3.2/ ankrFTM is growing in popularity and has many utilities
The ankrFTM token is used in several liquidity pools, which allow investors to provide liquidity and earn rewards.
Available pool right now is @beethoven_x pool with $980K in TVL and a high yield in the double digits.
With the ability to provide liquidity, Investors can provide liquidity in the @beethoven_x pool by using their ankrFTM tokens.
👉🏻 In return, investors will receive $BEETS as rewards which they can then use to receive even more rewards and further enhancing capital efficiency. 👉🏻 l.linklyhq.com/l/1l7g6
5/ Conclusion
Ankr's move to #Fantom will provide investors with a more accessible and user-friendly approach and this also opens up other abilities for $FTM and the #Fantom chain 👻💙