72 (12) days left in the Black Sea Grain Initiative,
936 (+2) ships outbound carrying 29,555,390MT,
870(+3) ships delivered carrying 26,548,754MT.
Two ships left Ukraine on 06May, inspections reported today were:
Inbound 05May 1+, 06May 1
Outbound 06May 2
One ship moved into Odesa area ports. Four ships are inspected and waiting to transit the humanitarian corridor. There are 11 ships in the Odesa area ports. #MyPrecious
It appears that the Black Sea Grain Initiative failed to authorize any new ships for participation on Friday. This means that ships are still being inspected and moved in and out of the corridor but no new ships are scheduled. gcaptain.com/black-sea-grai…
This is not unexpected. Russia has been informing ships that they intend to leave the initiative on the 18th and advised them that they need to be done their trip by that time. This has caused unease with traders and ship owners.
Until all parties have more clarity of the future it is likely we will see traffic dwindle to nothing. Russia has used similar information games in previous negotiation periods to add uncertainty and slow traffic.
Another Ukrainian farmer injured trying to work their land.
73 (13) days left in the Black Sea Grain Initiative,
934 (+2) ships outbound carrying 29,502,381MT,
867(+3) ships delivered carrying 26,428,041MT.
74 (14) days left in the Black Sea Grain Initiative,
932 (+2) ships outbound carrying 29,437,381MT,
864(+0) ships delivered carrying 26,344,721MT.
77 (17) days left in the Black Sea Grain Initiative,
926 (+0) ships outbound carrying 29,217,856MT,
858 (+4) ships delivered carrying 26,083,924MT.
78 (18) days left in the Black Sea Grain Initiative,
926 (+0) ships outbound carrying 29,217,856MT,
854 (+2) ships delivered carrying 25,875,245MT.