Our latest policy briefing is out!
The Coverage principle ensures all relevant corporate vehicles are included in the scope of #BeneficialOwnership disclosure requirements. Why is this important?
Read the full briefing here: openownership.org/en/publication…
The briefing explains that, to generate actionable and usable data across the widest set of policy aims, #BeneficialOwnership disclosure requirements should apply to all corporate vehicles through or by which assets can be owned, benefitted from, and controlled.
Today’s European Court of Justice (@EUCourtPress) judgement on public access to beneficial ownership information is significant, and our team is analysing it closely:
Here’s our take on what it’s about and why it matters:
At the centre of the case is a fundamental question: is the infringement on privacy brought about by giving the general public access to beneficial ownership (BO) information justified and proportionate in order to achieve the stated policy aim?
The Court has ruled that in the case of the EU 5th anti-money laundering directive (5AMLD), which requires Member States to have publicly accessible beneficial ownership registers, ...