Next session on Integrated Learning #T4S5 starting now. @kevinavis is about to take the stage and in the meantime the audience is met with funky music ‘Super Freak’ 🎶
@kevinavis opens the session offering us some of his background and how he fell in love with people. 3rd sector, private sector, often highly regulated sectors. Huge focus on change and transformation. ‘Fun and dirty work’ #T4S5#LT23UK
What questions would you like answered by the end of this session? The audience are asked to respond on Menti whilst Love Shack plays in the background #T4S5#LT23UK
We cannot get away from technology but this session won’t be about specific tech. @kevinavis shares a story about feedback following a discussion and links it to the topic of learning
@kevinavis shares more about @circlehealthgrp and how learning is pivotal to staff experience. But the data and info supplied by the team was being questioned
When they get feedback they have to hear it, adapt and learn #T4S5#LT23UK
‘As we move deeper into the digital world, consider analogue’ @kevinavis highlights a tweet sharing that analogue clock sales have increased #T4S5#LT23UK
‘This is where we were’ @kevinavis shares their LMS approach of old vs a new talent experience approach #T4S5#LT23UK
Simple shifts such a landing page can make all the different.
Now the team are ‘wanted and needed in the business’ #T4S5#LT23UK
What does the audience think of compliance training? @kevinavis uses Menti to gather views. #T4S5#LT23UK
Answers are familar to @kevinavis his team want to transform compliance training.
The goal was to reduce time it was taking up. Managing it was boring. But now compliance takes up just 5% of their work now!
They went out to market digging into providers and their proposition. Getting along mattered. But most important was to keep building on the development.
Top tip: watch out for how vendors market themselves #T4S5#LT23UK
All learning will be joined up by linking data through a data warehouse.
‘If this is a marathon, we’re still in training, by next year we’ll be running the marathon’ @kevinavis #T4S5#LT23UK
@kevinavis wraps up his session on Integrated Learning reminding us that this is all about people and shares a personal story via video of the impact of their work.
And closes with a poem from Walt Whitman. Chefs kiss!
A personal story from @lavimariam about getting feedback that she’d never be the successor bc she lacked people skills. Then she got a new manager, who wanted to play to Lavinia’s strengths. And she was promoted.
She asked her direct report how she’s doing as a manager…
Change Management #T252 up next. Curious how we think about change in a world that’s constantly evolving. On my bingo card for words used to describe the current environment in this session I have ‘BANI’. B:rittle, A:nxious, N:on-linear and I:incomprehensible. #LT23UK
Florence Dambricourt @talking4good steps up first and dives straight into the illusion of managing change.
Florence speaks of creating space through meaningful conversations. By opening the space you can collect data that informs you on how to make your change a success. This is not about reaching consensus, but you still have created space for others to make changes. #T2S2#LT23UK