #Buddhism…
McLeod is actually getting his misinformation from Zen teacher @John_Tarrant, who in the same issue mislables Issa as a "Zen poet."

Which points to the larger nature of the issue.…
What we have here is a serious problem. It's not just about a leading Buddhist magazine completely mislabeling one of the most famous historical Buddhists.

It's an indicator of the Pure Land Deficiency Syndrome that plagues @LionsRoar @tricyclemag @buddhadharma and their ilk.
Read 20 tweets
Aug 9th 2021
Now for something different... I shall attempt to narrate a year of my life in haiku...
So here is 8/8/21 Image
Haiku for 8/9/21
Aubergine? Eggplant?
Purple pleasure sliced and fried
In fish fragrant sauce.

The poem may be iffy... the eggplant is divine 😌 Image
Data. More data!
I can't make bricks without clay.
Test reports lie blank.
Read 365 tweets
Jun 12th 2021
#OnThisDay in 1673, Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet were canoeing across Wisconsin in search of the Mississippi river. Since we can't afford canoes, my brothers and I are commemorating their achievement by hiking the Fox River Valley, Neenah to Green Bay. #ValleyTrek
On the way to the drop off point 👍 Image
At #KimberlyPoint ready to roll. Image
Read 33 tweets
Mar 1st 2021
1/ A year ago this month, I was hospitalized with #covid19 at @nyulangone for 17 days, including 6 on a ventilator.

Today I returned to give blood for a research study I’m participating in, run out of the #Vaccine Center.

#COVID19Vaccine #Covid
2/ I was enrolled in the study back when I was hospitalized at @nyulangone. This view from the waiting room today is pretty much the same view I had from my hospital bed.

#coronavirus #covid be #Covid_19 #COVIDー19 #COVID19Vaccine #COVID19Vaccination
3/ This was my fifth blood draw for the research study. They didn’t ask for much blood today, maybe half the normal amount.

#covid #covid19 #COVID19Vaccine #COVID19Vaccination #vaccine
Read 16 tweets
Aug 1st 2020
Reading 31 poetry books in 31days. Day-1 Just completed reading Human Wishes by #RobertHass which I had received as a present in #WashingtonDC in 2018 #sealeychallenge @ZoeBrigley ImageImage
Reading 31 poetry books in 31 days. 2/31 Day-2 Just completed reading Wild Kingdom by #VijaySheshadri which I had received as a present in #NewYork in 2018 #sealeychallenge @ZoeBrigley ImageImage
Reading 31 poetry books in 31 days. 3/31 Day-3 —Read today The Nightangles are drunk by #Hafez which I had received as a present in #Brazil in 2019 #sealeychallenge ImageImage
Read 19 tweets
Jun 30th 2020
1/ If you are wondering the deal with flood of #haiku on my timeline.

Bonus credit for CS/EE students to learn different form of poetry on the night before their final exam and tweet it.

Poetry, especially #Haiku is like a balm for the soul.

Some really refreshing pieces
Read 8 tweets
Mar 4th 2020
White hairs aim for the White House/ with super glue hearts/ Elizabeth stay #haiku #poetry
My haiku @SethAbramson is credible, Liz should stay in because of severe bad health w/ these ancient men w/ checkered hospital visits which, are very recent
@davekarpf great thread but I kept same idea very concise
Read 3 tweets
Sep 23rd 2019
Tomm we start a journey at @ZuckerSoM w/ 3rd yr #MedicalStudents to enhance #Awareness #Education #Skills #Comfort #Hope re: #OpioidCrisis

13.5 hours - "#OpioidEpidemic" themed week (3rd iteration)

Follow/RT as Students, Colleagues, & I tweet - #OURcrisis

#MEDeD #RecoveryMonth
1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ MS3 #Students

6️⃣0️⃣ Faculty/Facilitators

3️⃣0️⃣ Clinical/Non-Clinical Depts

#OURcrisis @ZuckerSoM

@GIMaPreceptor @DrYili @MartinsWelchMD @JoeCMD @medicmin911 @ektrenchard @ethanfried @ginofarina @LindaWDeMasi @AFornari1 @joemd @DrAhuja @santhoshpaulus6 @TomMcGinn4
#Strategic Full Circle
1. from Health System (need)
2. to School of #Medicine (access)
3. to Health System (access/mission)

Our #OpioidEpidemic themed week is part of a 30+hour 4-yr longitudinal 'Addressing #SubstanceUse' curriculum
#OURcrisis #MEDeD
Read 28 tweets
Aug 14th 2019
Too busy, or need poetry? Here’s the #IPCC’s Special Report on Climate Change and Land #SRCCL summarised in 29 #haiku #sciku. (Disclaimer: personal choices here, not representing the same balance as the full report. Apologies for misappropriating this ancient art form…) [1/29]
SPM Section A1.1 [2/29]
SPM Section A1.3 [3/29]
Read 30 tweets
Mar 29th 2019
I want to create a thread of poems. Anyone interested in joining in? #Poetry #Poem #poetrycommunity #Friday #SpokenWord #artists
Self Pity.

A dusty path,
But there are cleaner routes,
Yet, you chose to be soiled with earth,
Standing mocked before elites,
Your confidence muffled by a swathe of flies,
Your nose piling up unused water that dripped down your jaw.

You chose to be robbed of choice.

The mother of errors,
Always unknown,
Muddling right in a wrongful way,
Pointing evil in an unstoppable direction,
It never meant harm,
But brings blood to the table,
How did it nestle all alone?
Waving to no-one in motion?
Read 14 tweets
Oct 10th 2018
@aditimukherji @ReisingerAndy @IPCC_CH @climate_haiku #Accessible (text) version, original (picture) version found above:

We wrote this report

at your request, and with care.

Will you listen, please?

@aditimukherji @ReisingerAndy @IPCC_CH @climate_haiku We're at 1 degree

now and it will hit 1.5

within three decades

(2/19, 17 more tweets to go)
@aditimukherji @ReisingerAndy @IPCC_CH @climate_haiku Past emissions will

warm the Earth for centuries –

but there's still a choice
Read 19 tweets
Oct 9th 2018
With the outreach and analysis of @IPCC_CH #SR15 report underway, I could not resist trying to summarise the SPM in 19 #haiku, forever inspired by @climate_haiku. (Disclaimer: personal choices here, not representing the same balance as the full report...). "Introduction" (1/19)
#SR15 in #haiku, A1 (2/19)
#SR15 in #haiku, A2 (3/19)
Read 19 tweets

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