حقوق #النازحين الإنسانية هي بعملكم على إعادتهم الى وطنهم
لبنان وطن ضاق بأهله ولا يتحمل لا اجتماعيًا ولا اقتصاديا ولا بيئيًا عبء وجود 2.4 مليون سوري نازح يعيشون بين عدد سكان وطني لبنان البالغ عددهم حوالي 4 ملايين
- على الأمم المتحدة تحديد منطقة آمنة في #سوريا التي تبلغ مساحتها 185.180 كيلومتر مربع لإعادة النازحين الى بلدهم
- أن تكون المنطقة الآمنة تحت إشراف @Refugees و @UN حيث يمكنهم رعاية احتياجات النازحين الاجتماعية والطبية والتعليمية والحفاظ على مجتمعاتهم في مأمن من العنف والأذى.
- على الأمم المتحدة @RefugeesIntl مساعدتهم للتأسيس في بلدهم كما شرعت معظم الدول الاوروبية البدء بالتنفيذ
- يجب عدم استغلالهم كورقة ضغط سياسية او كوسيلة لتأمين عمل موظفي بعض المؤسسات عبر ابقائهم كنازحين
- يجب على جميع أصحاب المصلحة العامة بشكل جماعي معالجة صعوبات ومشاكل استضافة النازحين وتأثيرها على # لبنان
- يجب أن يستند هذا إلى التعاون بين البلدان المضيفة وحكومة سوريا @RefugeesIntl و @UN فالنازح يفقد صفة النازح عندما يذهب ويعود الى بلاده
- تفقد المفوضية موضوعيتها وتنحرف عن رسالتها عندما تمنع البلد المضيف من إرسال الموقوفين والخارجين عن القانون الى بلدهم.
- هل حقوق النازحين تتضمن التغيير الديموغرافي في البلد المضيف؟
- يجب على @RefugeesIntl الاستماع إلى البلد الذي يستضيف النازحين وأن تسترشد باختياراتهم.
- عدم حل مشكلة النازحين تأسس لحروب بالمدى الطويل القريب بوقت سوريا آمنة ومعظم النازحين يزورون سوريا دوريا".
إذا امكن ومن ضمن جهودكم ومساعيكم @UN@RefugeesIntl ضرورة التأكيد على إعادة النازحين بأمان إلى بلدهم.
#Lebanon #AWarThatNeverReallyEnded
Today 13Apr, marks 48 years since the start of the Lebanese civil war that took place from 1975 to 1990
A devastating war that was both an internal Lebanese affair and a regional conflict involving a host of regional and international actors
The spark that ignited the war April 13, 1975, was when a right‐wing Lebanese party opened fire in Ain el-Remmaneh on a bus filled with Palestinian while they were on their way to a refugee camp in Lebanon killing 22 Palestinians.
The attack escalated an intermittent cycle of violence into a more general battle between the Phalangists and the The Lebanese National Movement (LNM), a coalition of Lebanese leftists and Muslims supporting the PLO’s cause.
The $122 million contract signed between #Lebanon and a private consortium to build a new terminal at Beirut airport was cancelled today following public outcry over the deal after decades of reckless spending of public funds by the state,
commonly involving lucrative infrastructure contracts awarded to companies with political connections.
minister of Public Works and Transport, @alihamie_lb announced on 20Mar2023 the construction of a new terminal at Beirut’s Rafik Hariri International Airport,
which is set to welcome annually around 3.5 million.
The lack of the tender process stirred up a storm of backlash from civil society groups and some MPs arguing that the mutual agreement bypassed the Public Procurement Law which took effect July 2022
Why did the 2 arrogant officials decide to play with the #DaylightSavingTime
📌 TO DISTRACT THE LEBANESE FROM: 1- Awarding the airport project by mutual consent disregarding the Public Procurement Law prepared by @IOFLebanon & passed by the Parliament June 2021
This law is one of the main laws demanded internationally, particularly in the context of the negotiations with the International Monetary Fund that ends previous corrupt practices. 2- Obstructing negotiations with @IMFNews since 2020 Despite the urgency
for action to address Lebanon’s deep economic and social crisis. Delaying implementing reforms within the framework of the initial agreement with the IMF only increase the costs to the country and its population. 3- The multiple exchange rate with BDL circulars establishing
URGENT call : @MawlawiBassam
1• A circular to all Lebanese governorates should be issued to conduct a survey on exact number of displaced Syrians & announce it officially.
2• Ask @UN to locate a safe area in the 185,180 km² area of #Syria to return the displaced
to their country,
3• The safe area can be under the @UN supervision. They can take care of the displaced social, medical and education needs and keep their communities safe from violence and harm,
4• @UNHCRLebanon@Refugees must listen to the country hosting the displaced
and be guided by their choices.
All stakeholders must work to collectively address the difficulties and problems of hosting the displaced and its affect on #Lebanon
This should be based on cooperation between host countries, the Government of Syria @Refugees and the @UN
A unique story of love and devotion from the United Kingdom!
Dr Margaret McCollum, a general practitioner, has been visiting the Embankment station each day since her husband’s death in 2007.
Margaret was married to Oswald Laurence, who had recorded the ‘Mind the Gap’
announcement for the northern line in the 1950s.
Margaret visits the Embankment tube station every day, just to hear her late husband’s voice.
The chime of ‘Mind the gap’ is quite well-known in the UK,
however, nobody fathomed that the depth of the voice meant a lifetime for Margaret. ‘Since he died I would sit and wait for the next train until I heard his voice,’ and explained how the recording helped keep his memory alive,”
A Special Salute to #SaharFares on International Women's Day!
Aug4, 2020 at 17:55 @beirutfirebriga received a call alerting them of a fire at port of Beirut.
A team of 9 firefighters & 1 paramedic got into a firetruck and raced to the site, unknowingly heading to their death.
She video-called her fiancée from the ambulance, signaled to him she’d talk later. She left the truck to get a better view of the fire,. He saw her at a loss, looking from side-to-side, not knowing what to do. Their signal was lost, and that was the last time he saw her.
At 6:07 pm, one of the largest non-nuclear explosions in the world took her life, along with her 9 colleagues and 223 innocent lives. #SaharFares beacon of light is so bright that the world will continue to see it shine long after that devastating day #AlwaysInOurHearts