Club Of Rome: The Origin of Climate Emergency and Population Control
How a group shaped the social psychology of the entire humanity to make believe that Humans are destroying the planet Earth and to save the planet Earth Humans must be exterminated.
Welcome to the "Limits of……
1. Foundation of the Club of Rome:
In 1968 when a group of scientists, businessmen, academics, and diplomats were invited by the Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei and the Scottish scientist Alexander King to a meeting in the Accademia Dei Lincei, in a 16th-century palazzo of……
2. The purpose of the meeting was to share ideas about worldwide changes that were taking place as a consequence of human activity. It was an early warning concerning the environment. Peccei observed that many of the problems troubling humankind, such as environmental decline,……
3. Aurelio Peccei was an antifascist businessman who had avoided persecution by the Italian authorities during World War II and played a central role in the rebuilding of Fiat. In the ‘60s, he went to Argentina where he was among the founders of Fiat Concorde. Later, he was……
4. Members of the CLUB OF ROME
It consists of one hundred full members selected from current and former heads of state and government, UN administrators, high-level politicians and government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists, and business leaders from around the……
5. Moment of reckoning for CLUB OF ROME
Club of Rome became famous four years later when its report on “The Limits to Growth” (1972) was published. Controversially, the report pointed out that the temperature of the planet would rise approximately two degrees Celsius by 2052……
6. Harvard graduate and expert on environmental sciences, Donella Meadows was the project leader of the 1972 “The Limits to Growth” report based on the scientific model designed by Jay Wright Forrester, an MIT engineer. A number of warnings were contained in the report about the……
7. Establishing World Environment Day
In the year of 1972, the first Environmental Summit took place in Stockholm, giving birth to World Environment Day on June 5. Almost simultaneously, the United Nations created its Environmental Program (UNEP) and then-US President Richard……
8. This view from Sweden reiterates the history of climate alarmism as being rooted in the Club of Rome, Maurice Strong, and the Rockefeller dynasty. When David Rockefeller created the Trilateral Commission in 1973, its stated goal was to “foster a New International Economic……
9. Today, there are several synonyms for the NIEO: Circular economy, smart growth, sustainable development, Green New Deal, and the Great Reset. These all point back to historic Technocracy, a resource-based economic system vs the price-based system of Free Market Economic……
10. The Trilateral Commission (TLC) is in July 1973 Founded on the initiative of David Rockefeller at a Bilderberg Conference private, policy advisory group (Think Thank). The Commission is a company with ca. 400 highly influential members from the three („Tri“) major……
11. Setting up for global, economic, and Corporate dictatorship in tandem with Trilateral Commission (TLC) to establish a circular economy (NIEO)
In this 1973 documentary, key members of the Club of Rome "the original architects of the climate emergency" assert that absolute……
12. A push for Human population exterminism
The global elite has wanted to bring population growth down for a long time. Club of Rome founder Aurelio Peccei gives 3 solutions for the problem in 1969:
13. Dennis Meadows, one of the original members of the Club of Rome & co-author of 'Limits to Growth', the book models the consequences of a rapidly growing world population and finite resource supplies and focuses on how to slow population growth.
Meadows spoke openly about how……
14. In the below video Howard Cotton, CEO International Council of Nurses openly gives an idiotic sermon on the link between CLIMATE CHANGE and the COVID PANDEMIC. Only the CLUB OF ROME WANTED US TO BELIEVE THIS KIND OF LOGIC.
‘Climate warming’, which later became ‘climate……
15. Controlling global human society by creating a psychology of fear by inventing the nonexistent Apocalypse - Global Elites and NEW WORLD ORDER
To achieve the Club of Rome’s goals and to sweep aside the messy system of nation-states, national sovereignty, and democratic……
16. Finding the COMMON ENEMY of humanity and Publication of the book "THE FIRST GLOBAL REVOLUTION"
The Club of Rome published "First Global Revolution" in 1972, a book that really laid out its agenda for global governance. It called for a globalist/socialist/radical……
17. The Hunt for the golden conspiracy and humanity's feeding with global disinformation
The enemy need not be real, they write in THE FIRST GLOBAL REVOLUTION". It “can be either a real one or else one invented for the purpose.” They explained that “this is the way we are setting……
Club of Rome explained in the book "The First Global Revolution" that “all these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” (A variation of the……
19. At the epicenter of the new movement stood billionaire David Rockefeller. He writes in his 2003 Memoirs that “some even believe that my family and I are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as……
20. The so-called ‘migration’ of populations into Europe and America is no accident. It’s part and parcel of a Trilateral Commission plan to introduce a high degree of chaos which of course will require a militarized police response, to ‘restore order’ and remove huge chunks of……
21. The Club of Rome was quite clear that global governance aimed at solving our world’s problems real or invented would require jettisoning the outdated institutions of democracy. The Club of Rome conceded that “the old democracies have functioned reasonably well over the past……
22. So what do Global elites in the Club of Rome actually want?
At least 4 billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases, and starvation. Energy, food, and water shall be kept at……
23. A push for a circular economy to control the world order
The origins of the Circular Economy are found in Barbara Ward’s book Spaceship Earth (1966) where Earth is a closed system, as on a spaceship, with finite resources that must be used and reused.
24. “Spaceship Earth – The Life Support System” is also the title of a chapter in the Rockefeller Brother Foundation’s 1977 book “The Unfinished Agenda”, a book that has since been promoted by the Club of Rome.
25. The same year this book was published, the circular economy concept was created by the Walter Stahel of the Club of Rome. The Club of Rome as we know, is a Masonic lodge founded in 1968 on David Rockefeller’s estate in Bellagio, Italy.
Late Canadian business tycoon and environmental activist (of course agenda has to be driven by someone) Maurice Strong is one of the industrial tycoons who have been part of the Club of Rome’s circle of grandiose reforms.……
27. The corruption of the Global elites and hunger to control everything
Ahead of the first environmental conference in Stockholm in 1972, Maurice Strong prepared “Only One Earth: The Care and Maintenance of a Small Planet” together with economist Barbara Ward and microbiologist……
28. In the same year, Maurice Strong created the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and made a fortune as a businessman for Alberta Oil and the mineral industries. He was also good friends with David Rockefeller who chaired the Club of Rome. In addition, he was the man……
29. Maurice Strong contributed to the creation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988 by merging the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and UNEP. A smart move was to bring the WMO and its official bureaucrats into the United Nations. The……
An investigation by the United Nations Oil-for-Food Programme, conducted by federal investigators in 2005, revealed that Strong had certified a check for USD 988 885 (today the equivalent of USD 1 610 431) printed on “Mr. M. Strong” by a……
31. Enter the ultimate Devils of the World Economic Forum
In 2017, the World Economic Forum started the public-private collaboration initiative “Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy” (PACE) with Philips CEO Frans van Houten as chairman and with the British solo sailor……
32. In 2016, former EU parliamentarian Anders Wijkman, who is linked to Globe, Club of Rome, and the World Future Council, carried out a “study” for the Club of Rome based on models that predicted positive effects on the climate, environment, and economy. He also pointed out……
Anders Wijkman is a professional lobbyist and political chameleon. Nevertheless, the red-green government of Germany hired him as chairman of a parliamentary inquiry into the “climate strategy” called “Environmental Goals……
33. So how this entire saga unfolded?
Club of Rome - The Optimistic Model for the Planet Earth
Club of Rome proposed Global Environmental Model in 1972 based on "System Dynamics" developed by Jay Forrester. This model was the first global environment model and it used computer……
34. In 1976 The Club Of Rome updated its computer model and introduced "Back Casting", which is to study events of the past to predict events of the future. In the same year, The Club of Rome published a report "The Next 200 Years: A Scenario for America and the World". This……
35. The Devil's Advocate - World economic forum
Now WEF is experimenting with every model proposed by the CLUB OF THE ROME. For example, at WEF 2023 we had a model of the "PROJECT UKRAINE".
And what they want to accomplish:
Ukraine's Goals By 2030 - A Cashless, AI-Controlled……
36. And this is how all the Global elite crooks are planning the 2030 NEW WORLD ORDER using European Union as a template and World economic forum as a messenger: 1. All products will have become services.
(…)2. US dominance is over. We have a handful of……
How a speech in 1968 forecasted that mindless rat race of Multiculturism would bring in the gloom of Grooming Gangs and utter destruction of white UK Society.
UK politicians, media and homeland security covered it up all in the name of racial equity and multiculturalism till date!!
1. The Man
John Enoch Powell MBE (16 June 1912 – 8 February 1998) Was A British Politician, Classical Scholar, Author, Linguist, Soldier, Philologist, And Poet. He Served as A Conservative Member of Parliament (1950–1974), Then the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) MP (1974–1987), And Was Minister of Health (1960–1963).
Powell Attracted Widespread Attention for His "Rivers of Blood" Speech, Delivered in April 1968 to The General Meeting of The West Midlands Area Conservative Political Centre. In It, Powell Criticized the Rates of Immigration into the UK.
2. The Speech
The forewarning:
"As I Look Ahead, I Am filled With Foreboding; Like The Roman, I Seem To See ‘The River Tiber Foaming With Much Blood."
Enoch Powell’s Passionate ‘Rivers Of Blood’ Speech About The Concept Of Integration And How He Felt About British Tradition Being Eroded Had A Deep Impact on Society At The Time It Was Made And In Modern Times.
The Speech Caused A Political Storm, Powell Argued That Although “Many Thousands” Of Immigrants Wanted To Integrate, He Contended That The Majority Did Not And That Some Had Vested Interests In Fostering Racial And Religious Differences “With A View To The Exercise Of Actual Domination, First Over Fellow-Immigrants And Then Over The Rest Of The Population”.
The Deep State Chessboard and India 🧵
A Mega thread 🔥
To understand how deep state infiltrates our Govt., Institutions, Our Society and execute its Agenda with impunity in India.
Read on......
1. The Destiny's child
0n 23rd August 1951 Celebrated American Aviator Najeeb Halabi and His wife and Doris Carlquist were blessed with a girl child named Lisa Halaby.
Najeeb Halaby was born a Syrian Christian.
He served as Head of the US FEDERAL AVIATION AUTHORITY under the US President John Kennedy from 1961 - 63.
Najeeb Halaby later on went on to be the CEO of Pan American Airlines till 1979.
Lisa Halaby was a brilliant student, and she was a part of first coeducational batch of the Princeton University in 1975.
But during her graduate course she took a break and went on to work at famed Aspen Institute as a maid and waitress!!!
Aspen institute was found by US Tycoon Henry Crown who had some deep connections with infamous LANSKY CARTEL of the US Mafia. This cartel formed pan American crime organization called THE SYNDICATE.
Lansky Syndicate was led by Meyer Lansky, often known as the "Mob's Accountant".
Alongside his associates like Charles "Lucky" Luciano and Bugsy Siegel, Lansky was instrumental in the creation and operation of the National Crime Syndicate in the United States.
This group was a coalition of various criminal organizations - Italian American, Jewish, and others - that worked together to control illicit activities.
CIA worked colluded with THE SYNDICATE at every level for their own reasons, especially to overthrow the regime of Fidel Castro in Cuba since Lansky syndicate had huge gambling casino business in Cuba with 100% control.
Lisa Halaby got married to the King Hussein of Jordan to become his 4th wife. King Hussein's clan is direct lineage of Prophet Muhammed.
Lisa Halaby adopts Islam and becomes Queen Noor of the Royal house of Jordan.
2. The CIA Dad of a Queen
Najeeb Halaby father of Lisa Halaby was a one of the few persons to be accorded direct access to the AREA 51.
Being the head of the US FEDERAL AVIATION AUTHORTY and as a famed Experimental pilot he was much sought after resource both by Pentagon and CIA during the peak of the Cold war.
CIA Communication with Najeeb Halaby amply shows this in declassified CIA archives.
Exclusive Report 🔥
सरकार किसी की भी हो, सिस्टम तो हमारा है 🧵
Regime Change in India 🎭
Part 12
How Deep State proxies infect our institutions?
Let's check through National Human Rights Commission of India.
1. The Circus
Did you watch this video of Sonia Gandhi led NAC of UPA 1 and UPA 2.
Watch this wonderful summary by @shreya_arora22 from @Pamphlet_in .
In the year 2018 NHRC issues a notification for Re-constitution of the NHRC Core Group on Human Rights Defenders and NGOs.
In May 2018 the notification goes to existing core groups of NGOs of NHRC for changing the name from the core group of NGOs to Human Rights Defenders and NGOs.
Just look at the notification and guess for yourself.
Exclusive Report 🔥
Regime Change in India
Breaking India, once piece at a time⁉️
Part 11
Do you know the truth behind the visits of Rahul Gandhi's UK Visits?
Let's find out......!!
1. Celebration of Conspiracy
Do you remember this pic?
This is opposition parties of India participating in INDIA WEEK - IDEAS FOR INDIA in the year 2022.
All members of anti India cabal as usual..!!
2. The Network
This event was hosted by:
Bridge India in collaboration with -
Samruddha Bharat Foundation and
The 1928 Institute.
Just look at the below screenshots.
These screenshots paraphrase journalism of Rajdeep Sardesai where we have:
Colin Gonsalves
Sam Pitroda
Nandini Sundar
Lokniti and CSDS
In one of his recent X Posts he defended Soros!!
Let's see why Rajdeep is in so much love with Soros proxies of India and Soros himself......
1. The unwanted Shoutout
Rajdeep made a cat call for downplaying the Soros chorus going on in India.
But why he did that.
Was it intentional or was it faux pass?
Let's find out in the next parts of the thread.
2. Ladli of Deep state
Most of us might have heard about Ladli media awards.
if not even then its ok 😂
Ladli Media awards are hosted since 2009-10 by a Mumbai based NGO "Population First".
Population first runs two initiatives:
Population first is supported by two entities: 1. UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund 2. South Asian Women in Media (SAWM)
The entire show at Population First is run by Dr. K.L. Sharda.
In the year 2009, UNFPA appointed Dr. Sharada as international Consultant and Since then UNFPA is a nonstop partner and sponsor of almost everything at Population first.
Later on, SAWM was added for media initiatives and projects.
Exclusive report🔥
Regime Change in India🧵
Christian missionary Network and Global propaganda of "SLAVERY IN INDIA"
CNN aired a video advertisement under CNN Freedom Project showing "Modern Day mass slavery in India".
This advertisement was prepared by "Justice venture International".
Let's go through this sinister and US State sponsored Christian missionaries' propaganda in the hinterlands of India.
1. The Agenda of The Prayer
Justice Ventures International looks a simple religious organization on the surface indulging in Christian Missionary work.
But when you dig deep, you will find lot of dirt underneath.
2. The Payer of Money making
Justice Venture International is funded by two entities:
International Justice Mission (IJM)
Freedom Fund
International Justice Mission was founded by Garu Haugen who once Assistant Attorney General of the US Govt.
Freedom Fund has been founded by:
1. Humanity United - Founded by Pam Omidyar wife of Pierre Omidyar 2. Legatum - manages End Fund, Luminous Fund, Freedom Fund 3. Walk Free - an OCCRP Collaborator which publishes "Global Slavery Index"
One of the Humanity United board members is India Born Rajasvini Bhansali, one of the most active and powerful women in the Soros led Leftist Non-Profits ecosystem in the US.
We all know about Pam Omidyar and her Husband Pierre Omidyar's Omidyar Network in India and globally also.
Meanwhile Rajasvini Bhansali is executive director of Solidaire Network also.
Freedom Fund is funded by:
The US State Department
Mackenjie Scott (Ex Wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos) through her Yield Giving
Oak Foundation
Laudes Foundation
UBS Foundation
Stardust Foundation
And we know that All of them are leftist ecosystem supporters.