Dr @AzzamTamimi relating how atheist Zionists exploited Judaism to create a state that disrupted historic cohesion between Muslim and Jewish communities, the latter who who were granted safety in the Muslim world having fled persecution in Europe.
“Oslo accords were designed to turn the PLO, a national liberation organisation, into a collaborating agency to uphold the occupation”
Now Rabbi Yisroel Weiss, whose family were killed in the Holocaust, addressing the crowd. He warns that it is impossible to exaggerate the extent of the atrocities committed by the Nazis but at the same time, it is inhumane to exploit that legacy to justify Israeli crimes today.
Jews flourished in the Muslim world which gave them protection when they fled European persecution. They lived peacefully together until the Nakbah destroyed that harmony.
Judaism is a 3000 year old religion that involves a covenant by the Jewish people to be subservient to the teachings of God as contained in the Torah.
Zionism is a political movement started 150 yes ago. No rabbis/religious figures present at declaration of the Israeli state.
Jews made oaths that forbid them from re-entering the Holy Land en mass, they must be loyal citizens wherever they reside, and must make no attempts to breach exile.
There is an Almighty who rules the world, who gives life and death, and who is compassionate and just and as such, the State of Israel will come to an end because it is built on criminality. We pray it is a speedy and peaceful end.
🧵Last week, the editor of “the world’s oldest and most influential Jewish newspaper” posted the following tweet propagating news that was both falsified and divisive. @JakeWSimons later deleted the tweet but not before it has been seen by thousands of people.
The tweet sought to equate anti-Christian violence with Islam and Palestinians. Specifically using the phrase ‘Ramadan attack’ at a time of collective worship across both Christianity and Islam was particularly emotive and designed to foment division between the two communities.
As it turned out, there was no attack on any church but it was a spillover from a dispute in a nearby restaurant. Why did @JakeWSimons jump to this conclusion when there was no evidence the men were Muslims or of any motive. Did he even try to investigate before tweeting?
I’ve just finished reading the #shamimabegum judgment and despite the many assertions to the contrary, it can be summed up as the Home Secretary’s assessment of national security is a trump card, regardless of all other considerations.
It’s important to understand the difference between ‘national security’ and the Home Secretary’s assessment of ‘national security’. They’re not the same.
SIAC, the secret court that heard the appeal, repeatedly refers to its extremely limited role in assessing the national security threat posed by any individual. As the Supreme Court held 2 years ago, it needs to give due deference to the Home Secretary’s ‘inscrutable’ assessment
Thread: Britain's relationship with Hindutva nationalism is the real reason that events have spiralled out of control in #Leicester. Laying the blame on 'Islamists' is tiresome, racist and will only lead to things deteriorating.
First things first - India is currently being governed by the BJP, a regime that constitutes the political wing of the fascist Hindutva group, the RSS. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a lifelong member of the RSS, having joined them as a child. thewire.in/politics/naren…
So who are the RSS? With roots to European fascist groups in the 1920s, RSS is a paramilitary organisation with over 5 million members, that propagates a vision of India as a Hindu nation in which Muslims and Christians are foreigners who do not belong there.
🧵on foreign fighters and Ukraine. The Foreign Secretary has said she will support British citizens who go to Ukraine to fight Russian troops. This seems to fly in the face of established govt policy on British citizens engaging in conflicts abroad.
Truss' sentiments seem to have chimed with many members of the British public who, judging by callers to radio talk shows, see this as a noble action. Some columnists are even circulating fundraising links to arm the Ukrainian resistance.
Journalists on the ground have been glorifying Ukrainian civilians arming themselves to prepare to defend their land from the invading army. Sky News even broadcast a workshop in how to make Molotov cocktails
Citizenship Deprivation: A thread on how the origins of the current practice have their roots in Tony Blair's desperation to deport one British man in the wake of the 9-11 attacks 20 years ago, the Muslim preacher Abu Hamza.
Subjected to one of the most grotesque racist media campaigns of dehumanisation in the post 9-11 world, in which his prominent disabilities became the focus of acceptable mockery and ridicule, press and politicians alike regularly called for Abu Hamza's deportation from the UK.
The only difficulty however was that Abu Hamza was a British citizen and had been so since 1986, so could not simply be banished from the country for expressing distasteful views. That would be medieval.
Thread: Is Priti Patel's decision to proscribe Hamas lawful?
In order to be lawful, she must first actually believe that the organisation is concerned in terrorism. The belief must be honestly held on reasonable grounds. Mere suspicion is not enough.
She must then consider 5 factors in deciding whether or not to ban the group.
(i) the nature & scale of its activities
Hamas is the democratically elected representative of the Palestinians & the civil admin authority in Gaza. She must show how its activities constitute terrorism
(ii) the specific threat it poses to the UK
Hamas is a single-issue group, created to resist Israeli military occupation in Palestine. To date, it's never been suggested that either Hamas or the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades (its military wing) have posed any threat to the UK.