Tuned into the OP to Science Centre press conference. Ford responds to a reporters Q. about how the science centre will fit, Ford notes that it will go into the pods, Cinesphere and a multi storey building. #topoli#Onpoli
Are you going to bypass the city if you don't get your way there? Ford implies yes. Goes to his favourite "little red apples" quote.
Ford repeats the lie that nothing is happening at Ontario Place. The million annual visitors would beg to differ. Ford notes province will pay for Ontario Science Centre move (add it to your tab, Ontario Taxpayer).
Ford doing his best condo sales manager impression.
"Will all of the stuff at the Science Centre move down to Ontario Place?" Minister Lumsden responds yes. Better make some space folks! Lumsden notes the Square Footage won't be as large. We're getting a shrinking Science Centre, folks.
Did you consult Ontarians on putting an Austrian MegaSpa and moving the Ontario Science Centre? Ford and Surma lie by responding they have.
Ford now lying, saying Ontario Place was discussed during the last election. It was not!
.@CityCynthia asks how many housing units are you proposing at the Science Centre? "As much as possible". I hope someone asks about the ravine there, and how the Science Centre wouldn't have been permitted to be built there today.
"Bla bla bla, I'm going to destroy the Greenbelt" - Ford
.@CBCLorenda asks How much smaller will the new Science Centre be? Ford puts on his best salesperson hat to respond, then passes to Surma. Surma notes the Science Centre will be smaller. Surma puts down the Science Centre building. Design work for Science Centre @ OP not done.
.@CBCLorenda notes the frustration of the Flemingdon Park community, noting they weren't consulted. Ford responds, "Buddy, you're going to get a new subway stop" "Come down to Ontario Place to see your Science Centre now"
.@mattybing notes that the Science Centre is also a community hub. Are you going to demolish Science Centre and replace it with a community hub? Ford implies that the Science Centre building will be demolished.
Ford puts on the salesperson hat again, says attendance at OP Science Centre will be higher than the current Science Centre. Bookmarking this tweet!
Reporter asks about Lumsden's claim that rebuilding the Science Centre is cheaper than refurbing the current one. Did you actually analyze the cost? Surma dances around the question.
Question around underground parking lot. Ford notes there will be 27 parking spaces. Think he means 2,700!
.@alexbozikovic notes the Ontario Science Centre is one of the most beloved buildings in the province. Is it appropriate to demolish the building? Ford responds that it is. Looking pretty certain that the Ontario Science Centre will be demolished.
.@metromorning Talking to Professor Summer from UofT about Science Centre being torn down & moved to OP, notes the Moriyama designed Science Centre shouldn't be torn down. Newer isn't always better. Let's repair and creatively reuse what exists. #topoli#Onpoli
If we thought of cities the way we do these heritage buildings, every city would look like Las Vegas. Neglect has led us here, it's worth investing to keep buildings like these. Prof doubts the Science Centre at OP will be better.
The Science Centre has interesting relationships with its surrounding, a symbiotic relationship with the buildings & landscape which will be very hard to recreate. (Sounds like the current Ontario Place!)
.@KingaSurmaMPP up now, why move the Science Centre to Ontario Place? Usual PC government claim the Science Centre is in “disrepair”. We thought it would be appropriate to jam Science Centre into OP. Surma won’t confirm cost of repairing Science Centre. #topoli#onpoli
Surma ducks questions on when they will share cost of repair vs. Move of Science Centre. Mentions broken bridge at Ontario Place. Reporter notes they’d like to see business case soon, asks about value of OSC to community. “You don’t matter” is how they feel.
Sharing some early observations after flipping through the 2,272 pages of the development application. First of all, the private spa is big! It's all you will see from the water and will dwarf everything else at Ontario Place. #topoli#onpoli
We're paving the lake! West Island will see more infill in an attempt to make public space after the spa takes over most of West Island. #topoli#onpoli
All the red dots are trees that will have to be removed.