Club Of Rome: The Origin of Climate Emergency and Population Control
How a group shaped the social psychology of the entire humanity to make believe that Humans are destroying the planet Earth and to save the planet Earth Humans must be exterminated.
Welcome to the "Limits of……
1. Foundation of the Club of Rome:
In 1968 when a group of scientists, businessmen, academics, and diplomats were invited by the Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei and the Scottish scientist Alexander King to a meeting in the Accademia Dei Lincei, in a 16th-century palazzo of……
2. The purpose of the meeting was to share ideas about worldwide changes that were taking place as a consequence of human activity. It was an early warning concerning the environment. Peccei observed that many of the problems troubling humankind, such as environmental decline,……
3. Aurelio Peccei was an antifascist businessman who had avoided persecution by the Italian authorities during World War II and played a central role in the rebuilding of Fiat. In the ‘60s, he went to Argentina where he was among the founders of Fiat Concorde. Later, he was……
4. Members of the CLUB OF ROME
It consists of one hundred full members selected from current and former heads of state and government, UN administrators, high-level politicians and government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists, and business leaders from around the……
5. Moment of reckoning for CLUB OF ROME
Club of Rome became famous four years later when its report on “The Limits to Growth” (1972) was published. Controversially, the report pointed out that the temperature of the planet would rise approximately two degrees Celsius by 2052……
6. Harvard graduate and expert on environmental sciences, Donella Meadows was the project leader of the 1972 “The Limits to Growth” report based on the scientific model designed by Jay Wright Forrester, an MIT engineer. A number of warnings were contained in the report about the……
7. Establishing World Environment Day
In the year of 1972, the first Environmental Summit took place in Stockholm, giving birth to World Environment Day on June 5. Almost simultaneously, the United Nations created its Environmental Program (UNEP) and then-US President Richard……
8. This view from Sweden reiterates the history of climate alarmism as being rooted in the Club of Rome, Maurice Strong, and the Rockefeller dynasty. When David Rockefeller created the Trilateral Commission in 1973, its stated goal was to “foster a New International Economic……
9. Today, there are several synonyms for the NIEO: Circular economy, smart growth, sustainable development, Green New Deal, and the Great Reset. These all point back to historic Technocracy, a resource-based economic system vs the price-based system of Free Market Economic……
10. The Trilateral Commission (TLC) is in July 1973 Founded on the initiative of David Rockefeller at a Bilderberg Conference private, policy advisory group (Think Thank). The Commission is a company with ca. 400 highly influential members from the three („Tri“) major……
11. Setting up for global, economic, and Corporate dictatorship in tandem with Trilateral Commission (TLC) to establish a circular economy (NIEO)
In this 1973 documentary, key members of the Club of Rome "the original architects of the climate emergency" assert that absolute……
12. A push for Human population exterminism
The global elite has wanted to bring population growth down for a long time. Club of Rome founder Aurelio Peccei gives 3 solutions for the problem in 1969:
13. Dennis Meadows, one of the original members of the Club of Rome & co-author of 'Limits to Growth', the book models the consequences of a rapidly growing world population and finite resource supplies and focuses on how to slow population growth.
Meadows spoke openly about how……
14. In the below video Howard Cotton, CEO International Council of Nurses openly gives an idiotic sermon on the link between CLIMATE CHANGE and the COVID PANDEMIC. Only the CLUB OF ROME WANTED US TO BELIEVE THIS KIND OF LOGIC.
‘Climate warming’, which later became ‘climate……
15. Controlling global human society by creating a psychology of fear by inventing the nonexistent Apocalypse - Global Elites and NEW WORLD ORDER
To achieve the Club of Rome’s goals and to sweep aside the messy system of nation-states, national sovereignty, and democratic……
16. Finding the COMMON ENEMY of humanity and Publication of the book "THE FIRST GLOBAL REVOLUTION"
The Club of Rome published "First Global Revolution" in 1972, a book that really laid out its agenda for global governance. It called for a globalist/socialist/radical……
17. The Hunt for the golden conspiracy and humanity's feeding with global disinformation
The enemy need not be real, they write in THE FIRST GLOBAL REVOLUTION". It “can be either a real one or else one invented for the purpose.” They explained that “this is the way we are setting……
Club of Rome explained in the book "The First Global Revolution" that “all these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” (A variation of the……
19. At the epicenter of the new movement stood billionaire David Rockefeller. He writes in his 2003 Memoirs that “some even believe that my family and I are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as……
20. The so-called ‘migration’ of populations into Europe and America is no accident. It’s part and parcel of a Trilateral Commission plan to introduce a high degree of chaos which of course will require a militarized police response, to ‘restore order’ and remove huge chunks of……
21. The Club of Rome was quite clear that global governance aimed at solving our world’s problems real or invented would require jettisoning the outdated institutions of democracy. The Club of Rome conceded that “the old democracies have functioned reasonably well over the past……
22. So what do Global elites in the Club of Rome actually want?
At least 4 billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases, and starvation. Energy, food, and water shall be kept at……
23. A push for a circular economy to control the world order
The origins of the Circular Economy are found in Barbara Ward’s book Spaceship Earth (1966) where Earth is a closed system, as on a spaceship, with finite resources that must be used and reused.
24. “Spaceship Earth – The Life Support System” is also the title of a chapter in the Rockefeller Brother Foundation’s 1977 book “The Unfinished Agenda”, a book that has since been promoted by the Club of Rome.
25. The same year this book was published, the circular economy concept was created by the Walter Stahel of the Club of Rome. The Club of Rome as we know, is a Masonic lodge founded in 1968 on David Rockefeller’s estate in Bellagio, Italy.
Late Canadian business tycoon and environmental activist (of course agenda has to be driven by someone) Maurice Strong is one of the industrial tycoons who have been part of the Club of Rome’s circle of grandiose reforms.……
27. The corruption of the Global elites and hunger to control everything
Ahead of the first environmental conference in Stockholm in 1972, Maurice Strong prepared “Only One Earth: The Care and Maintenance of a Small Planet” together with economist Barbara Ward and microbiologist……
28. In the same year, Maurice Strong created the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and made a fortune as a businessman for Alberta Oil and the mineral industries. He was also good friends with David Rockefeller who chaired the Club of Rome. In addition, he was the man……
29. Maurice Strong contributed to the creation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988 by merging the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and UNEP. A smart move was to bring the WMO and its official bureaucrats into the United Nations. The……
An investigation by the United Nations Oil-for-Food Programme, conducted by federal investigators in 2005, revealed that Strong had certified a check for USD 988 885 (today the equivalent of USD 1 610 431) printed on “Mr. M. Strong” by a……
31. Enter the ultimate Devils of the World Economic Forum
In 2017, the World Economic Forum started the public-private collaboration initiative “Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy” (PACE) with Philips CEO Frans van Houten as chairman and with the British solo sailor……
32. In 2016, former EU parliamentarian Anders Wijkman, who is linked to Globe, Club of Rome, and the World Future Council, carried out a “study” for the Club of Rome based on models that predicted positive effects on the climate, environment, and economy. He also pointed out……
Anders Wijkman is a professional lobbyist and political chameleon. Nevertheless, the red-green government of Germany hired him as chairman of a parliamentary inquiry into the “climate strategy” called “Environmental Goals……
33. So how this entire saga unfolded?
Club of Rome - The Optimistic Model for the Planet Earth
Club of Rome proposed Global Environmental Model in 1972 based on "System Dynamics" developed by Jay Forrester. This model was the first global environment model and it used computer……
34. In 1976 The Club Of Rome updated its computer model and introduced "Back Casting", which is to study events of the past to predict events of the future. In the same year, The Club of Rome published a report "The Next 200 Years: A Scenario for America and the World". This……
35. The Devil's Advocate - World economic forum
Now WEF is experimenting with every model proposed by the CLUB OF THE ROME. For example, at WEF 2023 we had a model of the "PROJECT UKRAINE".
And what they want to accomplish:
Ukraine's Goals By 2030 - A Cashless, AI-Controlled……
36. And this is how all the Global elite crooks are planning the 2030 NEW WORLD ORDER using European Union as a template and World economic forum as a messenger: 1. All products will have become services.
(…)2. US dominance is over. We have a handful of……
1931 Kanpur Riots Report - How Aurangzeb was declared a saint by Indian National Congress🧵
Do you know Indian National Congress adopted official policy to re-write India's history in 1931 to proclaim that Islam is a peaceful religion??
Lets check the literary desecration of India's history by the Indian National Congress and birth of re-writers of India's history!!
Read on.....
1. The Riots
On 23rd March 1931 after the hanging of Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Shaheed Rajguru, Shaheed Sukhdev, Indian National Congress declared Bharat Bandh.
But in Kanpur few Muslims aligned with British govt and kept their shops open.
This led to social friction with INC workers asking for a complete bandh.
On 24th March 1931 riots started and continued for next 6 weeks leaving 400 dead and almost half of Kanpur burnt to ashes.
The most famous causality of these riots was Congress leader Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi. He was a close friend of Bhagat Singh and Shaheed Chandrashekhar Azad.
Communal riots broke in Kanpur in march 1931 when Muslim shopkeepers refused to close their shops on the request of Hartal by Hindu congressmen. Vidyarthi threw himself in the riots and at many instances saved Muslims from Hindu crowd and Hindus from Muslim mob.
The worst phase of riots began after the hanging of Bhagat Singh on March 23. Vidyarthi was shattered by the loss of his friend. But he had his dharma ahead of him, so he didn’t mourn for long. He asked help from deputy collector and he promised to provide him with escorts. But, as evident from the letters written by Vidyarthi a day before his death, the police did nothing but watched the bloodbath like a spectator.
On march 25, Vidyarthi found a young Hindu who had saved about thirty muslim men, women and children from the blood thirsty mob. The injured had to be taken to the hospital in a lorry without any escort. Meanwhile, the crowd had set houses on fire. Vidyarthi helped people come out of their burning houses and sent the injured in rescue lorry. After the lorry loaded with the victims left, he was left alone with few volunteers.
The two constables who were accompanying them also left. Now, Vidyarthi was trapped between two crowds from both directions of the road, bareheaded and barefooted. The first set of crowd reached him but he was not touched because some among the crowd recognized him from the previous day helping Muslims.
But the other set of crowd wasn’t so thoughtful. He was dragged on the lane by the crowd. The volunteers tried to stop it but Vidyarthi Ji denied any help and said that it was his destiny to die while doing his duty. One volunteer was stabbed to death and others fled for their lives.
Now, Vidyarthi was alone amongst the cruel mob. One among the mob bowed his head down and the other stabbed him in the back with an axe. Once he fell, he was stabbed multiple times and stamped upon by the feet of the mob.
His dead body was found two days later in a gunny sack. His face was completely disfigured and his identity was confirmed by his clothes, letters in his pockets, peculiar hairstyle and a tattoo on his arms. Mahatma Gandhi said that his blood was the cement that would ultimately bind the two communities.
You can read detailed biography of Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi at the below link
2. The Aftermath
The devastation these riots brought was further fueled by official inaction of then British govt.
Tabligh Movement, which was founded by Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Kandhlawi in 1926 and origin of Muslim League has further fueled the religious tension in India by that time. A new movement which originated form Tabligh Movement was Tanzim movement which was fanned by Muslim league rhetoric that Indian National Congress is a Hindu party which actually it was not.
But 1927 Kanpur riots had sowed the seeds of religious strife while Mahatma Gandhi kept on peddling his agenda of Muslim first in a Hindu majority country.
By March of 1931, Hindus and Muslims had diverged politically and economically. The
National Civil Disobedience Movement had caused the initial fracture and subsequent religious
developments ensured that both religious groups would see their interests as conflicting rather than
as collaborative. In the span of eight years, from 1922-1930, when the Nationalist Movement was
inactive, religious organizations proliferated to the extent that they divided Hindus and Muslims
into two camps.
The Congress Movement came to be regarded as a Hindu party, advancing exclusively Hindu interests while the Tanzim Movement gained ground as a platform for Muslims.
In Kanpur, the day after the execution became known, hurried preparations were put in
place for a hartal (boycott) to commemorate Baghat Singh’s execution in a nationwide
The Congress Party in Kanpur had “chalked out a programme for the observance of Bhagat Singh Day” which included a citywide “hartal, bare-footed and bare-headed, silent procession, [and a] meeting in the evening.”
Although Congress leaders headed preparations to inform shopkeepers, “boys and young men would see that a hartal in honour of their own hero, Bhagat Singh, would be a strict and complete.”172 The strict enforcement of the hartal gave way to increasing resentment of Muslim shopkeepers and small clashes erupted across the city the morning of March 24th as
occupants of vehicles were forced to dismount.
By noon on March 24th, the small skirmishes that had led to prominent members of the
Congress Party traversing Kanpur on foot and quelling the small clashes had evolved into larger
acts of violence. Gangs of young men shattered shop windows and threatened shopkeepers with
further acts of vandalism if the shops remained open.
A witness cited in the Kanpur Riots Commission Report, Rai Sahib Rup Chand Jain, a banker and an Honorary Magistrate, corroborated Sale’s testimony.
Declaring “a large number of rowdy Muslims were seen scattered on Halsey and Moolganj roads
armed with lathis (clubs), ballams (spears), khantas (axes), etc.
The Kanpur Riots resulted in the deaths of over 400 people and left a city devastated. In
six days, from March 24th to March 30th 1931, eighteen mosques were burnt, forty-two temples
plundered and over 250 houses damaged.4 Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi, the President of the
United Provinces Provincial Congress Committee, died attempting to protect Hindus from a
Muslim mob, and in every mohalla (neighborhood) of the city, stories emerged of the brutal
atrocities that had taken place.
The aftermath of the riot saw the Governor in Council of the province dismiss District Magistrate, J.F Sale, the highest British civil servant in Kanpur, and
charges of official (British) inaction during the riots coupled with the mismanagement of police
forces became front-page news. The riots, in 1931, conjured up “scenes of devastation,”.
The Leader, an Indian newspaper with a pro-Congress Party slant, daily depicted in April editions of
the newspaper that how much devastation these riots led to.
The Hindu is one of the oldest News papers in India and one of the oldest associates of International Press institute, A CIA front for media propaganda.
Lets check it out!!
1. IPI has its media partner/ members in South Asia: The Hindu
Khabar Lahariya - Funded by IPSMF
Dawn - Pakistan (Pro Muslim League)
Daily Star - Bangladesh (Pro BNP and Muhammad Yunus)
Every year IPI partners with International Media Support (IMS) to host "Free Media Pioneer" awards. in 2021 "The Wire" from India was the winner of this award!!
2. The Siblings
N. Ravi served as the Editor of The Hindu from 1991 to 2003, a tenure of 12 years. He later returned as the Editor-in-Chief in October 2013 and held the position until January 2015.
N. Ravi is elder brother of N. Ram served as the Editor-in-Chief of The Hindu from June 27, 2003, to January 18, 2012, a tenure of nearly 9 years.
Their father is Gopalan Narasimhan who is son of
S. Kasturi Ranga Iyengar who bought the Hindu news paper in 1905 from its erstwhile owners.
N Ravi is member of International Press Institute National committee representing India.
IPI has Barkha Dutt as its board member.
International Press Institute is funded by Ford Foundation Open Society foundation of George Soros.
1. Mike Carney has been appointed the president of Chatham House in March 2024.
2. Since 2016 George Soros has pumped in millions of Dollars into Chatham House through his Open Society Foundation. Mark Carney has been actively associated with Chatham House, serving as the Chair of its Panel of Senior Advisers before being appointed as a President of the institute in March 2024.
How Ayurveda is repackaged by West in the name of new research🧵
National Institute of Health publishes a research report that chewing wood is good for brain and cardiovascular health.
In the seminal book Ashtang Hriday of Ayurveda there is a concept of Dincharya where concept of Daatun (chewing wood stick of special plants to cleanse rhe teeth) has been mentioned. That predates chewing wood for good health to some 2000 years ago.
1. In Dincharya Adhyay of Ashtang Friday start of rhe day is Prataruthana.
Perfect time to wake up is Brahma Mahurta.
2. Second part of Dincharya is Dantadhavana.
Ashtang hriday mentioned the name of suitable plants whose sticks could be chewed to maintain dental/ oral hygiene.
World Economic Forum and Media Propaganda against India🧵
How India's apposition silently engineers anti India propaganda to defame India and Modi Govt.
1. The Signing Canaries
When Supriya Srinate of Indian National Congress and Advocate Prashant Bhushan cited a World Economic forum report to make noise about India being the top country to create disinformation in media, It was a soft hit job engineered by Congress ecosystem using its proxies.
Let see in the next parts of the thread that how it was done!!
2. The report
World Economic forum publishes GLOBAL RISKS REPORT every year.
If you look at the Global Risks Report Advisory Board, you will find one name that stands out:
Amit Behar
Amit Behar Headed Amnesty International India board.
He served as the CEO, Oxfam India.
Now he is part of Board of Directors, Oxfam.
We all know the involvement of Open Society Foundations and Soros with both the non profits.
Amit Behar is also a part of Samrudhha Bharat Foundation which is a front of Indian National Congress.
Yesterday Priyanka Gandhi cited a report by Blume Ventures to claim that out of the 150 crore Indians 100 crore populace are living hand to mouth claiming that middle class of India is reeling under the economic apathy of Modi Govt.
Lets check the actors behind this report to unmask the real face of Congress.
1. The Family venture
Blume venture has been founded by Karthik Reddy and Sanjay Nath.
Among many VCs and Institutional investors its funded by Three family offices:
Hero Family office of Munjal Family
DSP Family office of Hemendra Kothari
Prathiksha Trust of Infosys Co-founder Kris Goapalkrishnan.
2. The Connection
Pavan Munjal heads Hero family office and his cousin Pankaj Munjal (MD of Hero Cycles) who is part of Hero family office is connected to Indian National Congress.
Pankaj Munjal has been a regular panelist of Indian National Congress's flagship conference INDIAS FOR INDIA hosted in UK through BRIDGE INDIA which is another Congress front.
"Ideas for India" conference has been attended by Whos and Whos of INDI Alliance and Rahul Gandhi including Mahua Moitra, Sam Pitroda, Late Sitaram Yechuri and Tejasvi Yadav to name a few.
This conference is a joint collaboration of Congress non profit SAMRUDHHA BHARAT and 1928 Institute (Which is new name for India League founded by VK Krishnamenon, Classmate of Nehru at LSE and later on India's defense minister under Nehru.
You can refer to the below chart about Soros connection to Samrudhha Bharat and Bridge India.
Please refer to my thread link mentioned in the end of this thread to read in detail about Congress backed IDEAS FOR INDIA Conference in UK.