One of @trolllordgames unsung RPGs is Victorious and, for fans of classic literature, this game is seriously bangin'. In this world, Tom Sawyer, Jekyll & Hyde, Jack The Ripper, Sherlock Holmes, Huckleberry Finn and many others all exist in the world
I picked it up during one of the $10 because I thought "Okay if I don't like it, I'm only out ten bucks." but I was pleasantly surprised when I opened it up and looked into it. Still Siege Engine goodness so the only thing you're getting acquainted with is the period and setting
but you could still mash it up with something like Amazing Adventures if you wanted to and really go nuts.
Alternately, if you wanted to do League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, you can absolutely do it with this game. Want horror? Suspense? London by Gaslight, etc, it can all be
done with this book and $20 isn't a bad price for print plus digital, peeps. I recommend it highly. I'm sure you could even run it like Night Shift: Veterans of The Supernatural Wars by @ElfLairJasonTLG and @timsbrannan. Jason writes #AmazingAdventures, BTW so definitely check
THAT one out as well and, hell, might as well have a look into #NightShift and the upcoming #WastedLands while you're looking into new stuff!
Made this point last night while talking with @PaddyohCakes, when it comes to @leylinepress, they make stuff for #Mothership and they're indie. Okay, had they acted professionally, I probably would be there and their company might have even made my #MailCall thread. That being
said, they did not act professionally, nor with any ethics. LP seems to forget that, when someone is freelance, they take work wherever it comes, whenever it comes. That's it. They don't get to say "You can't do work on these properties or with these people."
Might have gotten
away with it, had they just kept it in house, left it alone and just never said a word. I might have even been ordering from them and would never have been the wiser but they had to make a show out of it. Not only was it unprofessional but they showed what absolute shit behavior
Let's teach shall we? First Lesson. No one asked for your opinion. Second lesson. No one asked for your approval. Third lesson. No one asked for your permission. Fourth. The "demographics" of which you speak don't purchase or play. The demographics that do will call our shit
behavior from companies when they display shit behavior. Fifth and final, the conduct from Leyline Press was unprofessional and was the best ad for LoTFP.
All they had to do was keep it in house and leave it at that...professionally. If anyone will be drowning, it's LP, not
Lamentations of The Flame Princess.
One more point, Raggi slashed the hell out of prices on his PDFs in a bold business move, capitalizing on LP's mistake and now he's getting more people to check out his wares especially after his very professional response.
The absolute best thing about #TTRPGs is that I love to read. Love it.
I love reading stories about all these characters that get to do all these great things. I love some of the supporting characters that, were it not for them, the hero or heroine would not be able to overcome
the great odds that face them and rise to greatness and become memorable legends.
Now, here's the absolute best thing about it all. I get to be at least one of those characters for a little while and when I look back on that session or campaign I get to say, "Yeah, I did that."
I don't need someone to nerf the snakes that I may fear in real life. I don't need representation. I'm already represented. I made a character sheet. Either I'm in there as some version of myself or I'm not myself at all. I get to make that choice but whatever happens, I still
There's a lot to unpack here so I'm going to start with why the initial tweet is a shutdown tactic. First, we need to visit the blog after reading the opening about this not being "The Satanic Panic" and we find this in the very opening of the entire thing
"So I've been fixating on two disparate yet convergent streams of thought these days. The first you're familiar with, that being that the ultimate purpose of MKULTRA et al was to prepare vessels for entity possession."
Fact: The CIA's Project: Monarch (aka MKULTRA) at it's most
Okay, so here's the thing about the #GunControl and #MentalHealth argument NOW coming from the hardline republican side that's coming out in the wake of the latest mass-shooting. Let me start with the points I can agree on with reasonable voices. Let's do this 🧵
1. Teachers should have the OPTION of arming themselves and training.
2. Schools should be able to facilitate time for teachers who wish to exercise said option.
3. Schools need to be posting signs (even if it's just one teacher) that the teachers are armed, trained and ready
to use deadly force, if presented.
I can agree that the, mistakenly-celebrated, gun-free zone is nothing but an advertisement for sitting ducks.
Here's where my Pro-Gun crowd is going to flip out and start going nuts but I'm going to say it and the only thing I'm asking is