Raven Wulfgar: The Rune Hacker Profile picture
Wolf of Óðinn. Ordained Minister with Universal Life Church Grand Master of The Ordo Penduli. Not A Puritan #Heathen #TTRPGer, #Tarot, #Oracle, & #Rune Reader
Mar 13 20 tweets 4 min read
Yanno, I really haven't commented on this Luigi Mangione/United Healthcare situation and I think it's time I should but it will be absolutely brutally honest so let's fucking party, shall we?

Some of you may have short-ass memories but remember the ACA? Well what the ACA did didn't make any healthcare affordable at all. In fact, it made everyone mandatory customers to health insurance companies. How many are there? As of 2017, it was estimated at 904 but the total would be about 5,654 registered in the US.

Source: policyadvice.net/insurance/insi…
Feb 2 6 tweets 1 min read
#Rune & #Tarot combination each week is really getting us to the point where the truth is coming out. With the dawn upon us, we know that we can emerge from darkness being upright and true people moving forward.

We can tell those still spewing lies at us that it won't work any longer. Their lying, manipulation, deceit and trickery is dying and now the process will accelerate. You will see that we re-assert our authority and use it wisely. We will move forward, leaving them with only two choices; Those people will either drop the act for good and move
Oct 16, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Any religion can be a religion of peace. Even mine. My beliefs don't become violent until I am encroached. As it stands, not one of you who isn't part of my faith is condemned to an eternal torment, nor are you required to join. Ever.

If you ask, I'll simply introduce you to it via books, discussions, good laughs and possibly good food and drink.

Should there be someone who feels some kind of way so badly that I'm not part of their ideology (religious, political, who are we kidding, aren't they really the same now?) that they must force it upon me,
Jul 25, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
For those of you who might be curious (If not, feel free to keep scrolling, it's cool) The Havamal is one of my favorite books in the world. The wisdom dispensed in the more grounded, first set of verses is like advice given from parent to child and full of substantive lessons. among them are verses that reflect quotes like the quote "This life is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid." which I think we can all agree on no matter what religious, political, racial, gender or income lines that have been drawn. Primarily, I want to focus solely on
Jun 24, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
While I upload to other platforms, I wanted to say something that's been on my brain. There's no FauxSR.

@Wizards_DnD forced the hands of many creators in the industry after their attempted hamstringing OF the industry, including indies.

To keep themselves from being sued, many chose, rightfully so, to create entirely new systems suited to their games and settings inspired by older rule sets.

Ascending & Descending AC, Random encounters, reactions, surprise, etc are all part of those rule sets and thus are suited to GM/Table preferences
Jun 4, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Just wanted to put this out there. Some of y'all know I'm Heathen in my faith but while I'm here I'll post my divination videos, maybe the occasional shot of the altar, maybe even talk about some books I've read. I wake up, I shit, shower, scrape the fangs, pull on my clothes and head to work. I do my work, I come home. Might eat and play some games, do some more work on projects that I'm currently working on, fuck around on Twitter, watch some shit, hit the bed and do it all over again.

When that paycheck comes in, bills get taken care of, groceries
Jun 4, 2023 5 tweets 8 min read
So, Dennis Detwiller or whatever his name is from Delta Green hates you because he thinks you need his permission, consent and approval to exist. Well 🖕 and buy from the following instead:

@moordereht & @mrsmoordereht
@TheBasicExpert1 @amazinggamepro
Jun 3, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
A quick message because I think it's necessary to say. Might be a thread. We'll see.

Creators in the #TTRPG hobby.

Make the games. Stop attacking customers. Stop putting real world politics or identity garbage in those games. Stop fostering division between your audience. You are to blame for any losses you have. The most successful businesses make good products that people want to purchase. They improve those products and people will buy them again and again depending on some variables but I'll give you a couple of examples.
May 12, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Made this point last night while talking with @PaddyohCakes, when it comes to @leylinepress, they make stuff for #Mothership and they're indie. Okay, had they acted professionally, I probably would be there and their company might have even made my #MailCall thread. That being said, they did not act professionally, nor with any ethics. LP seems to forget that, when someone is freelance, they take work wherever it comes, whenever it comes. That's it. They don't get to say "You can't do work on these properties or with these people."

Might have gotten
May 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Let's teach shall we? First Lesson. No one asked for your opinion. Second lesson. No one asked for your approval. Third lesson. No one asked for your permission. Fourth. The "demographics" of which you speak don't purchase or play. The demographics that do will call our shit Image behavior from companies when they display shit behavior. Fifth and final, the conduct from Leyline Press was unprofessional and was the best ad for LoTFP.

All they had to do was keep it in house and leave it at that...professionally. If anyone will be drowning, it's LP, not
May 10, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Updated Library Time!!!! #TTRPGS ImageImageImageImage ImageImageImageImage
May 9, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The absolute best thing about #TTRPGs is that I love to read. Love it.

I love reading stories about all these characters that get to do all these great things. I love some of the supporting characters that, were it not for them, the hero or heroine would not be able to overcome the great odds that face them and rise to greatness and become memorable legends.

Now, here's the absolute best thing about it all. I get to be at least one of those characters for a little while and when I look back on that session or campaign I get to say, "Yeah, I did that."
May 9, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
One of @trolllordgames unsung RPGs is Victorious and, for fans of classic literature, this game is seriously bangin'. In this world, Tom Sawyer, Jekyll & Hyde, Jack The Ripper, Sherlock Holmes, Huckleberry Finn and many others all exist in the world

trolllord.com/tlgstore/#!/Vi… I picked it up during one of the $10 because I thought "Okay if I don't like it, I'm only out ten bucks." but I was pleasantly surprised when I opened it up and looked into it. Still Siege Engine goodness so the only thing you're getting acquainted with is the period and setting
Apr 25, 2023 38 tweets 8 min read
Okay, let's break this down. This is Rumor Control and These Are The Facts.

Starting with this shutdown tactic of a tweet (Got a screenshot in case anyone wants it and are suddenly unable to view the initial tweet. Let's go. There's a lot to unpack here so I'm going to start with why the initial tweet is a shutdown tactic. First, we need to visit the blog after reading the opening about this not being "The Satanic Panic" and we find this in the very opening of the entire thing
Mar 28, 2023 34 tweets 8 min read
Okay, so here's the thing about the #GunControl and #MentalHealth argument NOW coming from the hardline republican side that's coming out in the wake of the latest mass-shooting. Let me start with the points I can agree on with reasonable voices. Let's do this 🧵 1. Teachers should have the OPTION of arming themselves and training.

2. Schools should be able to facilitate time for teachers who wish to exercise said option.

3. Schools need to be posting signs (even if it's just one teacher) that the teachers are armed, trained and ready
Jul 11, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
Okay so final thoughts on #TheNorthman. The attention to detail was amazing. Where it played on the Heathen spirituality was also accurate. It wasn't organized (as we understand it today.) The focus on Amleth, Olga and Amleth's quest for revenge was nothing short of awesome. Fight scenes were fuuuuuucking bruuuuuutal. There were moments that made ME recoil and that's no easy task. Jeez! Robert Eggers absolutely indulging the hell out of his need to provide cinematography porn wasn't out of vain indulgence alone, it fit. It fit really well.
Jul 10, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I have to say ...this. Not every table is going to be for me. That's something I get going in. Not every game is going to be for me. The way someone DMs a game, they built the world, they did the prep, they went through the headache. Their Table, Their Rules. If I don't like them it's something out of my control. You know what I CAN control though? How I handle it. I've left tables before. I didn't interrupt. I just bided my time until the end of the game and informed the DM that I thanked him for his time and effort but I don't think I can continue
Jan 5, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
Listen, I'm going to share two very unpopular opinions but all I'm asking is that you hear me out.

We're gonna have to make a hard decision here. Do you really want government involved with healthcare or not? If you do, then anti-abortion activists need to get snuggly with government-mandated interventions. Each side claims to be White-Knighting for the other. Those on the Right claim they're saving the lives of children, those on the left claim they're saving everyone. Both are screaming for government to solidify their positions. Fact.
Nov 16, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Know one thing. At my funeral I will request that @iglooproducts make my coffin. I will be walled off in the middle with about three feet of cooler all around me with all manner of drinks on ice around me. When you come to see me, grab a drink. Drinks on the stiff. There had better fucking well be music and laughter. My detractors? If they show, you may abuse them as you please. Treat them without care or mercy. In fact, if you overdrink and decide to hurl on one of them, that also gets my seal of approval. You are hereby encouraged to tell
May 30, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
I'm going to put this into a thread because it's needed. I don't know how long it will be so grab a snack and something to drink. You might need it.

Simply Put, David Is 100% Correct Here.

Sadly, David Is 100% Correct Here. Allow me to illustrate Go ahead. Look at it. Take your time. Really take it in. There's a point that will be made and it's high time some of you got this. It's called a peony, by the way. Seriously, take it all in, the texture, colors, everything.
May 24, 2021 24 tweets 6 min read
Another thread, If you want to read, great, if not, that's okay too but here goes.

I'm going to surprise you with something. Yes, I own this. This is mine. There are many others like it but this one is mine, as is said in Full Metal Jacket: So why am I bringing that up along with my Kindle laying next to it? The answer is simple. It is to make a point, and it's one I've made many times. I Do Not Support Book Burning/Content Bans.

It's my understanding that, for many of you following me,