In addition to governmental help like tax breaks, WIC and Medicaid, there are many non-profits in the US that help low-income families. Here's a thread of some of them.
Habitat for Humanity's mission is to provide affordable housing for low-income families in need, and they accomplish this by building and renovating homes using volunteer labor and donated materials.
Parents Anonymous® Inc. is a premier family-strengthening organization leading the way in prevention by positively impacting the well-being of families and communities worldwide. They also have listings of resources available in each state.…
Expectant management is an option, but so is early delivery. “I say this as a pro-life physician: It is appropriate to deliver at that point. Because we know that likelihood that four days, six days [later], she’s going to be clinically infected."…#prolife
"the likelihood for progression to life-threatening sepsis for the mother is high, and the prognosis for continued extra-uterine life for the fetus is poor, the law allows an exception where an abortion is necessary to preserve the 'life of the mother'. "…
The lawsuit begins by saying the crisis experienced by Zurawski is a “direct result of Texas’s abortion bans.” But later in the document, admits that the law does not require hospitals to wait to act until a life-threatening condition becomes dire.…
Abortion workers know they are killing human beings. If that's not what you want to do, pregnancy resource centers can point you to other sources of help, such as WIC, Medicaid (half of the births in the US fall under Medicaid), SNAP and TEFAP.
If a woman needs a place to stay, there are many maternity homes she can go to, including those listed here:
Not the only thing that has been nearly scrubbed from the internet. Attempts are being made to scrub medical references to embryo hearts and heartbeats and change definitions. #ScrubbedFromTheInternet